32 min

The 4-Letter Word That Will Make or Break Your Web Design Business Profitable Web Designer with Shannon Mattern

    • Entrepreneurship

What if I told you that there’s a 4-letter word that’s so powerful that if you stopped saying it...
...thinking it...
...or believing it when people say it to you…
Your entire web design business would change.
If you stopped saying it, thinking it and believing it…
You’d automatically charge more, without hesitation.
It’s a word that seems so insignificant that you probably don’t even notice it.
And if you’re someone who’s taken allllll the web design and business and marketing courses…
But there’s still something holding you back from making a consistent, generous income as a web designer
It might be this sneaky little 4-letter word that’s draining you and your bank account.
I'm breaking it down for you in this week's episode!

What if I told you that there’s a 4-letter word that’s so powerful that if you stopped saying it...
...thinking it...
...or believing it when people say it to you…
Your entire web design business would change.
If you stopped saying it, thinking it and believing it…
You’d automatically charge more, without hesitation.
It’s a word that seems so insignificant that you probably don’t even notice it.
And if you’re someone who’s taken allllll the web design and business and marketing courses…
But there’s still something holding you back from making a consistent, generous income as a web designer
It might be this sneaky little 4-letter word that’s draining you and your bank account.
I'm breaking it down for you in this week's episode!

32 min