37 min

The Hidden Cost of Resilience One in Ten

    • Social Sciences

Episode 202, “The Hidden Cost of Resilience.” The ability to bounce back from trauma is a good thing. But, increasingly, research is uncovering signs that all may not be well with the kids who look like they’re doing just fine. We spoke to Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King about resilience—and its hidden costs. How can we help kids and families cope with trauma? What factors put children at higher risk? And what does the latest research tell us about the long-term health issues that even the most res...

Episode 202, “The Hidden Cost of Resilience.” The ability to bounce back from trauma is a good thing. But, increasingly, research is uncovering signs that all may not be well with the kids who look like they’re doing just fine. We spoke to Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King about resilience—and its hidden costs. How can we help kids and families cope with trauma? What factors put children at higher risk? And what does the latest research tell us about the long-term health issues that even the most res...

37 min