86 episodes

"The Human Condition with Susan Marie" is a 10-15 minute audio series featuring conversations about everyday experiences made simple. The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Broadcast Journalist, Author, Poet, LMHC, LPC, NYSCPS

The Human Condition with Susan Marie Susan Marie

    • Society & Culture
    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings

"The Human Condition with Susan Marie" is a 10-15 minute audio series featuring conversations about everyday experiences made simple. The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Broadcast Journalist, Author, Poet, LMHC, LPC, NYSCPS

    look how it twists and turns

    look how it twists and turns

    "look how it twists and turns"

    look at how it twists and turns
    the bend, the ridge,
    in nature -
    like your words,
    sharp, razorlike,
    sharks’ teeth in my skin
    that you once held lovingly

    that you once held
    you did
    hold me in your heart
    and kept me there safe
    as I did you
    in purity and bliss
    like nature

    how she holds dear each season
    each delicate leaf
    as it falls from her womb
    to an early death
    full of color
    devoid of life

    like you
    struggling to maintain
    some semblances of control
    over your own

    like waves
    we met
    a breath of fresh air
    you said

    our souls met and danced
    like lovers
    past lives
    we were
    exactly that
    and you
    cannot remember
    nor care to
    it seems
    rather focus on yourself
    and cast out those
    who you see as beneath
    who are truly above

    and like each delicate rush of seasons
    the ones who refuse to leave when new ones enter
    your insecurity roars like a lion

    my energy is erratic
    due to your lack of integrity
    and trauma

    Oh, your poor, sad unhealed inner child . . .

    and on that bend
    with the twists and turns
    where we met again
    in this life now
    you have chosen to follow
    the curves and winding roads
    of confusion
    where you feel
    most comfortable
    scared to move
    something other than
    those that accept
    this mask you wear
    claiming to be
    I know I recognized

    that was our purpose
    that is the message
    that is the bond

    and you chose to break that
    by judging me
    this innocent
    this beautiful creature set before you
    that you did not deserve
    in this lifetime
    and in most likely the last

    and I thank you

    my lessons I have long learned
    fought and bled for
    you criticized
    like a microscope
    holding your own imperfect lens
    to my majestic growth

    you failed to open your eyes
    although I witnessed them working just fine

    you are your own eternal damnation
    your worst curse
    and I believe
    somewhere deep
    within the mask you so proudly wear
    there is a mirror
    all the souls
    of those before you
    ones you hurt
    lied to
    discriminated against
    and threw right under
    the bus

    and one day soon
    hopefully right now
    you feel my wrath
    out of love
    always out of love
    although you deserve none of mine
    not anymore

    and are blinded profusely
    by that mirror
    and fall onto your knees
    in humble grace
    before the setting sun
    before the rising dawn
    in the sand and snow
    grains, dirt, and earth
    with feet muddied, bleeding and bare
    until the crevices of mountains
    you so adore
    begin to bite you back
    as you have so bitten others

    and when mountains crumble and quake
    beneath your feet
    may you feel within your chest
    a thousand thrushes
    waiting to be set free

    and in this moment
    may you hear my voice
    see my face
    feel the softness of my skin
    hear my laughter
    and the brightness in my eyes
    that you so dimmed
    after creating

    and when you place your feet
    upon that foothold
    of life
    may you hope by then
    I have wished upon you


    © Susan Marie

    • 3 min
    #37 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (What Is Consciousness?)

    #37 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (What Is Consciousness?)

    The Human Condition is an audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

    The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

    Episode #37 talks about three states of consciousness, resiliency, self-efficacy, meta-cognition, and variances between man and animal and the mind/body connection.


    Adams, W. (2010-2018). Creativity and Consciousness. Retrieved from: http://www.rosejourn.com/index.php/rose/article/view/187

    Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. Retrieved from: https://www.uky.edu/~eushe2/Bandura/BanEncy.html

    Campbell, J., Moyers, B. (1991). The Power of Myth. (pp. 285, 286). Print.

    Chick, N. (2018). Metacognition. Retrieved from: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/metacognition/

    Coombs, Chelsey, (2015). Do animals have consciousness? Retrieved from: http://scienceline.org/2015/03/do-animals-have-consciousness/

    Dalai Lama. (2006). Living Wisdom. Introduction. Print.

    Jung, C. (1971). The Portable Jung. (pp. 87). Print.

    Koch, C. (2018) What Is Consciousness? Retrieved from: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-consciousness/

    Mehta, N., Ph.D. (2011). Mind-body Dualism: A Critique from a Health Perspective. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3115289

    Schumacher, M. (2018). What is Consciousness? Retrieved from: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-consciousness/

    Soul, Body, Yoga. (2011). The Meaning of “AUM”. Retrieved from: http://www.soulbodyyoga.com/sby-blog-mobile/item/the-meaning-of-aum

    Weinberg, J. (2018). Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the Psycho-Emotional Roots of Disease. Retrieved from: https://chopra.com/articles/mind-body-connection-understanding-the-psycho-emotional-roots-of-disease

    Whitman, Walt. (1983). Song of Myself. Leaves of Grass. Print.

    • 15 min
    #36 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Self-Care, Breath Manipulation, Stress, Trauma)

    #36 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Self-Care, Breath Manipulation, Stress, Trauma)

    The Human Condition is an audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

    The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

    Episode #36 talks about the stress response, trauma, the nervous system, self-care, building resilience, calming strategies, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and how to realistically manage self-care habits.


    Resilience and Self Care Basics by Dr. Sam Himelstein: https://courses.centerforadolescentstudies.com/course/resilience-and-self-care-basics-for-helping-professionals/

    Tupac Shakur: The Rose That Grew From Concrete: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/151809.The_Rose_That_Grew_from_Concrete

    Dave Pelzer: A Child Called “It”: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60748.A_Child_Called_It

    Deep Breathing Relaxation Videos:

    On iTunes, Soundcloud, Amazon Music and Audible.



    • 11 min


    a threshold, she stood,
    feet, bare, body clad,
    in white cotton raiment
    swirling about her ankles,
    as the wind
    sang like a lute,
    upon the still night sky.

    a woman's song
    carried upon the breeze,
    playing with the edges
    of light and dark,
    night and day,
    the precious time,
    dusk and nightfall.

    her ravensong
    burst forth
    from mouth,
    wide open in awe,
    chin upturned,
    jawbone outlined,
    tears precious
    gifted in humble grace,
    against the light
    of the coming
    of fresh eve.

    the lyrics
    danced around her shoulders,
    tickling them just so -
    tussling hair,
    three feet long -
    burnt sienna skied tresses.

    a dreamcatcher
    she was,
    weaving lives
    within lives,
    connecting the dots,
    with her fingertip raised
    pointed at stars,
    moving them
    across Father Sky -
    to meld into one another -


    this is her solace -
    the ancient firmament
    where Gods and Goddesses exist,
    where celestial wars rage,
    she pulls both arms outward
    with heart, full -
    like some majestic holy crucifixion
    and met the maelstrom head on -

    for this

    - forward -

    and she jumps
    into this rebirth,
    this knowing and unknowing,
    learning and unlearning,
    growing and dying,
    smiling while screaming inside -

    to lead
    not only herself
    but others -
    into the great abyss,
    the infinite chasm,
    the unknown universe,
    the holy grail,
    the swan songs of birds,
    the most precious calling
    to the wild souls of nature,
    beyond all

    a threshold, she stood
    feet, bare, body clad,
    in white cotton raiment
    swirling about her ankles
    as the wind
    sang like a lute
    upon the still night sky.

    Words & Audio © Susan Marie
    Artwork © Cate Parr

    • 2 min
    On the Backs of Beasts

    On the Backs of Beasts

    Poetry and Spoken Word by me. I have missed writing, taking a break from my podcast to be creative.

    • 1 min
    #35 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Part III: COVID+, Day 20)

    #35 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Part III: COVID+, Day 20)

    The Human Condition is an audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

    The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

    Episode #35 is Part III, please listen to Episode #33 & 34:

    Part I: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/33-the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-covid-moderate-101-yeah-this-is-me

    Part II: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/34-the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-part-ii-covid-moderate-101-day-10

    This is my ongoing experience with Moderate COVID-19 and this podcast includes rational data, my personal experience, advice, unusual symptoms, aseptic technique, differences between COVID testing/Antibody testing/Convalescent Plasma, How Micro droplets suspend in air and helpful things for all of us to keep us healthy. This is the last podcast I am doing on my personal experience. Thankfully, I recovered. Not everyone is so lucky.

    Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, Google Play Music, Spotify and Soundcloud. Just search "Susan Marie, The Human Condition."


    Cytokine Storms: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200417/cytokine-storms-may-be-fueling-some-covid-deaths

    Blood Clotting: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-blood/alarmed-as-covid-patients-blood-thickened-new-york-doctors-try-new-treatments-idUSKCN22421Z


    Effects on the Brain: https://www.wired.com/story/what-does-covid-19-do-to-your-brain/

    Mental Health: https://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/927485

    Micro droplets suspending in air video: https://vimeo.com/402577241

    CDC Mask Info: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html

    Aseptic Technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lumZOF-METc


    Susan Marie

    • 22 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
4 Ratings

4 Ratings

mwrdiafi ,

Quick listens

I prefer to listen to snippets, (short attention span). 10-15 minutes is perfect for me. I enjoy her topics as well!

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