34 min

Dutch van Someren The Art of Making Things Happen (Bluefishing) Steve Sims

    • Entrepreneurship

Dutch van Someren, Founder and Co owner of the Bike Shed London and Bike Shed LA. Ex MTV, Extreme Sports Channel. Virgin Media, Cartoon Network, Bravo TV, Harper Collins Publishers, and WPP etc. Creative Director / Group Director Production / Marketing PR & Creative. Bike Rider, ex musician, trendy tattooed London dad, old enough to know better.

Dutch van Someren, Founder and Co owner of the Bike Shed London and Bike Shed LA. Ex MTV, Extreme Sports Channel. Virgin Media, Cartoon Network, Bravo TV, Harper Collins Publishers, and WPP etc. Creative Director / Group Director Production / Marketing PR & Creative. Bike Rider, ex musician, trendy tattooed London dad, old enough to know better.

34 min