Spielman and Hooley

Former Ohio State linebacker and Fox NFL analyst Chris Spielman and veteran Ohio media personality Bruce Hooley have taken their successful radio partnership to their own podcast, where they discuss all things Ohio State, NFL and professional and college sports, while also freely incorporating their Christian faith into meaningful, encouraging conversations about their lives as husbands and fathers and men striving to live by Biblical truth.
Excellent Podcast
Hi Bruce, I truly enjoy the combination of sports and faith in each of your podcasts. I was so happy to see the podcast come back in February and your desire to keep these going each week again. Then they stopped again for a month or so now. I hope you are able to revive these and bring them back regularly. Thank you, Greg in Harrville
I listen to every podcast. Insightful, succinct and entertaining. I’ve always enjoyed listening to Bruce, whether it was at the fan, on the pod or now on the Answer. He is committed to his faith and his values as evident in the faith portion of the podcast. Just wish he would do more episodes of We Tackle Life.
Fundamentalism and Sports
Bruce- you’re not qualified to teach religion or fundamentalist Christian ideology on sky any front. Going to church and reading a Bible doesn’t make you an authority. Unlike journalism or theology & pre-med, my degrees and advanced degrees, people who spread the great commission do not understand the first thing about it. I attended a southern Baptist church in a small town (New Albany 80’s-90’s and thank god it closed) but they always read the Bible in the prose form in a literal & denotative manner which the Bible wasn’t written in this form if you can read Greek and Hebrew, like every great religion, the Bible is best understood in poetic form- meaning figurative and in a connotation. Somewhere, the fundamentalist Christian faith has spread a false premise about how Christianity spread. It’s not because of the great commission, Christianity spread through war (the bloodshed of 100’s of millions). through tribalism, feudalism, colonialism and also assimilating other societal/cultural beliefs into Christianity (up until recently) and lastly, most important money! Money is at the center of every Christian church. Yes, you can try to tear my arguments down but I had to write a undergrad thesis, a masters thesis and a PhD thesis. One of my 3 thesis’s was written based upon this very topic. The great commission calls back to the original Covenant with God, in addition to being open to others, their culture and beliefs. Christianity was meant to be flexible, not a literal Rock or sledge hammer. Paul’s misogyny and prejudice has created so much misunderstanding of the teachings but most of Christ’s teaching can be found in the Old Testament, the Talmud and Pharisaic writings. His teachings were also being practiced by other parts of the world 500-1000 years before his birth. So, if you wanna be more than a fundamentalist 6-week Bible study minister; take some theology classes at an accredited university. Maybe go study in the Middle East like I did for a semester. Otherwise, stick to journalism because no offense, outside of your a personal spirituality, repeating what comes our of your preacher’s mouth and your understanding is like a Journalist trying to cover Marvin Harrison Jr. What happened to you after 97.1, you’ve lost all sense reality. I truly hoped this show was gone because of the conspiratorial politics, hate, prejudice, fear and fundamentalism this show spreads. Btw- Al churches should be taxed because rarely does the money taken in make it into the community just goes to the affiliated Convention to be passed around to those who don’t believe but no how to get rich and use religion to create fear/conformity out of others. Not what Christ taught, nor did he teach Paul’s moronic vision of the great commission. Paul changed and ruined Christ’s teaching and his only 2 commandments but who cares right. I’m just some random nobody with nothing. You sir need to properly educate yourself, as a journalist- figured you’d question everything. You should talk to Steve Deace (now he’s Catholic and a Michigan fan who went to MSU) he hosts an Iowa conservative podcast and radio show to spread fear and propaganda- using religion quite a bit, you’d love him. There’s one funny thing ultra religious people fail to realize, every religion spreads the one sane central truth but it just goes over everyone’s heads. BTW- The Transcendent has many faces, many races and many genders. Awful podcast since the beginning! Bruce’s knowledge on sports in Ohio is shaky at best, he’s run himself out of every job he’s ever had because of his judgmental attitude.
Podcast that just fits me
The We Tackle Life podcast is full of wisdom when it comes to sports and faith. Always enjoy Bruce’s take on the Browns and Buckeyes. May not agree with all his takes but enjoy listening to them. The faith portion is what I truly need and why I have been a faithful listener from the start. Just recently Bruce’s take on adversity hit me. It is not always easy to go through but often times it is what makes us grow in our faith. Hope these podcasts continue as they provide a great outlet for me. Thanks Bruce.
- CreatorBruce Hooley
- Years Active2019 - 2023
- Episodes392
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Copyright 2025