100 episodes

Calling all entrepreneurs and purpose driven-women! Are you ready to become fearless in your body, mind, and business?

Learn how to change your identity, beliefs, and habits, so you can transform your health and your business from the inside out. It’s possible to achieve your biggest, life-changing goals without the frustration, obsession, or negative self-talk that so many women subject themselves to every day.

All you need are the right tools, the right mindset, and the faith to turn your dreams into reality. And I’m here to guide you along the way!

This podcast is for you if:
- You love learning about nutrition and health and how to optimize it.
- You're motivated to uncover the mindset blocks holding you back.
- You know you have a big purpose to fulfill and want help achieving it.
- You love going into the "woo" and desire to grow spiritually.
- You're here to make a big impact on the world through business, charity, or any other entrepreneurial endeavor.

My passion is helping entrepreneurial women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.

On this podcast, you'll learn about a wide variety of topics that impact your ability to live the life you desire, from nutrition, to fitness, to business, and much more.

And we're willing to have all the awkward, candid conversations so you can learn what you need to know to live your best life!

The Fed and Fearless Podcast Laura Schoenfeld

    • Business
    • 4.8 • 76 Ratings

Calling all entrepreneurs and purpose driven-women! Are you ready to become fearless in your body, mind, and business?

Learn how to change your identity, beliefs, and habits, so you can transform your health and your business from the inside out. It’s possible to achieve your biggest, life-changing goals without the frustration, obsession, or negative self-talk that so many women subject themselves to every day.

All you need are the right tools, the right mindset, and the faith to turn your dreams into reality. And I’m here to guide you along the way!

This podcast is for you if:
- You love learning about nutrition and health and how to optimize it.
- You're motivated to uncover the mindset blocks holding you back.
- You know you have a big purpose to fulfill and want help achieving it.
- You love going into the "woo" and desire to grow spiritually.
- You're here to make a big impact on the world through business, charity, or any other entrepreneurial endeavor.

My passion is helping entrepreneurial women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.

On this podcast, you'll learn about a wide variety of topics that impact your ability to live the life you desire, from nutrition, to fitness, to business, and much more.

And we're willing to have all the awkward, candid conversations so you can learn what you need to know to live your best life!

    Shifting your Subconscious for Growth and Healing With Allison Roman

    Shifting your Subconscious for Growth and Healing With Allison Roman

    How do your subconscious beliefs impact your physical health? Without deep introspection, it’s hard to know. But we are all affected by it. Today’s guest explains how to plumb the depths of our subconscious to learn what we need for full healing to take place.
    About Allison Roman
    Allison is a Transformation Coach & Holistic Healing Practitioner who helps women get unstuck and release what's holding them back from living their best life. By fusing subconscious reprogramming with practical lifestyle tools for empowered healing, Allison guides people to step into their power and create the life they desire.
    She has been trained in numerous holistic methodologies and has been teaching and coaching in the wellness industry for over 15 years. You'll find her work focuses on the intersection of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being for aligned and authentic living.
    You Can Control Your Subconscious Beliefs for Better Health Results
    Throughout this episode, Allison explains how and why our beliefs impact our health. Perhaps you’ve tried every regular solution to a chronic health issue and are still stuck. Maybe you’ve even recovered physically but still feel like there’s work left to do. If so, it’s time to look beyond the physical level. There may be emotional and mental root causes at play. 
    Allison describes why what we believe is possible will be our experience. For instance, your beliefs about what is possible for your healing will affect how you view a diagnosis. Your level of optimism or pessimism will impact your results.
    As practitioners, part of our job is to help our clients believe that they can get results. To do this, we need to understand where our client’s belief lies. What does healing mean to them? How do they perceive good health? This sometimes differs from conscious beliefs. Diving deep into this will be an important step for true change.
    Taking Control of Your Beliefs and Your Healing Journey
    Allison talks about examining and eliminating limiting beliefs to better align yourself with your goals. This is hard work. As she says, it keeps you humble. But it also builds up your emotional intelligence. Processing, feeling, and exploring emotions can allow you to use them for healing instead of staying in “victim mode”. 
    The truth is, you are the expert of you. Sure, practitioners and doctors can give you their perspectives. But ultimately you need to trust your own judgment. 
    Allison has some advice to help you better check into your beliefs and what your body is saying. This includes meditation, listening to your body, and examining the sources of emotions. Most of all, you need to believe that you will find the answer you seek, or it will remain elusive.
    How might your subconscious beliefs be standing in the way of growth? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode Why physical symptoms can be a reflection of our unconscious thoughts [5:45] Signs that subconscious work is needed for further self-improvement [8:00] How practitioners can help clients overcome the stigma of healing [14:30] What deletion, distortion, and generalization are and how to recognize them [23:30] What to do when your own judgment is in doubt [35:30] How timeline therapy can be a powerful healing tool [51:00]  
    Quotes “It’s been so impactful, not only for my health, but it has deeply impacted all the other areas of my life. It’s really powerful stuff.” [5:02]
    “We go through challenges. We go through transformation. Any time we are transforming or up-leveling in any way, we undoubtedly are going to have discomfort. Going to those deep dark places gets us to be the higher versions of ourselves.” [18:08]
    “This is where it’s so important to work with someone one-on-one who is doing subconscious work because it’s below your conscious awareness. You don’t realize that it’s happening, that’s how the subconscious works.” [45:25]
    Review Fe

    • 1 hr 6 min
    How Good Bookkeeping Can Grow Your Business with Annie Hillman

    How Good Bookkeeping Can Grow Your Business with Annie Hillman

    Don’t you just love bookkeeping? Well, I sure don’t. Yet, proper bookkeeping can make a difference in your business. To get you excited to dive into your books and records so your business can grow, I brought on a guest with a real passion for managing the minutiae of business.
    About Annie Hillman
    Annie Hillman is the founder and head bookkeeper at Atlas Bookkeeping Co. While finishing her college degree, she took a temporary accounting job and instantly fell in love with accounting. She worked her way up to staff accountant and stayed there until starting Atlas in 2020.
    Now, she spends her days helping business owners treat numbers like a tool, not a threat so they can run empowered, profitable businesses with calm confidence. She helps business owners embrace numbers, increase profits, and stress way less with monthly money management. Besides crunching your numbers, Annie loves fitness, baking bread, and hanging with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.
    Why It’s Time to Hire a Bookkeeper
    Even if your business is tiny or you’re just starting out, getting help with your books is a great thing to do. One thing that helped me grow my business was hiring a bookkeeper. Annie and I explain how doing this will free up your time so you can focus on actually running your business, not just managing its details.
    Unless you’re an expert at this already, a professional bookkeeper will also provide you with data you might otherwise miss. You can then use this information to help your business thrive even more. It’s also helpful to get an outside perspective on your business for an objective viewpoint.
    What You Can Do to Better Manage Your Books
    To get your books in order, Annie has some suggestions. First, don’t wait until the end of the year. Regularly dedicate some time to it. Also, don’t muddy up your numbers with personal expenses. Keep your business numbers separate from everything else. 
    Annie also wants you to keep your receipts organized. Even storing them in a simple Google Drive folder will make everything so much easier when it's time to crunch the numbers. 
    We also discuss helpful tools for keeping track of expenses and income, such as Annie’s Money Mapper and accounting software. If a tool can save you time and effort, then it will be worth the cost in the end. Even if your business is small now, set all this up so that things will continue to run smoothly as you grow.
    What’s been your biggest bookkeeping challenge? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode Why paying a bookkeeper will save you money in the end [6:00] The most common mistakes business owners make with their books [13:30] The important distinction between a bookkeeper and an accountant [17:00] Helpful tools for tracking income and expenses [22:00] Accounting for the difference between profit and sales [31:30] Making sure you have enough money for tax time [42:30]  
    Quotes “There’s something to be said about looking at your business objectively. Sometimes as a business owner, you can’t do that with your own numbers.” [12:28]
    “A bookkeeper is going to manage your books on a monthly basis. So they’re going to get really into the minutiae of it.” [17:50]
    “That might work when you have two clients. But we all want to grow and scale our business. That’s not going to work when you have a hundred clients or more.” [30:32]
    Review Fed and Fearless on Apple Podcasts! Send a screenshot of your review to hello@lauraschoenfeldrd.com or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll send you my Overcoming Undereating eBook. If you post your favorite episode in your Insta stories and tag me @LauraShoenfeldRD, I’ll also send you my 14-Day Calorie Challenge Recipe Guide!
    Links Download your FREE Profit Planning Workbook!
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    Bookkeeping Basics Guide
    Use Coupon Code - PODCAST20 for 20% off Money Mapper
    Xero - Accounting Software
    Profit First by Mike Michalo

    • 50 min
    How To Go Through Menopause Like A Rock Star with Esther Blum

    How To Go Through Menopause Like A Rock Star with Esther Blum

    Are you dreading menopause? Many women do. But today’s guest has not only embraced this stage of life, she also makes it a lot of fun! In this episode, you’ll hear how to approach menopause with enthusiasm.
    About Esther Blum
    Esther is the bestselling author of Cavewomen Don't Get Fat, Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous, Secrets of Gorgeous, and The Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous Project.
    She currently maintains a busy virtual practice where she helps women balance hormones, lose stubborn body fat, and treat the root cause of health struggles. Her new (5th) book, See Ya Later, Ovulator!, was released on October 4th.
    Esther received a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nutrition from Simmons College in Boston and is a graduate of New York University, where she received her Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition. Esther is credentialed as a registered dietitian, a certified dietitian-nutritionist, and a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), with certification from the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS).
    She is also a member of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians in Functional Medicine, Nutritionists in Complementary Care, and the Connecticut Dietetic Association.
    How Practitioners Can Approach Menopause with Their Clients
    The sad state of affairs is that there are currently few options presented to women as they approach and go through menopause. Commonly, all they are offered is birth control or just a sympathetic shrug. 
    Esther explains how there’s so much more that practitioners can do. She describes the many tests and treatments that can truly help. With more knowledge about what’s changing in your body, you can enter this stage of life without dread. In fact, it can even be something to look forward to.
    What Can Be Done to Make Menopause a Better Experience
    Unlike conventional practitioners, Esther sees a huge value in hormone treatments for menopause. She points out the shortfalls of some studies that lean away from hormones and discusses the benefits she and others have seen. 
    There are also many lifestyles and diet interventions that will help, especially when it comes to weight management. Esther explains how optimizing protein and carbohydrate intake, exercise, and an indomitable attitude will prepare you to go through menopause like a rockstar.
    What can you do now to help make menopause a better experience for you or your clients? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode Why menopause is seldom discussed by dietitians and other providers [8:00] What practitioners can do to change the landscape surrounding menopausal care [20:00] Managing weight gain during menopause with diet [27:15] Advice for aspiring book writers [35:20]  
    Quotes “You don’t have to wait until you hit a full year of not having a period before bringing hormones in. You can actually bring them in during perimenopause, and you should.” [10:54]
    “Do not sit and wait for the medical system to change. The way it’s going to change is from us; that’s how everything changes.” [19:55]
    “You got to make nutrition fun and sexy and accessible for everybody. It shouldn’t be a dry bland diet.” [45:38]
    Review Fed and Fearless on Apple Podcasts! Send a screenshot of your review to hello@lauraschoenfeldrd.com or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll send you my Overcoming Undereating eBook. If you post your favorite episode in your Insta stories and tag me @LauraShoenfeldRD, I’ll also send you my 14-Day Calorie Challenge Recipe Guide!
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    • 53 min
    How To Price Your Coaching Offers

    How To Price Your Coaching Offers

    Let’s talk about pricing. There are a lot of different philosophies about pricing out there. Personally speaking, I feel that premium pricing is the best way for any health and wellness entrepreneur to grow their business. In this episode, I tell you how to come up with your premium price point!
    Why Premium Pricing is the Way to Go
    There are a lot of steps in creating a successful premium program. Pricing is one of the most crucial parts. There are a lot of individual factors in this. The type of people you serve and the problem you solve will drastically influence your price point. 
    I talk about what to think about when it comes to the population you serve. Different people will be able to spend different amounts depending on various factors which you’ll need to consider. Also, you’ll want to examine the problem you solve and consider how high value it is.
    The Many Factors Behind Your Pricing Structure
    I can’t tell you what to charge. You have to decide that based on all that I talk about in this episode. It largely boils down to the offer you create. And pricing is part of creating that offer. You can’t just pick a random price without knowing your offer. Your offer is not only going to determine your price, but it’s also going to determine how well it sells. The more you raise your price, the harder it will be to sell, but it will be easier to make money because you won’t have to sell it to as many people. That’s quite the balancing act!
    You’ll need to find the highest price point that sells well. This is because, if you’re new to the business, you’ll find it’s a lot harder to make money selling low-ticket services because you’ll need many more clients. 
    To come up with your perfect number, there’s a lot to examine. This includes knowing who your offer is for and the specific problem you solve. You also need to know your potential for solving this problem and what you will do to help your client achieve success. Knowing all this will help you determine the ideal price point for your ideal client.
    What struggles do you face when pricing your services? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode The most important factors when identifying your premium price point [7:00] Understanding your value based on your skill level and experience [15:15] Creating an irresistible offer with your ideal price point [25:00] Making your offer stand out from the crowd [37:30]  
    Quotes “Your personal financial goals will impact what you charge for things because that’s going to help you work backward to figure out what you need to be selling, how much you need to be selling, and how much you need to be charging.” [14:55]
    “I believe that you have to energetically match the amount of money you’re asking for. The way you’re going to energetically match it is by exceeding the value they are paying in the way you can serve and support them.” [22:10]
    “You should feel like your customer is getting more value than you are when it comes to your starting price point.” [35:40]
    Review Fed and Fearless on Apple Podcasts! Send a screenshot of your review to hello@lauraschoenfeldrd.com or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll send you my Overcoming Undereating eBook. If you post your favorite episode in your Insta stories and tag me @LauraShoenfeldRD, I’ll also send you my 14-Day Calorie Challenge Recipe Guide!
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    Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative

    • 48 min
    Thriving In The Face of Life Threatening Food Allergies with Kathlena The Allergy Chef

    Thriving In The Face of Life Threatening Food Allergies with Kathlena The Allergy Chef

    Is it possible to live a “normal” life in the face of severe food allergies? Today’s guest, who has hundreds of severe food allergies, has done just that. It takes experimentation, self-advocacy, and perseverance, but it is possible to not just live with allergies but to thrive.
    About Kathlena, The Allergy Chef™
    Kathlena has over 200 food allergies and intolerances, and can't drink most water. The members of her household also have food allergies and special diets, none of them the same. After being told she had 30 days to live, she made it her mission to help the food allergy and special diet communities thrive.
    Three years after her lowest point, she and her team have published several cookbooks, started a bakery, done local and nationwide outreach developed hundreds of free recipes and resources, and much more.
    Every Case is Different with Food Allergies
    As someone with multiple extreme allergies, Kathlena understands as well as anyone could the impacts of food allergies on well-being. In this episode, she describes how this made her an advocate for others who may not be able to put a voice in their situation. Especially when it comes to young children, it is important to recognize the symptoms of food allergies and seek interventions before they lead to bigger issues. 
    Everyone’s case is different too. Kathlena explains why this diversity of allergic reactions makes them difficult to study. That’s why it’s critical to truly listen to each individual and provide personalized care. Kathlena urges everyone to find a doctor who completely supports them in their healing journey.
    The Role of Mindset in Living with Food Allergies
    Mindset is a central part of how Kathlena lives with her allergies. She’s found that maintaining a positive perspective in the face of challenging circumstances is the difference between merely surviving and thriving. For Kathlena, this centers on her desire to make the world a better place. Not only does she want her own life to improve, but she also wants it for everyone else too. Even with all her health concerns, Kathlena remains incredibly optimistic in a contagious way.
    This comes from a recognition of everyday wins, no matter how small or trivial. It begins with perseverance and an understanding that we may never reach our goal, but there is success in trying. By celebrating every forward step, we become capable of progress that may have once seemed out of reach.
    How do you persevere in the face of extreme health challenges? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode How a grim diagnosis led to Kathlena’s mission to change the world [3:00] The challenges of studying and treating food allergies [13:30] Working with and understanding the different definitions of food allergies and intolerances [23:30] Developing a mindset around the possibilities, not limitations, of living with severe food allergies [30:15] What it means to be a hero to others and to yourself [43:30] Resources to find meals for any diet [53:30]  
    Quotes “I look at where I’m at now as the culmination of what happens when you take an undiagnosed person and you keep exposing them to food that causes harm. What happens to the body? I’m the answer.” [9:52]
    “No one is the expert the way you are. No one is as invested as you are.”  [20:26]
    “Courage starts with these tiny steps; just these little baby steps. And we can all do them every single day.” [46:33]
    Review Fed and Fearless on Apple Podcasts! Send a screenshot of your review to hello@lauraschoenfeldrd.com or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll send you my Overcoming Undereating eBook. If you post your favorite episode in your Insta stories and tag me @LauraShoenfeldRD, I’ll also send you my 14-Day Calorie Challenge Recipe Guide!
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    • 1 hr 3 min
    How Your Beliefs Affect Your Results In Health and In Business with Megan Blacksmith

    How Your Beliefs Affect Your Results In Health and In Business with Megan Blacksmith

    What impact might your subconscious beliefs have on your health and the health of your clients? What about your business? Today’s guest explains how, as health coaches and practitioners, we can help ourselves and our clients get better results by addressing and reprograming these beliefs.
    About Megan Blacksmith
    Megan Blacksmith (Health Coach, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner) and Dr. Alex Golden (M.D.) are the co-founders of Zesty Ginger, a company founded on the principles of compassionate transformation. They help women restore optimal health through a combination of functional medicine, mindset, and subconscious reprogramming. 
    With over ten years of personal health struggles overlooked by conventional medicine, such as chronic pain and endometriosis for Dr. Alex, and Megan’s postpartum health crash and anxiety, they vow to make medicine and health easier to navigate.
    They believe that when we consider health from the perspective of the mind, body, heart, AND soul, we allow ourselves to resolve our fragmentation. The fragmentation results from living in a world that breaks us down into categories and addresses problems by organ systems. Instead, healing comes from wholeness.
    The Connection Between Beliefs, Actions, and Results
    Throughout this episode, Megan speaks to why actions will often fall short if they are not backed up by our thoughts and beliefs. This partially explains why clients who just want to be told what to do often struggle the most. Instead, Megan explains how to help clients best by aligning your advice with their own intuitions and feelings.
    This means helping people slow down to better listen to what their body is telling them. This can be an uncomfortable process. Yet, it will help them understand what parts are important to them and help align the program with their beliefs for improved results.
    The Strategy of Shifting Subconscious Belief Systems
    Not everyone is naturally good at reframing beliefs. To help, Megan suggests modeling off of someone’s strategies who has already accomplished what you’re after. When you surround yourself with strategies and ideas you want to achieve for yourself, they can come to you more naturally.
    She also advises reframing your thoughts to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. The subconscious mind hears your thoughts and takes them on. If you only speak to yourself in the negatives, your subconscious will take those on. Instead, by rewording your goals as positives, you’ll better be able to discover the path to success.
    How could investing in yourself benefit your clients? Leave a comment on the episode page!
    In This Episode How Megan discovered the connection between mindset and health [4:30] Helping clients by supporting their decision-making process rather than just telling them what to do [11:30] The strategy behind shifting subconscious belief systems [30:40] What you learn about yourself by observing those around you [44:00]  
    Quotes “People were able to do the same things they were already doing, maybe the same protocol and foods, and start to get results. It really did seem like magic.” [11:17]
    “We need to be totally clear in our role [as coaches] and totally clear on our stuff, meaning any fears or triggers we have.” [23:00]
    “Perception is projection…. What you’re seeing outside of you is what you have inside of you.” [46:53]
    “When you get into the quantum physics of it and what the brain is physically wired to do and why it starts to become so obvious as to why you would care about this.” [1:01:23]
    Review Fed and Fearless on Apple Podcasts! Send a screenshot of your review to hello@lauraschoenfeldrd.com or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll send you my Overcoming Undereating eBook. If you post your favorite episode in your Insta stories and tag me @LauraShoenfeldRD, I’ll also send you my 14-Day Calorie Challenge Recipe Guide!
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    • 1 hr 7 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
76 Ratings

76 Ratings

Lienna M ,

One of my favorite podcasts

I found Laura’s podcast 2 years ago after my friend introduced me to Laura’s website. Laura’s podcast and all the resources have been super valuable for me to change my mindset and have the right tools to help me grow my nutrition practice. I love that Laura’s is open about what it takes to grow your business and also gives you lots of actionable steps.

I highly recommend it. ❤️

FWask ,

Can’t miss if you’re starting a biz

Laura is as real as it gets for nutrition and other entrepreneurs. I’ve listened to most episodes and love how approachable she makes getting started in your biz and how real she keeps it for doing things logically and with integrity in your business. I joined NBA and not only did it help me get my biz up and running, I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process and made some amazing friendships along the way! Highly recommend!!!

agraz1923 ,

Inspiring - a must for entrepreneurs!

Each week I look forward to the next episode. I have asked myself multiple times, “where does she find these people?!” The entrepreneurial guests Laura interviews are always extremely inspiring and from a diverse range of fields. This podcast continues to deliver value, week after week. Highly recommend listening, even if just 1 episode.

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