44 min

That Sucked, Now What? with Neeta Bhushan That Sex Chick

    • Sexuality

In this episode, Neeta Bhushan joins Alexa to discuss her new book "That Sucked, Now What?" which offers a practical five-stage framework to embrace the possibilities in chaos, overcome setbacks with grace, and fly forward every time. They discuss toxic positivity, personal responsibility, radical self-awareness, emotional capacity, and embodiment practices to cultivate resilience and bounce back from difficult situations.

In this episode, Neeta Bhushan joins Alexa to discuss her new book "That Sucked, Now What?" which offers a practical five-stage framework to embrace the possibilities in chaos, overcome setbacks with grace, and fly forward every time. They discuss toxic positivity, personal responsibility, radical self-awareness, emotional capacity, and embodiment practices to cultivate resilience and bounce back from difficult situations.

44 min

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