20 episodes

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The Easy Win AI Real Estate Show Dr. Adam Gower

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    • 4.8 • 32 Ratings

The only podcast you need on real estate and AI.

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    Can AI Solve the Housing Crisis?

    Can AI Solve the Housing Crisis?

    My YouTube show/podcast guest this week, Chris Christensen, NAR's Director of Technology Policy, is particularly interesting (not that other shows are not!) because Chris handles ‘policy’ which means much of his daily life is spent on or around The Hill in DC.
    Though representing the National Association of  Realtors, so very much a real estate focus, Chris deals with a broad range of issues pertaining to the implementation of AI – many that go way beyond plain ol’ real estate applications.
    Watch (or listen) to this episode to hear Chris discussing, through the lens of policy making at the highest levels, (can you discuss something through a lens?), copyright and privacy issues amongst other things, stressing how regulation is evolving to keep up.
    He talks about how the NAR is actively exploring AI use cases, focusing initially on enhancing internal tools. how AI models streamline data accessibility on the NAR website, aiding in underwriting guidelines, and for member resources.
    There are some incredibly powerful housing data and predictive analytics that emerge as key areas where AI can provide significant value and Chris explains how NAR members will be able to access this wealth of data.
    Here are some highlights we discuss:
    AI in Real Estate: Chris explains how AI can enhance customer experience, streamline operations, and provide competitive advantages to agents who use it.
    Regulatory Landscape: AI’s impact on bias, copyright, and privacy, and the need for robust regulation.
    Practical Applications: AI's role in transaction management, zoning, tax policy, and data accessibility on the NAR website.
    Housing Crisis: AI's potential to improve housing affordability and liquidity (this is a biggy).
    And to wrap up, I ask all guests the same three questions. Here are Chris’s answers (the 3rd one is gnarly!)
    1. Why should real estate investors or professionals be paying attention to AI today?
    Embrace Change: AI is fundamentally changing core principles of real estate. Ignoring it will be perilous, while embracing it can lead to personal and business advantages.
    Competitive Edge: Using AI can help you differentiate yourself among your peers, giving you a significant competitive edge.
    Inexpensive Solutions: Many AI solutions are not expensive, offering easy and cost-effective ways to stand out and increase efficiency.
     2. How do you use AI daily? What tools and apps do you use?
    Note-Taking and CRM: AI tools are used for taking notes and managing customer relationships.
    Presentations and Writing: AI assists, like Gemini, in creating presentations and writing white papers.
    Image Generation: Various image generation tools are used to visualize concepts.
     3. One easy win using AI for listeners/viewers to try immediately:
    OpenAI Covert Influence Operations Report: Chris recommends reading the recently released report on how AI is used for covert influence operations on social media. It makes for intense reading: https://openai.com/index/disrupting-deceptive-uses-of-AI-by-covert-influence-operations/
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
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    • 40 min
    AI Giants Taking Over San Francisco Office Spaces

    AI Giants Taking Over San Francisco Office Spaces

    Here’s how AI is directly driving up real estate values.
    My YouTube show/podcast guest this week is Derek Daniels, Regional Research Director for Colliers in the Bay Area.
    Derek is a San Francisco office market expert and see first-hand the significant impact of AI on San Francisco's commercial real estate market.
    This is a great episode if you are anywhere near an AI hub of activity (San Francisco and environs, of course, Seattle, Boston, NYC, and Austin).
    You’ll learn about the evolving dynamics of the commercial real estate market driven by AI and get insights into opportunities for adaptation, growth, and investment.
    Get this.
    In San Francisco along, AI companies have leased (at time of recoding) 1.5 million square feet of office space, representing 25% of new leases amidst a backdrop of 35 million square feet of vacant space.
    Might not seem like a huge proportion – but for the owners of those office building…!
    Listen in to learn about the variety of spaces AI companies are leasing, from Class C to high-end Class A offices, light industrial spaces, and why flexibility and hybrid work models are crucial for these companies.
    And, as always, Derek was the proud recipient of my weekly three questions I ask of all guests.
    Here are his answers:
    Why should real estate professionals pay attention to AI today?
    AI tools can significantly enhance efficiency by automating routine tasks, allowing professionals to focus on high-impact activities.
    AI will create efficiencies and drive changes, some positive and some challenging, influencing the broader economy.

    Practical AI use for real estate professionals:
    Use AI to consolidate notes, generate report outlines, and craft social media posts. AI can also assist in writing emails by organizing thoughts and adjusting formality levels.  
    Here are some easy win uses of AI that listeners can immediately try.
    Use AI tools to help write emails.
    Generate messaging for clients or prospects with paraphrasing models or text generators.
    Input your thoughts and let AI rearrange them for clarity and effectiveness.
    Adjust formality levels with AI to match the context [love this one. AG]
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
    Get early notice of hot new game-changing AI real estate apps.
    Walk away with something you can actually use in every episode.
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    All exclusively for real estate investors that make learning AI fun and easy and insanely productive, for free.

    • 29 min
    AI's massive first mover advantage

    AI's massive first mover advantage

    What a pleasure it was to speak with  L.D. Salmanson, Co-founder and CEO of Cherre, for this week’s podcast. 
    Cherre is dramatically transforming real estate investment and management by leveraging cutting-edge data science and AI to consolidate massive amounts of data (including users’ own data – it’s NOT easy to do but Cherre have done it), so they can find opportunities across all aspects of their operations in seconds.
    L.D.’s use case examples are crazy: ‘I am looking for this kind of asset, with these exact demographics, with these kinds of tax breaks, in this type of market’ – and boom! out comes a selection for you to look at.
    You won’t believe what Cherre can do and, if you are anything like me, you’ll want to set up an account as soon as you finish listening!
    Alas, however, the tool is only being used currently by some of the top institutional investors but, L.D. assures me, making it available for mere mortals like thee and me is on their horizon.
    Spend a few minutes tuning in to hear one of the foremost leaders in moving real estate into the future in this episode with L.D. Salmanson.
    Cherre's core functions:
    Building detailed asset models to reduce expenses while increases revenues.
    Creating sensitivity tables so investors can identify optimal investment (or divestment) strategies.
    Connecting disparate data with advanced tools to detect anomalies and find opportunities.
    Key Points Discussed:
    Advanced Tools: Data retrieval, integrity, conversational bots, GPT Omni model for omni-channel interactions.
    AI Capabilities: Vision, voice, text interpretation; future potential for smell interpretation.
    Platform Functions: Builds asset models, sensitivity tables; connects disparate data using entity resolution engines, knowledge graphs, machine learning, AI to detect anomalies.
    Data Processing & Visualization: Uses Snowflake, Google, Microsoft, Power Bi, Click, Tableau.
    Technological Highlights: Autoregressive models, attention mechanisms, large language models (LLMs) in natural language processing.
    Don't miss L.D.'s insights on the inevitable integration of AI into real estate, the efficiencies it brings, and his use of GPT Omni to streamline presentation prep.
    Cherre stands as a visionary leap in data-driven real estate management.
    From L.D.
    Why should real estate professionals be paying attention to AI today?
    AI is set to revolutionize real estate similarly to how it transformed financial services, automating intermediary processes and enhancing decision-making. Those who adapt early will gain significant advantages, while late adopters risk falling behind​​.
    How do you use AI daily? What tools and apps do you like to use?
    I use GPT Omni extensively for preparing weekly company presentations, reducing preparation time from 8-10 hours to 2-3 hours. I also use Claude for interactive idea discussions and refining presentation content​​ .
    Can you think of an easy win that somebody could do immediately after listening today?
    An easy win is building asset models with AI. By inputting an assumptions table into a model, AI can populate the inputs and create sensitivity tables, reducing manual errors and saving significant time​​.
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
    Get early notice of hot new game-changing AI real estate apps.
    Walk away with something you can actually use in every episode.
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    All exclusively for real estate investors that make learning AI fun and easy and insanely productive, for free.

    • 40 min
    An AI Game Changer for Real Estate Agents

    An AI Game Changer for Real Estate Agents

    My guest today is Zach Gorman who co-founded the RealReports platform, which consolidates dozens of data sources into one easy to use platform, provides an AI assistant to trawl through it, and that is giving agents who use it an unfair competitive advantage.
    This is a really cool tool.  I tried it on a couple of properties that I own and, OMG, instead of having to go to a dozen different websites to grab the data I need, bingo! it's all there in one place with one click. 
    Love it!
    RealReports has raised $2 million in seed funding, is aiming for profitability in the coming months, and is scaling fast.
    For sure, one of the biggest challenges anyone in the residential market faces is due diligence and the challenge of having to search around in the hopes nothing is missed. Here are some of the data points that RealReports consolidates (of dozens more) in their property reports:
    Rental income projections (long and short term)
    Remodel prospects
    Climate risk
    Tax history
    Zach explains how RealReports surpasses Zillow and Redfin (and other similar sites) in their analytics and talks about their AI-powered assistant, Aiden, (also, really cool – like having an assistant out on the road with you in real time, answering questions about every property you see).
    Aiden analyzes documents, photos, videos, and all the disparate information sources that RealReports consolidates and allows you to ‘chat’ with it by asking questions. 
    Imagine driving around a neighborhood and wanting to know everything there was to know about a property… just ask Aiden – and then ask Aiden to give you the owner’s phone number so you can put in a call right then and there.
    From Zach:
    Why should real estate professionals pay attention to AI?
    Agents and brokers who use AI will replace those who do not – because AI enhances productivity, speeds up processes, and allows professionals to provide value faster, thus setting them apart from those who do not use AI​​.
    What AI tools do you use daily?
    Zack uses several AI tools, including ChatGPT, DALL-E, Bard, Leonardo, Copy AI, and Lex. These tools help him manage tasks like content creation, graphic design, and social media, significantly reducing the need for additional hires​​.
    What is an easy win with AI for listeners?
    Zack recommends using AI to incrementally learn about a complex topic. Start by asking AI to explain a concept as if to a preschooler, then progressively increase the difficulty level to a PhD level. This method makes understanding complex topics more manageable and less frustrating​​.
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
    Get early notice of hot new game-changing AI real estate apps.
    Walk away with something you can actually use in every episode.
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    All exclusively for real estate investors that make learning AI fun and easy and insanely productive, for free.

    • 52 min
    How CRE brokers crush the competition with AI

    How CRE brokers crush the competition with AI

    If you are a commercial real estate broker you need to listen to this conversation with newly appointted Chief Executive Officer Helen Calvin, of the AI driven platform, Buildout.  Helen, at the  time of recording, held the role as chief growth officer.
    You'll discover how Buildout is dramatically changing CRE broker marketing methods, both to find deal flow as well as to sell properties, by providing innovative tools that streamline broker workflows, save time, and boost productivity.
    Power users of this platform will gain a very significant competitive advantage over brokers who maintain 'old school' ways of conducting business.
    Don't kid yourself. Buildout is definitely a case of 'you won't be replaced by AI, you'll be replaced by someone who uses AI.'
    Check out this episode; Helen is a great guest and compelling to listen to. Here's what I've got for you in this episode:
    Key Topics Covered:
    Brokers’ Workflow on Buildout:
    Efficiency: Reduces non-revenue generating activities (AKA grunt work).
    Features: Property research, owner contact info, AI assistant (Al) for task management.
    Tools: Buildout mobile app for real-time property information and communication.
    AI Capabilities:
    AI Assistant (AL): Helps with property valuation, likely to sell scores, and task management.
    Predictive Analytics: Enhances decision-making by identifying high-probability sales opportunities.
    Technology Integration and Competitors:
    AI's impact: Accelerates CRE early adopters’ competitive advantage in the industry.
    Competitors: Buildout competes with platforms like Costar and LoopNet.
    Innovation: Emphasis on rapid technology adoption and industry-specific solutions.
    User Experience and Benefits:
    Power User: Maximizes efficiency and productivity using Buildout tools.
    AI's role: Automates routine tasks, allowing brokers to focus on high-value activities.
    From Helen:
    Why should real estate professionals be paying attention to AI today?
    AI is advancing rapidly, making it crucial to find a partner who can leverage it.
    Ignoring AI can lead to becoming obsolete.
    How do you use AI daily?
    Uses ChatGPT and other AI platforms for writing and as a better search engine.
    AI excels in cross-entity searches, providing comprehensive solutions.
    What is an easy AI win for viewers?
    Download Buildout's app (buildout.com), available for free with a $59/month promotion for the first three months.
    Contact current technology vendors and ask how they are addressing AI and its benefits. Evaluate their responses to decide if they are suitable partners.
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
    Get early notice of hot new game-changing AI real estate apps.
    Walk away with something you can actually use in every episode.
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    All exclusively for real estate investors that make learning AI fun and easy and insanely productive, for free.

    • 35 min
    Short-Term Rentals on AI Steroids

    Short-Term Rentals on AI Steroids

    Are you a short term rental owner? Airbnb-er?
    Want to know how AI is fundamentally changing the real estate industry?
    Then listen to today's episode with guest Luca Zambello, founder of Jurny.
    I guarantee it'll be worth your while and here's why. Today, one person can handle 7-8 short term rental (STR) units on their own.  Using current technology, at a stretch, maybe 16-17 units.  With Jurny - one person will be able to manage 200 units.
    You have to listen to this episode.
    Luca is fascinating.
    Key Points:
    How Jurny does it:

    Integrates IoT devices like smart locks and thermostats to streamline operations.
    AI-driven dynamic pricing.
    Integrating cleaning management.
    Automated guest check-in with AI chat bots.
    Real-time problem-solving through AI bots.
    Chat bots are indistinguishable from humans – except they’re faster and do a better job.
    Unifies fragmented hospitality solutions into a single, cohesive system.
    Benefits for STR owners:
    Efficiency: Reduces manual tasks and operational overhead, enabling focus on high-level tasks.
    Improved Guest Experience: Provides timely, professional, and consistent guest interactions.
    Scalability: Supports efficient management of a large number of units with fewer staff.
    Reliability: Ensures high reliability and consistency in operations through integrated systems.
    From Luca:
    Why Should Real Estate Professionals Pay Attention to AI Today?
    AI is a major disruptor similar to how e-commerce impacted retail. The efficiency gap created by AI means businesses not adopting it will struggle to compete. Massive investments by leading companies in AI signal its importance and potential impact.
    How Do You Use AI on a Daily Basis?
    ChatGPT: Primarily uses custom GPTs created through ChatGPT Premium.
    Example: Created an "Investor Helper" GPT to handle frequently asked investor questions, saving significant time.
    Word Polisher: Uses AI to refine and polish email content for professionalism and clarity.
    One Easy Win for Listeners to Try Using AI:
    Learn How to Prompt: Understanding how to craft effective prompts is crucial.
    Example: Instead of a simple request, ask the AI to generate a series of questions to gather all relevant information, resulting in a more accurate and useful output.
    Suggested Method: "I want to write an article on AI. Can you ask me 20 questions to ensure you have all the relevant information to create the best prompt?"
    The only Podcast you need on real estate and AI.
    Learn how other real estate pros are using AI to get ahead of their competition.
    Get early notice of hot new game-changing AI real estate apps.
    Walk away with something you can actually use in every episode.
    PLUS, subscribe to my free newsletter and get:
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    All exclusively for real estate investors that make learning AI fun and easy and insanely productive, for free.

    • 43 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
32 Ratings

32 Ratings

Sher61584 ,

Very Informative

This is a great podcast that gives detailed, up-to-date and interesting information about the current state of the CRE market.

bradchandlercoaching ,

Great Podcast!!!

I recently had the pleasure of tuning into the Real Estate Crowdfunding show Podcast. This show is incredibly informative and provides great insight into the world of real estate crowdfunding. Hosts Mark and Tim are knowledgeable and engaging. Their guests provide a wealth of tips and advice on everything from the basics of real estate crowdfunding to in-depth strategies. The show also features interviews with industry experts that offer valuable perspective and insight into the industry. I highly recommend the Real Estate Crowdfunding show Podcast to anyone looking to explore this intriguing and potentially lucrative industry. Five stars!

Ghiga31 ,

Adam Gower shows is true colors

Adam was my landlord. He’s an awful guy, two-faces and a thief. Not just my experience but every tenant that has been unlucky to rent one of his properties. Unsure it makes sense to get any advice from him, no matter competence and experience he lacks integrity for sure.
Your choice.

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