980 episodes

“Come for the stories, and you stay for the learning.”

More than another podcast—it's your passport to unparalleled insights. Step into the world's heartbeat with: "The Dov Baron Show." Every episode offers a tantalizing taste of the delicious thoughts and wisdom of global leaders, Deep Thinkers, entertainers, and a spectrum of the most captivating minds—from astronauts soaring the cosmos to philosophers plumbing the soul's depths.

What podcast do the top Fortune 500 executives listen to? This one! Every Sunday and Wednesday Dov Baron and his world-class guests including Guy Kawasaki, Tom Bilyeau, Keith Ferrazzi, Major General Ambassador Scott Gration, Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina, Commander Mark Divine, Jesse Itzler, Marisa Peer, John Oates, John (The Economic Hitman) Perkins, The Mother of Mindfulness Dr. Ellen Langer, Jordan Harbinger, and Kevin Harrington to name but a few who share the raw truth of their heroic journeys from devastation to purpose.

The Dov Baron Show (previously known as Leadership and Loyalty‪)‬ Dov Baron

    • Society & Culture
    • 4.6 • 228 Ratings

“Come for the stories, and you stay for the learning.”

More than another podcast—it's your passport to unparalleled insights. Step into the world's heartbeat with: "The Dov Baron Show." Every episode offers a tantalizing taste of the delicious thoughts and wisdom of global leaders, Deep Thinkers, entertainers, and a spectrum of the most captivating minds—from astronauts soaring the cosmos to philosophers plumbing the soul's depths.

What podcast do the top Fortune 500 executives listen to? This one! Every Sunday and Wednesday Dov Baron and his world-class guests including Guy Kawasaki, Tom Bilyeau, Keith Ferrazzi, Major General Ambassador Scott Gration, Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina, Commander Mark Divine, Jesse Itzler, Marisa Peer, John Oates, John (The Economic Hitman) Perkins, The Mother of Mindfulness Dr. Ellen Langer, Jordan Harbinger, and Kevin Harrington to name but a few who share the raw truth of their heroic journeys from devastation to purpose.

    Legend! Part 2 of 2: Dr John Cobb: Can We End Perpetual War?

    Legend! Part 2 of 2: Dr John Cobb: Can We End Perpetual War?

    Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr. The Economics of Nuclear War
    Not since the early 1980s have we collectively worried about nuclear war. Today the
    war in Ukraine rages on and the US foreign policy has not excluded the potential of
    nuclear weapons against both Russia and China.
    Meanwhile, the oceans are heating up, species are dying out at record rates, and the economies of the world are in jeopardy.
    Are we at the dawn of a nuclear, or, for that matter, environmental holocaust? Is
    there any good news on the horizon? What can we, as business leaders, do to make
    the world safer for us all?
    We will endeavor to answer those questions in surprising ways as we sit down with
    the author of more than 50 books; an American theologian, philosopher, and a
    leader in the environmental movement.

    is the preeminent scholar in process philosophy and process
    theology. Dr. Cobb’s transdisciplinary approach integrates insights from many
    different study areas and brings different specialized disciplines into fruitful
    communication. He has influenced various disciplines, including theology, ecology,
    economics, biology, and social ethics.
    In 1971, he wrote the first single-author book on environmental ethics, Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology, which argued for the relevance of religious thought in approaching the ecological crisis.[9] 
    Dr. Cobb is the co-founder and current co-director of the Center for Process Studies
    in Claremont, California. In 2014 Cobb was elected to the prestigious American
    Academy of Arts and Sciences. He recently founded the Living Earth Movement and
    is writing his newest book, Is International Cooperation Possible?
    Website: https://LivingEarthMovement.eco
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LivingEarthMvmt
    Part 2) China & US: Environmental Collaboration
    🌎 A Letter Written to Joe Biden & Xi Jinping
    🌎 The Potential Environmental Collaboration between The US and China
    🌎 Making Peace While Telling the World You're My Enemy
    🌎 Refueling The Propaganda Machine
    🌎 Billions of Dollars to Ukraine & Taiwan
    🌎 A Russia-NATO Alliance
    🌎 Perpetual War
    🌎 Throwing Europe to The Dogs
    🌎 What's The End Game?
    🌎 The US Investment in nuclear weapons
    🌎 The Unifier of The Republican & Democratic parties.
    🌎 The Religion of Money
    🌎 Reclaiming and Recovering LOVE

    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"

    • 28 min
    Legend! Part 1 of 2: The Economics of Nuclear War Dr John Cobb

    Legend! Part 1 of 2: The Economics of Nuclear War Dr John Cobb

    Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr. The Economics of Nuclear War
    Not since the early 1980s have we collectively worried about nuclear war. Today the
    war in Ukraine rages on and the US foreign policy has not excluded the potential of
    nuclear weapons against both Russia and China.
    Meanwhile, the oceans are heating up, species are dying out at record rates, and the economies of the world are in jeopardy.
    Are we at the dawn of a nuclear, or, for that matter, environmental holocaust? Is
    there any good news on the horizon? What can we, as business leaders, do to make
    the world safer for us all?
    We will endeavor to answer those questions in surprising ways as we sit down with
    the author of more than 50 books; an American theologian, philosopher, and a
    leader in the environmental movement.

    is the preeminent scholar in process philosophy and process
    theology. Dr. Cobb’s transdisciplinary approach integrates insights from many
    different study areas and brings different specialized disciplines into fruitful
    communication. He has influenced various disciplines, including theology, ecology,
    economics, biology, and social ethics.
    In 1971, he wrote the first single-author book on environmental ethics, Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology, which argued for the relevance of religious thought in approaching the ecological crisis.[9] 
    Dr. Cobb is the co-founder and current co-director of the Center for Process Studies
    in Claremont, California. In 2014 Cobb was elected to the prestigious American
    Academy of Arts and Sciences. He recently founded the Living Earth Movement and
    is writing his newest book, Is International Cooperation Possible?
    Website: https://LivingEarthMovement.eco
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LivingEarthMvmt
    Part 1) Free Thinking as Modern Heresy
    🌎 100 Years of Life Experience
    🌎 Living in pre WWII Japan
    🌎 An American remembers living in Hiroshima before the US dropped an atomic
    🌎 Was the Atomic bomb necessary
    🌎 Replacing Japanese Imperialism with Economic Imperialism
    🌎 The marriage of the Military and Financial, industrial complex
    🌎 Belt and Road: China Playing an American Game
    🌎 The Downside of Modern Academic Discipline
    🌎 Is free thinking today modern heresy
    🌎 Questioning The Big Bang, Dark Matter, and Einstein
    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"

    • 22 min
    Part 2 of 2: Sr Steven Feinberg; "Unlocking Strategic Agility: How Internal Rules Shape Our Success.

    Part 2 of 2: Sr Steven Feinberg; "Unlocking Strategic Agility: How Internal Rules Shape Our Success.

    Part 2) "Unlocking Strategic Agility: How Internal Rules Shape Our Success.
    Do What Others Say Can't Be Done!
    Excited to introduce to part two of our delicious conversation with Dr. Steven Feinberg, a master of neurostrategy who brings order to the unpredictable.
    In his latest bestseller, Dr. Feinberg uncovers the hidden rules that dictate success and failure, offering insights into the neuroscience of leaders who can navigate chaotic patterns. Prepare to take control of your life's meta-game.
    This podcast episode is not just about entertainment—it's a transformative experience. Subscribe today and embark on a journey to challenge your perspectives with Dr. Feinberg. Get ready for a conversation that will revolutionize how you see the world from the inside out.
    #Leadership #Neuroscience #Podcast #Transformation
    Navigating Uncertainty with Strategic Agility: The importance of flexibility and readiness to adapt in uncertain situations.
    The Power of Inclusion and Exclusion: How inclusion can lead to new opportunities, and how exclusion can hinder potential progress.
    The Value of Authentic Communication: The necessity of honest and open communication, even when it involves admitting imperfections or uncertainties.
    Freedom is Letting Go of Control: Learning that others' perceptions are beyond our control frees us from the constraints of trying to manage every outcome.
    Strategic Agility Over Willpower: The limits of willpower versus the benefits of strategic agility offers a valuable lesson on sustainability and effectiveness in leadership.
    Learning from Failure: Resilience and the capacity to turn challenges into triumphs.
    Impact of Personal Values on Professional Decisions: The adherence to personal values, even under pressure, showcases how core beliefs guide critical decision-making processes.
    Questioning the Status Quo: The astronaut who questioned and tested the limits in a simulator serves as a metaphor for challenging accepted norms and pushing beyond perceived boundaries.
    Harnessing Opportunities in Adversity: How adversity can be a catalyst for innovation and growth if approached with the right mindset and strategies.
    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"

    • 22 min
    Part 1 of 2: Dr Steven Feinberg: The Secret to Mastering The Meta-Game!

    Part 1 of 2: Dr Steven Feinberg: The Secret to Mastering The Meta-Game!

    Here's the link to Part 2
    Do What Others Say Can't Be Done!
    Welcome to The Dov Baron Show, your portal to the minds that sculpt our world and redefine the boundaries of leadership, science, and philosophy. Today, we journey into the essence of chaos with Dr. Steven Feinberg, a maestro of neurostrategy who crafts order from the unpredictable.
    Discover the hidden rules that govern our successes and failures as Dr. Feinberg unveils the profound insights from his latest bestseller, "Do What Others Say Can't Be Done." Dive deep into the neuroscience that shapes leaders capable of foreseeing chaotic patterns.
    This isn't just another podcast episode—it's your next step in mastering the meta-game of your life and leadership. Strap in, subscribe, and transform how you see the world with us. Welcome, Dr. Feinberg, to a conversation that promises to turn your perceptions inside out.


    Social Media

    Part 1) Learn the Secret to Mastering the Meta-Game!
    Growing Up on a Fire Escape.  Dr. Steven Feinberg shares personal anecdotes, illustrating how early life experiences contribute to one's 'emotional source code' and impact their worldview and decisions.
    . Curiosity as a Catalyst: The power of curiosity for navigating complex issues and shaping our world.
      The Meta-Game Concept: Mastery in leadership and life is understanding the 'meta-game'—the patterns that govern situations and environments.
      Leadership in Uncertainty: Dr. Feinberg discusses how true leaders are formed in the crucible of uncertainty, learning to identify and leverage hidden patterns to make strategic decisions.
      First Adapters: Leaders who excel in turning challenges into opportunities through Strategic Agility.
      The Neuroscience of Decision-Making: Decision-making and Influence
      Navigating Uncertainty: Dr. Feinberg shares insights on handling uncertainty in business, offering strategies for maintaining stability and making informed decisions amidst chaos.
      Power Thinking versus Positive Thinking: A distinction is made between 'power thinking', which involves recognizing and acting on high-leverage opportunities, and 'positive thinking', which can sometimes lead to complacency or denial of reality.
      The Importance of Adapting to Change: Leaders must adapt to change and find opportunities within challenges, fostering a mindset that is not just reactive but also proactive in facing uncertainty.
    To listen to part 2: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-dov-baron-show-previously-known-as-leadership/id272512829?i=1000662518007
    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"

    • 26 min
    Part 2 of 2: Dr. James Doty: Why Chasing Porsches and Mansions Won’t Make You Happy

    Part 2 of 2: Dr. James Doty: Why Chasing Porsches and Mansions Won’t Make You Happy

    On this episode of the Dov Baron Show, we bridge the ethereal with the empirical. Dive
    into a universe where mysticism meets the rigor of neuroscience with our esteemed
    guest, Dr. James Doty. 
    From exploring the essence of manifestation to unraveling the intricacies of the human
    mind, prepare for a journey that transforms the seemingly inexplicable into the
    thoroughly understandable. 
    Join us as Dr. Doty shares revolutionary insights that challenge the very fabric of reality
    and our understanding of it. We're about to unravel the neuroscience behind
    manifestation with Dr. James Doty, a distinguished neuroscientist and neurosurgeon at
    Stanford University.

    Dr. Doty is the author of the New York Times bestseller"Into the
    Magic Shop" and host of the accompanying podcast. He brings us insights from his
    latest groundbreaking work, "Magic Mind: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How
    It Changes Everything"

    Social Media
    Part 2: 
    Part 2: "Why Chasing Porsches and Mansions Won’t Make You Happy –
    A Neurosurgeon’s Stark Reality!"
     Understanding Manifestation: Dr. Doty explores the concept
    of "manifestation"; beyond materialistic desires, discussing how true
    satisfaction is derived from aligning one's goals with your inner values rather
    than superficial achievements.
     The Role of Neuroscience: Insight into how neuroscience explains the
    processes behind manifestation and how specific brain systems are utilized to
    achieve personal goals.
     Breaking Past Patterns: How individuals often carry "emotional baggage" that
    shapes their behaviors and decision-making processes, emphasizing the
    importance of self-awareness and intentional change.

     Value Tagging: Dr. Doty explains"value tagging"—how our perceptions
    influence our decision-making and the importance of aligning these
    perceptions with meaningful life goals.
     The Illusion of Success: A powerful narrative about the emptiness of material
    success without deeper fulfillment, highlighted by Dr. Doty's personal
    experiences of loss and recovery.
     Service and Satisfaction: This philosophy emphasizes the profound joy and
    satisfaction that come from serving others and contributing to the community,
    which often leads to genuine personal happiness.
     Practical Steps to Manifestation: Detailed discussion on practical steps to
    apply neuroscience principles to everyday life, ensuring that manifestations
    align with personal values and lead to real change.
     Challenges of Materialism: A critical look at the pitfalls of focusing solely on
    material gains as depicted by societal norms and media portrayals, focusing on
    how to manifest genuinely fulfilling experiences.
     Future Directions in Mental Health: Exploration of "Happy AI" an innovative
    mental health platform that uses AI and neuroscience to provide emotional
    support without judgment, demonstrating the application of neuroscience in
    improving mental health.
     Realistic Expectations and Dispositional
    Optimism: Dr. Doty discusses setting realistic expectations in personal growth and the concept of dispositional optimism—maintaining a positive outlook
    regardless of circumstances.

    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning

    • 33 min
    Part 1 of 2: Dr. James Doty: Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation

    Part 1 of 2: Dr. James Doty: Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation

    This is the Link to Part 2
    On this episode of the Dov Baron Show, we bridge the ethereal with the empirical. Dive
    into a universe where mysticism meets the rigor of neuroscience with our esteemed
    guest, Dr. James Doty. 
    From exploring the essence of manifestation to unraveling the intricacies of the human
    mind, prepare for a journey that transforms the seemingly inexplicable into the
    thoroughly understandable. 
    Join us as Dr. Doty shares revolutionary insights that challenge the very fabric of reality
    and our understanding of it. We're about to unravel the neuroscience behind
    manifestation with Dr. James Doty, a distinguished neuroscientist and neurosurgeon at
    Stanford University.
    Dr. Doty is the author of the New York Times bestseller"Into the
    Magic Shop" and host of the accompanying podcast. He brings us insights from his
    latest groundbreaking work, "Magic Mind: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How
    It Changes Everything"


    Social Media
    Part 1 Awakening Your Magic Mind
     The Science of Manifestation: Explore the Neuroscience Behind Manifestation
    as Dr. James Doty, a distinguished neuroscientist and neurosurgeon from
    Stanford University, reveals the connections between our beliefs
    and our physical reality.

     From Theory to Therapy: Discover how Dr. Doty uses his expertise to blend
    spiritual wisdom with scientific research, offering a fresh perspective on mental
    health and emotional well-being.
     The Journey from Hardship to Healing: Learn about Dr. Doty's journey from a
    tumultuous childhood to becoming a beacon of hope and innovation in
    neuroscience and spiritual communities.
     Mind Training Techniques: Dr. Doty shares effective mind training techniques,
    including mindfulness and self-compassion practices, that help manage stress
    and enhance focus.
     The Impact of Environment on Mindset: Understand how our environments
    influence our mental health and how changing our surroundings can change
    our lives.
     The Role of Compassion in Manifestation: Dr. Doty emphasizes the
    importance of self-compassion and the Golden Rule in shaping our realities
    and improving our relationships.
     Conscious vs. Unconscious Intentions: Dive deep into the power
    of conscious intention and learn how to distinguish it from unconscious
    manifestations that can subvert our goals.
     Breaking Free from Material Attachments: Gain insights into how attachment
    to outcomes can lead to dissatisfaction and how detachment can lead to true
    .Part 2: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-dov-baron-show-previously-known-as-leadership/id272512829?i=1000661776895
    Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belonging -------------
    The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
    Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
    Curious to know more? coursifyx.com/belonging
     "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"

    • 28 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
228 Ratings

228 Ratings

Elena_ Lopez ,

So glad I found this podcast!

This is incredible podcast. Dov has a unique interview style and brings to light topics no one is talking about. He finds the most interesting guests and helps them tell their stories.

JordanOviler ,

The Great Place

I’m already listening to too many podcasts to keep up and not really up to add more, but I’m so glad I have! Casual genuine enjoyable interviews/conversations.

I especially loved hearing Dov Baron talking about great topics. Thank you

Mermaids4 ,

Dov is a powerhouse of leadership knowledge and a terrific interviewer

I was a guest on The Dov Baron Show and it is easily one of my favorite podcast interviews. I listened to a handful of the past shows to get ready and they were all excellent Dov combines his exceptional knowledge of leadership, wit, and engaging style to produce a great show for anyone listening. The range and depth of subject matter from personal to business is unparalleled. —Scott K. Edinger

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