89 episodes

The Bible one chapter at a time.

The Bible in Small Steps Jill from The Northwoods

    • Religion & Spirituality

The Bible one chapter at a time.

    John 19: The Agony and Hope

    John 19: The Agony and Hope

    John 19: The Agony and Hope

    John 19 offers a detailed and emotionally charged account of Jesus' crucifixion. We'll explore this event’s physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, the political dynamics at play, and the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. This episode aims to comprehensively understand the crucifixion and its significance in the Christian faith.

    Introduction: We begin with Pilate's order to flog Jesus, an act intended to appease the Jewish leaders without sentencing Him to death. The episode explores Pilate's internal conflict and the brutal mockery Jesus endures, including the crown of thorns and the purple robe. This mockery, meant to humiliate, also underscores the depth of Jesus' sacrifice.

    Journey to Golgotha: Listeners are taken through Jesus' journey to Golgotha, known as the Via Dolorosa. This path is rich with symbolism, representing the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. The public nature of the crucifixion is discussed, highlighting its purpose as a deterrent and a stark message to all who witnessed it.

    The Crucifixion: We delve into the details of the crucifixion, including the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" and its theological implications. The episode also examines the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, such as the division of Jesus’ garments. These elements emphasize the divine orchestration of the events.

    Final Moments and Death: The narrative covers Jesus' final moments on the cross, His concern for His mother, and His powerful declaration, "It is finished." This phrase signifies the completion of His redemptive work. The piercing of Jesus' side, releasing blood and water, is explored for its symbolic meaning.

    Burial by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus: The episode concludes with the burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, both secret followers of Jesus. This act of faith and devotion underscores the impact of Jesus' death and the beginning of a new covenant.

    John 19 offers a profound and detailed account of the crucifixion, highlighting both the human and divine aspects of Jesus' suffering and sacrifice. It challenges believers to reflect on the depth of Jesus’ love and the transformative power of His death, inviting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Christian faith.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 22 min
    John 18 - Betrayal after Betrayal

    John 18 - Betrayal after Betrayal

    John 18 - Betrayal after Betrayal

    We cover the intricate details of Jesus’ betrayal and the events leading up to his crucifixion, exploring the significant moments, the characters involved, and the profound messages conveyed through this chapter.

    The Betrayal by Judas: Judas’ act of betrayal is central to John 18. He leads armed soldiers to Jesus, marking a significant turning point. Jesus’ response, “I am he,” signifies his acceptance of his fate and His divine identity.

    Peter’s Attempted Defense: Peter's impulsive act of cutting off Malchus’ ear and Jesus’ subsequent healing of Malchus highlight the contrast between human reaction and divine purpose. Jesus’ rebuke of Peter emphasizes his commitment to fulfilling the divine plan non-violently.

    Interrogation by Annas and Caiaphas: Jesus is questioned by the high priests, revealing their inability to comprehend his teachings and mission. Despite being struck and mocked, Jesus remains composed, demonstrating his divine wisdom and truth.

    Peter’s Denial: Peter’s thrice denial of Jesus, despite his previous proclamations of loyalty, is a poignant moment that reflects human weakness and fear. This event fulfills Jesus’ earlier prediction, showcasing the struggle of faith under pressure.

    Pilate’s Interrogation: Pilate’s questioning of Jesus focuses on his kingship and mission. Jesus’ assertion that his kingdom is not of this world and his declaration of truth starkly contrast Pilate’s skeptical query, “What is truth?” This interaction underscores the eternal conflict between divine truth and worldly power.


    Divine Identity and Purpose: Jesus’ responses and actions throughout John 18 highlight his unwavering commitment to his divine purpose and identity. His calm acceptance of his fate and his profound teachings offer deep insights into his mission.

    Human Frailty and Redemption: Peter’s denial and subsequent remorse serve as a reminder of human frailty and the possibility of redemption. It emphasizes the struggle to maintain faith under duress and the grace available for those who falter.

    Truth and Skepticism: The interaction between Jesus and Pilate highlights the conflict between eternal truth and worldly skepticism. Jesus’ declaration of truth challenges us to seek and embrace divine wisdom beyond earthly perspectives.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 19 min
    John 17 - Praying For Future Believers

    John 17 - Praying For Future Believers

    John 17 - Praying For Future Believers

    Jesus offers a heartfelt prayer before his arrest. This prayer, often referred to as the High Priestly Prayer, encompasses themes of glory, unity, and eternal life.

    Glory and Authority: Jesus begins by asking God to glorify him so that he can glorify the Father. He speaks of the authority given to him to grant eternal life, highlighting his pre-existence with God and their shared glory before the world began.

    God’s Name: Jesus recounts how he revealed God’s name and teachings to his disciples. He emphasizes the importance of this revelation for their faith and understanding, ensuring they know and believe in God’s sending of him.

    Intercession for Disciples: Jesus prays specifically for his disciples’ protection and unity. He acknowledges the challenges they will face and asks God to sanctify them through his truth. This prayer underscores the importance of holiness and being set apart for God’s purposes.

    Unity Among Believers: Jesus extends his prayer to future believers, praying for unity that reflects the oneness between him and the Father. This unity is essential for the world to recognize God’s sending of Jesus and to believe in his message.

    Jesus’ Desire for Believers: Jesus expresses his desire for his followers to be with him and witness his glory. He speaks of the love and knowledge shared between him and the Father, extending this relationship to all believers, emphasizing an eternal communion.

    • Jesus’ prayer in John 17 reveals his deep concern for his followers, both present and future.
    • The themes of glory, unity, and sanctification are central to understanding Jesus’ mission and our role as believers.
    • Reflecting on this prayer encourages us to live out these principles, striving for unity and holiness in our relationship with God and each other.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 8 min
    John 16 - Promise of Help and Hope

    John 16 - Promise of Help and Hope

    John 16 - Promise of Help and Hope

    The True Vine and the Vinedresser: Jesus describes himself as the true vine and God as the vinedresser. This metaphor highlights the necessity of divine pruning for spiritual growth. Pruning, though sometimes painful, leads to greater fruitfulness, illustrating God’s active role in our spiritual development.

    Abiding in Christ: Abiding in Christ is crucial for bearing spiritual fruit. Jesus emphasizes that just as branches cannot bear fruit without the vine, we cannot thrive spiritually without remaining connected to him. This connection is vital for drawing strength and sustenance from Jesus.

    Love and Obedience: Jesus calls his disciples to abide in his love by keeping his commandments. This obedience results in complete joy and reflects the loving relationship between Jesus and the Father. Love is the cornerstone of a fruitful and joyful Christian life.

    Friendship with Jesus: Jesus elevates his disciples from servants to friends, sharing with them everything he learned from the Father. This intimate relationship signifies a deep personal connection and mutual love, underscoring the closeness we are invited to have with Jesus.

    The World’s Hatred: Jesus prepares his disciples for the world’s hatred, explaining that it stems from their association with him. Despite this opposition, the love and acceptance from Jesus offer comfort and strength. The world’s rejection is a testament to the transformative power of living according to Jesus’ teachings.

    The Promise of the Holy Spirit: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, who will bear witness to him and empower the disciples. This assurance of the Helper’s presence provides guidance, comfort, and the ability to continue Jesus’ mission, ensuring they are never alone.

    • Understanding the metaphor of the true vine helps us grasp the importance of staying connected to Jesus for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
    • Abiding in Christ involves a commitment to love and obedience, leading to a joyful and fulfilling life.
    • The intimate friendship with Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit provide comfort, guidance, and empowerment in the face of worldly opposition.
    • Despite challenges, staying connected to Jesus ensures we bear lasting spiritual fruit and experience the fullness of his love and joy.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 11 min
    John 15 - Pruning For More Fruit

    John 15 - Pruning For More Fruit

    John 15 - Pruning For More Fruit

    In John 15, Jesus imparts profound teachings to his disciples, emphasizing the significance of staying connected to him, the "true vine," to bear fruit. This chapter provides a rich metaphor for understanding our relationship with Christ and our spiritual growth.

    Abiding in Christ: Abiding in Christ is crucial for bearing spiritual fruit. Jesus emphasizes that just as branches cannot bear fruit without the vine, we cannot thrive spiritually without remaining connected to him. This connection is vital for drawing strength and sustenance from Jesus.

    Love and Obedience: Jesus calls his disciples to abide in his love by keeping his commandments. This obedience results in complete joy and reflects the loving relationship between Jesus and the Father. Love is the cornerstone of a fruitful and joyful Christian life.

    Friendship with Jesus: Jesus elevates his disciples from servants to friends, sharing with them everything he learned from the Father. This intimate relationship signifies a deep personal connection and mutual love, underscoring the closeness we are invited to have with Jesus.

    The World’s Hatred: Jesus prepares his disciples for the world’s hatred, explaining that it stems from their association with him. Despite this opposition, the love and acceptance from Jesus offer comfort and strength. The world’s rejection is a testament to the transformative power of living according to Jesus’ teachings.

    The Promise of the Holy Spirit: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, who will bear witness to him and empower the disciples. This assurance of the Helper’s presence provides guidance, comfort, and the ability to continue Jesus’ mission, ensuring they are never alone.

    • Understanding the metaphor of the true vine helps us grasp the importance of staying connected to Jesus for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
    • Abiding in Christ involves a commitment to love and obedience, leading to a joyful and fulfilling life.
    • The intimate friendship with Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit provide comfort, guidance, and empowerment in the face of worldly opposition.
    • Despite challenges, staying connected to Jesus ensures we bear lasting spiritual fruit and experience the fullness of his love and joy.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 10 min
    John 14 - The Comforter and Counselor

    John 14 - The Comforter and Counselor

    John 14 - The Comforter and Counselor

    In this episode, we explore the rich and comforting teachings of John 14. This chapter offers profound insights into faith, the nature of Jesus, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we unpack these teachings and their implications for our daily lives.

    Comfort in Troubling Times: Jesus begins with words of comfort, urging His followers not to let their hearts be troubled. He reassures them of their place with God, emphasizing faith as the cornerstone for peace and security.

    The Way, The Truth, and The Life: Thomas’s question leads to Jesus’s declaration that He is the way, the truth, and the life. This highlights the exclusive path to God through Jesus, underlining His central role in salvation.

    Understanding the Trinity: Jesus’s interaction with Philip provides insights into the mysterious unity of the Trinity. He explains the mutual indwelling between Him and the Father, encouraging believers to accept this divine mystery.

    The Promise of the Holy Spirit: A significant promise in John 14 is the sending of the Holy Spirit. Jesus assures His disciples that this Helper will dwell within them, guiding and comforting them, signifying that believers are never alone.

    Greater Works Through Faith: Jesus promises that those who believe in Him will do greater works. This call to action encourages believers to continue His mission, spreading His message and living out His teachings.

    Prayer and God’s Will: The chapter addresses the power of prayer, teaching that requests made in Jesus’s name will be granted, provided they align with God’s will. This underscores the importance of seeking God’s will in our prayers.

    • Faith in Jesus provides comfort and assurance, even in troubling times.
    • Understanding the exclusive role of Jesus in salvation is crucial for believers.
    • The Trinity, though mysterious, is a fundamental truth of the Christian faith.
    • The Holy Spirit is our Helper, dwelling within us to guide and comfort.
    • Believers are called to continue Jesus’s work, empowered by faith.
    • Prayer is powerful when aligned with God’s will.


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    “Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.”

    • 14 min

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