26 min

Ep.19 | Too Much Thinking Square Peg Round Hole

    • Self-Improvement

We overthink. And the thoughts bouncing around in our brains shape our world and become our reality. We also take life too seriously. Is it any wonder we are so emotionally stressed and uptight? What would happen if we chose to relax, care less, and see life as a beautiful gift? Because it is precisely that, my friends. That truth is available for everyone to experience every single day.You don't have to take everything so serious or let others' thoughts dictate your days which means you...

We overthink. And the thoughts bouncing around in our brains shape our world and become our reality. We also take life too seriously. Is it any wonder we are so emotionally stressed and uptight? What would happen if we chose to relax, care less, and see life as a beautiful gift? Because it is precisely that, my friends. That truth is available for everyone to experience every single day.You don't have to take everything so serious or let others' thoughts dictate your days which means you...

26 min