27 min

The Fake Paycheck The Financial Call

    • Self-Improvement

Last week’s episode pushed you to think about how much you want to be saving towards retirement. This week’s episode discusses what type of investments you need and uncovers your tool to maintain your retirement savings goal. The Fake Paycheck is the lazy man’s way to budget. Listen to this episode to learn how you can set up your accounts so that the only thing you need to worry about is if your spending account is getting low or not.

Last week’s episode pushed you to think about how much you want to be saving towards retirement. This week’s episode discusses what type of investments you need and uncovers your tool to maintain your retirement savings goal. The Fake Paycheck is the lazy man’s way to budget. Listen to this episode to learn how you can set up your accounts so that the only thing you need to worry about is if your spending account is getting low or not.

27 min