320 episodes

Concierge Medicine Today's "DocPreneur Leadership Podcast" has become a trusted voice and is a recorded history of membership medicine in all it's various forms. From Concierge Medicine to Direct Primary Care (DPC) and everything in between it unpacks unique entrepreneurial insights in healthcare ranging from hospitality in healthcare from a patient perspective to interviewing healthcare leaders, Physicians, PAs, NPs, insurance and payor connections, attorneys, interior designers and more.

This Podcast Is Recorded, Produced and Hosted by Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC is the industry trade publication reporting and highlighting news, trends and happenings in the Concierge Medicine space. Each year they host the industry's largest medical conference. To learn more, visit: www.ConciergeMedicineToday.net.

Topics include but are not limited to: Precision Medicine; Concierge Medicine; Whole Genome Sequencing; Pharacogenomics; Membership Medicine; Direct Primary Care; Legal, Accounting and Physician Succession Planning; Practice Management and Growth and more.

© Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.

Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content, https://conciergemedicinetoday.org/tcpp/.

The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast A Conversation Designed FOR Healthcare Professionals.

    • Business
    • 4.2 • 12 Ratings

Concierge Medicine Today's "DocPreneur Leadership Podcast" has become a trusted voice and is a recorded history of membership medicine in all it's various forms. From Concierge Medicine to Direct Primary Care (DPC) and everything in between it unpacks unique entrepreneurial insights in healthcare ranging from hospitality in healthcare from a patient perspective to interviewing healthcare leaders, Physicians, PAs, NPs, insurance and payor connections, attorneys, interior designers and more.

This Podcast Is Recorded, Produced and Hosted by Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC is the industry trade publication reporting and highlighting news, trends and happenings in the Concierge Medicine space. Each year they host the industry's largest medical conference. To learn more, visit: www.ConciergeMedicineToday.net.

Topics include but are not limited to: Precision Medicine; Concierge Medicine; Whole Genome Sequencing; Pharacogenomics; Membership Medicine; Direct Primary Care; Legal, Accounting and Physician Succession Planning; Practice Management and Growth and more.

© Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.

Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content, https://conciergemedicinetoday.org/tcpp/.

    Leaving your 🥼 job on a high note [and with gratitude!]

    Leaving your 🥼 job on a high note [and with gratitude!]

    You can’t control how they left you. You can control how you leave them. Consider sending a thank you note.
    By Michael Tetreault, Editor-in-Chief, Concierge Medicine Today/Host, Concierge Medicine Forum
    Hear me out …
    Experts say finishing well requires expressing gratitude — even to those you’ve worked next to, for, and around for the past few years.
    Do you want to finish this job, this chapter, or your current season on a high note, or carry the emotional and mental baggage into the exam room or hallways within the confines of your new adventure? Physicians have it tough enough already, wouldn’t you agree?
    For one Physician reading this right now, expressing gratitude as they finish this season of their career may well be their most critical test.

    • 10 min
    One task only you can do, not on A.I.'s to-do list.

    One task only you can do, not on A.I.'s to-do list.

    A concierge medicine doctor recently called me out of the blue on my cell phone.
    She followed up with a phone call a few weeks later with another text with a helpful link to something we had discussed earlier. As you might imagine, it made my day!
    Can the Physician do something like this FOR everyone or every patient?
    No, but as author A.S. says, “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.”
    Here's a little nudge: Don't allow robots, algorithms, antiquated processes, phrases from your team like 'Well this is how we've always done it ...' or fancy tech to steal the spotlight from the heart and soul of your practice. It's those personal touches and sincere thoughtfulness and care that genuinely win over patients, not just plain old efficiency. Remember, it's all about YOU!
    ~Michael, Editor-in-Chief, Host, Concierge Medicine Forum

    • 7 min
    Transforming Doctors Compensation for a Fairer and More Rewarding Life

    Transforming Doctors Compensation for a Fairer and More Rewarding Life

    Meet Ethan A. Nkana, the visionary behind Rocky Mountain Physician Agency (RMPA), and a potential disruptor for The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast. Back in 2019, he saw that doctors were getting paid unfairly based on factors like where they went to school or their race and gender. 
    TO LEARN MORE OR CONNECT WITH ETHAN, visit: https://rmpa.co/
    Amidst the COVID-19 chaos, Ethan noticed that doctors were dealing with unfair contracts, working crazy hours, and burning out. That’s when he decided to shake things up and create RMPA–a go-to for doctors looking for a fair deal.
    Connect with Ethan and Rocky Mountain Physician Agency, visit: https://rmpa.co/
    Ethan lives by a simple rule: "Doctors First. Always." He's all about making sure doctors get treated right and get the info they need. Here's the cool part—Ethan only gets paid if doctors benefit. His paycheck is tied to the good things he does for them.
    During Ethan's time as a hospital executive, he uncovered a secret that hospital executives might not want doctors to know: doctors are incredibly valuable to hospitals, contributing over $1 million each year. Then why are they so unfairly compensated?
    Digging deeper, doctors of color and women doctors are paid less, even with the same training. The data on pay differences for women doctors and doctors of color highlights this unfairness. Ethan is determined to make things fair and fix these differences for good.
    © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.
    Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content, https://conciergemedicinetoday.org/tcpp/.

    • 1 hr 11 min
    7 Qualities *Happy* Doctors Have

    7 Qualities *Happy* Doctors Have

    By Editor, Concierge Medicine Today
    I have a unique seat on the bus in our healthcare culture to speak to Physicians from all walks of life. From early startups to late retirements, it's a fun job for the most part, pouring into Physicians' lives and sharing their thoughts on running a successful practice with you.
    Once a quarter, we write a letter from the editor to our Physician readers at Concierge Medicine Today, echoing some of our guests' wisdom. It may include their wise sentiments, stories of woe, and the occasional [metaphorical] grab you by the shoulders peer-to-peer advice our Physician guests want to make sure you, our busy Physician readers, must know to be the best version of you FOR the world and your Patients.
    Oddly enough, however, one theme trending in our weekly conversations with Physicians is "You have permission to be happy."
    For some reason, happy Physicians are seen in our healthcare economy and burned-out culture as malfunctioning Physicians.
    That's not okay with me.
    I've even heard someone (a Physician) say from a stage to his colleagues, 'You should wear making no money as a badge of honor.'
    That's not okay with me either.
    One of my mentors, Jeff Henderson, recently said, "For some reason, profitable organizations are seen as evil in today’s world. Sure, there are organizations that do bad things. Call me naive, but I think that’s the exception. I think the world is better when we have thriving, profitable organizations. In fact, thriving communities require it."
    I think he's right!
    Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, a Physician and author of a new book, EntreMD said on our Podcast ... “The cavalry is not coming. The cavalry is here. The cavalry is us [i.e. Doctors]. We’re [i.e. Doctors] the ones that are going to rise to the occasion and effect the change we [i.e. Doctors] want to see.”
    I think she's right!
    Applying these two wise statements to you and your place in our healthcare culture today, I would say, "I think our communities, [your Patients], your practice, your co-workers, your family, etc., are happier, healthier and more engaged with you when you have a thriving, profitable medical practice that you enjoy entering each day."
    Isn't it interesting that when we actively study, interview, and understand the life of a happy Physician, we find that most, if not all, have seven things in common? I often see this displayed in many of the Concierge Medicine practices I interview. They include:
    Happy Doctors typically don't rant online. Happy Doctors are usually not quick to criticize. Instead, they are quick to become students about topics, concepts, and things they realize are outside their expertise. Happy Doctors know that their purpose extends beyond the exam room. They are doing something to make their community a better place that refuels their depleted tank. Happy Doctors routinely cultivate good boundaries with colleagues, co-workers, patients, and friends. Happy Doctors often leave on time on specific days, whenever possible. Happy Doctors read many business books on time management, managing human resources, and more. Happy Doctors are mindful that attitude impacts their day and affects their relationships. For example, they can often be found writing a handwritten note of gratitude for their patients, peers, and colleagues.  
    In summary, it's no longer about being the best Doctor in the world; it's about being the best Doctor FOR the world, FOR your Patients, and FOR your local community.
    Have a wonderful week ahead, and thank you FOR all you do to help so many people in your practice. We see you, we believe in you, and we are FOR YOU!
    Editor-In-Chief, Concierge Medicine Today | Host, Organizer, the industry's annual medical education conference, the Concierge Medicine Forum
    Originally posted: December 6, 2022
    © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights re

    • 30 min
    Taking Your Business From Best Kept Secret To Household Name.

    Taking Your Business From Best Kept Secret To Household Name.

    Helping doctors build profitable businesses so they can live life and practice medicine on their terms.
    Our guest this week is AUTHOR and Physician-Entrepreneur and my friend, DR. UNA! Dr. Nneka Unachukwu is a board-certified pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Ivy League Pediatrics outside of Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated from the University of Nigeria College of Medicine and completed her residency in New Jersey before opening her own practice.
    After honing her entrepreneurial skills, Dr. Una created the EntreMD business school, podcast, and community to help physicians build personal brands around their expertise, open practices, and develop product lines. Featured in Forbes and a member of the Forbes Business Council, she has helped doctors all over the world leverage entrepreneurship to build lives they love.
    One of the greatest myths out there is “if you build it, they will come.” The truth of the matter is they will not! Not unless you do the work to attract the people who desperately want your product or service. Walking away from this myth and learning how to make your brand visible can add millions of dollars in revenue to your business, every year.
    LEARN MORE ABOUT ENTREMD, the resources available FOR Doctors and healthcare professionals and Dr. Una's new Book, "The Visibility Formula" or Purchase the book here: https://entremd.com/method-book/ Connect with Dr. Una on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entremd/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/druna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entremds/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrUnachukwu  
    About the new book, "The Visibility Formula"
    This book will show you a simple formula to take your business from best-kept secret to household name. Following the step-by-step process in this book will position you as the go-to expert and help you attract the patients and clients you want.
    © 2007-2024 Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.
    Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content, https://conciergemedicinetoday.org/tcpp/.

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Empower Sleep: The world's most personalized sleep care experience.

    Empower Sleep: The world's most personalized sleep care experience.

    There are approximately 70 million Americans suffering from sleep disorders - most of whom are undiagnosed. As sleep providers, we founded Empower Sleep to deliver more personalized care so everyone can benefit from the effects of better sleep.
    Our guest today is Dr. Sahil Chopra, MD, Harvard Medical School Loma Linda University University of California, Los Angeles.
    Contact Office: care@empowersleep.com Connect By Phone/Text: (213) 375-4070
    Empower Sleep uses FDA-approved technology approved to aid in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. Your sleep is recorded using a wearable ring and minimally disruptive to your sleep. This accurate, convenient, and comfortable ring can be used for multiple nights, which gives us more data to ensure optimal outcomes.
    The SleepImage software and Viatom oximeter ring use 6 channels of data to accurately detect sleep apnea and estimate sleep quality.
    The following data is measured: Plethysmogram, Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Respiration, Blood Oxygenation (SpO2) and Movement (Actigraphy).
    The at-home sleep test is shown to agree with in-lab tests in over 90.5% of cases (with 98.8% accuracy in severe sleep apnea and 96.3% in mild sleep apnea patients).
    TO LEARN MORE, VISIT: https://www.empowersleep.com/
    © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.
    Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content, https://conciergemedicinetoday.org/tcpp/.

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

4.2 out of 5
12 Ratings

12 Ratings

BearFeets ,

I was looking forward to these

podcasts but the recording is difficult to listen to, it sounds muffled and the music is often louder than the speaker. I know there are gems in these podcasts but wish it was more clear to understand.

Listener0273 ,


Waste of time. Is he really speaking to physicians. Sounds like it is for second graders. Waste of 10 mins.

NANCE.Lindsay ,

The sound quality is AWFUL

Great content. Be prepared to have your speakers blown out though because the sound volume is all over the place.

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