111 episodes

Chris and Jody are Air Force vets who enjoy military history and folklore. This is their podcast. They tell stories. They digress. A lot.

The Digression Podcast Chris Rash & Jody Hanks

    • Society & Culture
    • 4.8 • 20 Ratings

Chris and Jody are Air Force vets who enjoy military history and folklore. This is their podcast. They tell stories. They digress. A lot.

    110. Eisenhower's Warning

    110. Eisenhower's Warning

    In his farewell address to the nation on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered a prophetic warning that has since become one of American history's most cited and influential speeches. This speech, often referred to as the "Eisenhower Farewell Address," addressed a range of critical issues facing the United States, but its most enduring message was a cautionary note about the rise of the "military-industrial complex."
    Eisenhower, a highly decorated World War II general who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, recognized the importance of a strong national defense. However, he also understood the potential dangers of an unchecked alliance between the military establishment and the defense industry. He warned that the synergy between these two powerful entities could lead to the accumulation of unwarranted influence and excessive spending, ultimately threatening the nation's democratic ideals and economic stability.
    The heart of Eisenhower's message lay in his concern about the inherent risks of a permanent war economy. He acknowledged that the United States faced legitimate security challenges and needed a robust defense capability. However, he stressed that this must be balanced with a vigilant commitment to maintaining the country's broader priorities. Eisenhower cautioned against the growth of a permanent arms industry that would exert undue influence over government policy, potentially leading to the perpetuation of conflicts for financial gain.
    Eisenhower's warning resonates to this day because it highlights the need for transparency, accountability, and a clear understanding of the consequences of prioritizing military interests above all else. His words have been interpreted as a call for a thoughtful and cautious approach to national security, advocating for the allocation of resources based on genuine threats rather than the profit motives of defense contractors.
    In the decades since the speech, the concept of the military-industrial complex has been widely debated, and its influence on government policy and spending remains a topic of discussion. Critics argue that it has led to excessive military spending, the emergence of a "war culture," and unnecessary interventions, while proponents argue that a strong defense industry is essential for national security and technological advancement.
    As the United States faces evolving global challenges, Eisenhower's warning serves as a reminder to carefully consider the balance between security, economic interests, and democratic principles. It emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant and critical of any concentration of power that might jeopardize the nation's core values and long-term stability. Eisenhower's farewell address continues to be a crucial piece of American political discourse, urging us to be mindful of the complex relationships between government, industry, and the preservation of liberty.
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    President Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation, January 17, 1961 
    The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963 by Michael Swanson 
    Unwarranted Influence: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Military-Industrial Complex (Icons of America) by James Ledbetter 
    Meatballs (1979) 

    • 41 min
    109. Arminius

    109. Arminius

    Arminius, also known as Hermann the German, was a Germanic warrior and chieftain who played a crucial role in the early first century CE in the region that is now modern-day Germany. He is best known for his leadership of the Germanic tribes against the Roman legions during the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, a pivotal event in the history of the Roman Empire.
    Arminius was born around 18 or 17 BCE into the Cherusci tribe, one of the powerful Germanic tribes of the time. He received a Roman education, which allowed him to understand the tactics and strategies of the Roman military. This education proved invaluable as he later used this knowledge to organize a successful resistance against the Roman forces.
    In 9 CE, Arminius, who was a trusted officer in the Roman auxiliary, turned against his former allies. He united various Germanic tribes, including the Cherusci, Marsi, Chatti, and Bructeri, to form a formidable force. His plan was to stop the Roman expansion into Germania, the region east of the Rhine River.
    The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE was the defining moment of Arminius's life. As a commander of the Germanic tribes, he led his forces in an ambush against three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. The battle took place in the dense Teutoburg Forest, and Arminius exploited the terrain and his knowledge of Roman tactics to defeat the Roman legions, resulting in a significant Roman loss. The battle was a devastating blow to the Romans, halting their advance into Germania.
    Arminius's victory at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest marked a turning point in the relationship between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes. It shattered the illusion of Roman invincibility and made the Romans reconsider their expansionist plans in the region. Arminius became a symbol of Germanic resistance against Roman domination.
    However, the aftermath of the battle was complex for Arminius. He faced challenges in maintaining the unity of the Germanic tribes, and he struggled to secure a lasting alliance among the various groups. Furthermore, there were internal rivalries and conflicts among the Germanic tribes.
    Arminius's life took a tragic turn when he was betrayed and assassinated by rival Germanic leaders around 21 CE. His death highlighted the difficulties of leadership in a diverse and often divided tribal context.
    Despite his untimely death, Arminius left an enduring legacy. His successful resistance against the Romans inspired later generations of Germans, particularly during the nationalist movements of the 19th century, to look back to him as a symbol of national heroism. His story has been romanticized and retold in various forms of art, literature, and historical accounts.
    In conclusion, Arminius was a skilled leader who played a crucial role in the resistance against Roman expansion in Germania. His victory at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest had far-reaching consequences, reshaping the course of history in the region and leaving a lasting impact on the collective memory of the Germanic peoples.
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    “MaxKoMusic – Dark Ages” is under a Creative Commons (cc-by) license. Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/maxkomusic-dark-ages
    Arminius: The Limits of Empire by Robert Fabri

    • 6 min
    108. The Seven Days

    108. The Seven Days

    The American Civil War was a pivotal moment in history, with the Confederacy battling the Union for its very existence. In the summer of 1862, during the Seven Days Battle, General Robert E. Lee and his Confederate forces came tantalizingly close to turning the tide of the war in their favor. Indeed, the Confederates almost won the Civil War during those fateful seven days.
    General Lee, a master tactician, devised a bold plan to repel Union General George B. McClellan's Army of the Potomac from Richmond, the Confederate capital. Lee understood that a decisive victory could cripple Union morale and pave the way for Southern independence. He meticulously coordinated a series of attacks designed to catch the Union forces off guard and deliver a crushing blow.
    The battle commenced on June 25, 1862, at Oak Grove and Mechanicsville. The Confederates launched fierce assaults, testing the mettle of McClellan's troops. The Union soldiers fought bravely but were pushed back, giving Lee a significant advantage. It was a promising start for the Confederates, who sensed an impending victory.
    The turning point of the Seven Days Battle occurred on June 27 at Gaines's Mill. Lee's audacious decision to attack head-on paid off as his forces overwhelmed the Union positions. McClellan's army caught off guard, struggled to maintain cohesion and was driven into retreat. The Confederates fought with unmatched ferocity and determination, nearly breaking the Union lines. Victory seemed within their grasp.
    However, as the battle raged, the Union forces demonstrated remarkable resilience. General Fitz John Porter and his troops fought desperately, buying time for McClellan to regroup and solidify their defenses. Despite being pushed to the brink of defeat, the Union soldiers refused to surrender.
    Meanwhile, the Confederates faced a series of costly delays. These included rough terrain, logistical challenges, and coordination issues. These setbacks gave the Union army precious time to reinforce their lines and recover from the initial onslaught. The tide of the battle slowly shifted, favoring the Union once again.
    Lee's ambitious plan to trap and annihilate the Union forces near the Chickahominy River nearly succeeded. But due to a lack of coordination among his commanders and missed opportunities, the Confederates failed to fully capitalize on their initial victories. Their inability to exploit critical openings allowed McClellan's army to escape and regroup.
    The culmination of the Seven Days Battle came on July 1 at Malvern Hill. The Confederates, determined to deliver a final blow, launched wave after wave of attacks against well-entrenched Union positions. However, the Union soldiers held their ground, aided by advantageous terrain and a formidable defensive line.
    The Confederates suffered heavy casualties and could not break through the Union defenses. Exhausted and battered, Lee's forces faced a stinging defeat. Despite their valiant efforts, victory slipped through their fingers, which shattered the Confederacy's dreams of a swift triumph.
    The Seven Days Battle showcased the Confederates' incredible potential to turn the tide of the Civil War. Lee's brilliant strategy and initial successes brought the Confederacy within striking distance of victory. However, the Union's resilience, costly delays, missed opportunities, and stalwart defense at Malvern Hill prevented the Confederates from securing a decisive win.
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    Seven Days: The Emergence of Robert E. Lee and the Dawn of a Legend by Clifford Dowdey and Robert K. Krick 

    • 31 min
    107. Augustus Caesar

    107. Augustus Caesar

    Augustus Caesar, also known as Octavian, was a pivotal figure in ancient Rome. His reign as the first emperor of Rome was a transformative period in history. His political reforms, cultural patronage, and long-lasting peace left an indelible mark on the Roman Empire, shaping Western civilization for centuries to come.
    Early Life and Rise to Power
    Augustus Caesar was born on September 23, 63 BCE, in Rome. He was the adopted son of Julius Caesar, who later named him as his heir. After Julius Caesar's assassination, Augustus emerged as one of the key contenders in the ensuing power struggle. With strategic alliances and military prowess, he successfully defeated his rivals, establishing himself as the unchallenged ruler of Rome.
    Reign as Emperor
    In 27 BCE, the Roman Senate bestowed the title of "Augustus" upon him, meaning "the revered one." Augustus ruled for over four decades, implementing significant reforms that transformed Rome. He focused on strengthening the military, initiating public works projects, and implementing social policies to improve the lives of Roman citizens. His rule marked the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability throughout the empire.
    Political and Administrative Reforms
    Significant political and administrative reforms characterized Augustus Caesar's reign. He reorganized the Roman provinces, established a civil service, and implemented a system of taxation. Augustus also initiated the construction of key infrastructure, including roads, aqueducts, and buildings, which boosted trade and communication within the empire. These reforms solidified his authority and laid the groundwork for the subsequent emperors, shaping the Roman Empire's structure for centuries to come.
    Cultural Revival and Patronage
    Augustus recognized the importance of arts and literature in promoting Roman culture. He encouraged the revival of traditional Roman values and sponsored renowned writers like Virgil, Horace, and Ovid. This period, known as the "Augustan Age," witnessed a flourishing of Roman literature and architecture. Augustus' patronage of the arts enhanced Rome's cultural standing and contributed to the preservation of influential works that continue to be studied and admired today.
    Legacy and Influence
    Augustus Caesar's impact on Rome and subsequent Western civilization cannot be overstated. His establishment of a stable government and effective administration laid the foundation for the Roman Empire's long-lasting dominance. Augustus' reign marked the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire, setting a precedent for subsequent emperors. The Pax Romana ushered in by Augustus ensured peace and prosperity across the empire, fostering economic growth and cultural development. His legacy as the first emperor and a visionary leader continues to inspire historians, political theorists, and leaders today.
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    “MaxKoMusic – Dark Ages” is under a Creative Commons (cc-by) license. Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/maxkomusic-dark-ages
    Augustus: First Emperor of Rome by Adrian Goldsworthy

    • 9 min
    106. Marcus Agrippa

    106. Marcus Agrippa

    Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was born in 63 BC in a small town near Rome. He came from a humble background, but his talents and determination propelled him to great heights. Agrippa was known for his military expertise, exceptional organizational skills, and unwavering loyalty to Augustus. These qualities made him an indispensable companion to the future emperor.
    Agrippa's military prowess was evident from an early age. He played a crucial role in Julius Caesar's campaigns in Gaul, earning himself a reputation as a skilled commander. He further demonstrated his capabilities in naval battles, most notably during the Battle of Actium, where he defeated the combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. This victory solidified Augustus' position as the undisputed ruler of Rome.
    Aside from his military achievements, Agrippa made significant contributions to Rome's infrastructure. He spearheaded numerous construction projects, including the famous Pantheon. The Pantheon stands as a testament to Agrippa's architectural genius, with its iconic dome and impressive design. He also built several aqueducts and improved Rome's water supply, ensuring that its citizens had access to clean water.
    Agrippa's administrative skills were equally remarkable. As Augustus' right-hand man, he played a vital role in shaping the Roman Empire. He implemented administrative reforms, reorganized the Roman army, and improved the efficiency of government institutions. Agrippa's influence extended beyond military and administrative matters—he was also involved in diplomatic negotiations and played a pivotal role in expanding Roman territories.
    Despite his numerous achievements, Agrippa remained modest and loyal to Augustus. He never sought to overshadow his friend and always put the interests of Rome above his own. Agrippa's humility and dedication earned him the respect and trust of Augustus, who considered him an invaluable advisor.
    Agrippa's legacy lived on even after his death. Augustus honored him by adopting his two sons, Gaius and Lucius, as his own heirs. This act highlighted Agrippa's importance and the profound impact he had on Augustus' life. Furthermore, the Agrippa family continued to play a prominent role in Roman politics for generations, leaving a lasting imprint on the empire.
    Marcus Agrippa was a remarkable leader whose contributions to ancient Rome cannot be overstated. His military expertise, administrative skills, and architectural achievements made him an indispensable figure during the reign of Augustus. Agrippa's loyalty and humility further exemplified his character, earning him the respect and admiration of his peers. Today, his influence can still be seen in the remnants of the structures he built and the legacy he left behind. Marcus Agrippa truly exemplified the spirit of Rome and played an integral part in shaping one of the greatest empires in history.
    Show notes at https://thedigressionpodcast.com/106
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    “MaxKoMusic – Dark Ages” is under a Creative Commons (cc-by) license. Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/maxkomusic-dark-ages
    Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus by Lindsay Powell

    • 12 min
    105. Julius Caesar

    105. Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar, born Gaius Julius Caesar, was a prominent Roman statesman, military general, and dictator who played a pivotal role in transforming the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Born on July 12, 100 BC, in Rome, Caesar rose to power during a time of political turmoil and instability, leaving an indelible mark on Roman history.
    Caesar came from a noble family, and his early years were marked by military service and political maneuvering. He distinguished himself as a skilled military leader during his campaigns in Gaul (modern-day France) and Britain, expanding Rome's territorial control and securing his reputation as a brilliant strategist. These military victories helped consolidate his power and popularity back in Rome.
    In 49 BC, Caesar crossed the Rubicon River with his army, an act considered treasonous at the time, and marched on Rome, sparking a civil war against his political rival, Pompey. Caesar emerged victorious, becoming the sole ruler of Rome and effectively ending the Roman Republic. He implemented a series of reforms aimed at strengthening the central government, improving the lives of ordinary citizens, and reducing the influence of the aristocracy.
    Caesar's reforms included the Julian Calendar, which became the basis for the modern Gregorian Calendar. He also enacted land reforms, provided land for impoverished citizens, and implemented policies to alleviate debt and unemployment. These measures endeared him to the masses but garnered opposition from some members of the Senate, who feared his growing power and the erosion of their own influence.
    Caesar's rule was characterized by his autocratic style of governance, and in 44 BC, he was declared dictator perpetuo, or dictator for life. This declaration further exacerbated tensions within the Roman Senate, and a group of senators led by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus conspired to assassinate him.
    On the Ides of March (March 15), 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated in the Senate chamber. His death plunged Rome into another period of political instability, ultimately leading to a power struggle between his adopted heir Octavian (later known as Augustus), and Caesar's assassins. This struggle culminated in the rise of the Roman Empire under Augustus, Caesar's grandnephew, and the first Roman Emperor.
    Caesar's legacy looms large in history. He is renowned for his military accomplishments, political acumen, and role in the Roman Republic's downfall. His name has become synonymous with power, ambition, and the potential dangers of autocracy. Caesar's life and death have inspired countless works of literature, including William Shakespeare's famous play, "Julius Caesar," which dramatizes the events surrounding his assassination.
    Despite the controversy surrounding his rule, Caesar left an indelible mark on Roman society. His military campaigns expanded Rome's borders, his political reforms shaped the structure of the Roman Empire, and his name remains an enduring symbol of authority and leadership. Julius Caesar's contributions and impact on ancient Rome have ensured his place among history's most influential figures.
    Show notes at https://thedigressionpodcast.com/105
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    “MaxKoMusic – Dark Ages” is under a Creative Commons (cc-by) license. Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/maxkomusic-dark-ages
    Caesar: Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy
    Julius Caesar (Dover Thrift Editions: Plays) by William Shakespeare

    • 8 min

Customer Reviews

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20 Ratings

20 Ratings

caw328 ,

Latest episode

My father was a soldier in WW2. He would be horrified to hear we are facing those grave markers. It shows Political Correction running afoul. What’s next? Shall we remove the Star of David because “we are a Christian nation “ ? Those graves are someone’s final resting place. They should be respected for who they were, not who we think he should have been. Shall we hide anything that makes us uncomfortable? Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Thank you for another thought provoking episode. Keep up the great work.

Trench_Warfare ,


Why subscribe to this podcast? While the subject-matter is interesting and pretty well researched, the real hook for me is this: Chris and Jody are genuinely having fun! These are two men who are proud of their military service, but they are also just good friends who love telling stories. The show is aptly named because they do digress a lot, but the digressions come naturally and they enrich the story. They are also considerate of their listeners taking time to explain the military talk a civilian might not understand, which is why this podcast appeals to more than just old “ground pounders” like me. I look forward to every new episode!

Dalmtions ,

Fort Hoodlum episode

Another thought-provoking episode. SFC Barteau brought some great perspective. The similarities between the Army and Air Force were evident, and lessons learned translate to the civilian world. Political correctness can undoubtedly impact the mission.

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