43 min

Strategy Products - What's All That About? - Kaitlin Maud, Strategy Boss Sweathead, A Strategy Podcast

    • Marketing

Kaitlin Maud is back. As co-founder of Austin's Current Forward, Kaitlin has spent time thinking about and developing products from strategy services. It's one of those ideas that sounds cool and seductive but what does creating strategy products mean and can it even work?
You can find Kaitlin here https://twitter.com/kaitlinmaud

The Kickstarter for "Strategy Is Your Words" is live http://bit.ly/strategykickstarter

Kaitlin Maud is back. As co-founder of Austin's Current Forward, Kaitlin has spent time thinking about and developing products from strategy services. It's one of those ideas that sounds cool and seductive but what does creating strategy products mean and can it even work?
You can find Kaitlin here https://twitter.com/kaitlinmaud

The Kickstarter for "Strategy Is Your Words" is live http://bit.ly/strategykickstarter

43 min