34 min

Teaching Financial Literacy with a Book featuring Sharon Lechter Best Seller Secrets

    • Entrepreneurship

Teaching Financial Literacy with a Book– Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 074 Sharon LechterSharon Lechter is internationally recognized as a financial literacy expert, keynote speaker and business mentor. She is a New York Times Bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and has enjoyed a 35-year career as a licensed CPA. She has advised two US Presidents on the topic of financial literacy. Sharon co-authored the international bestseller Rich Dad...

Teaching Financial Literacy with a Book– Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 074 Sharon LechterSharon Lechter is internationally recognized as a financial literacy expert, keynote speaker and business mentor. She is a New York Times Bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and has enjoyed a 35-year career as a licensed CPA. She has advised two US Presidents on the topic of financial literacy. Sharon co-authored the international bestseller Rich Dad...

34 min