43 min

Your Marketing Archetype The Humane Marketing Show. A podcast for a generation of marketers who care.

    • Marketing

Today's conversation with Christina Frei about marketing archetype fits under the P of Partnership.

I talk to Christina about seeing marketing as a partnership with their wider community. Christina Frei is a marketing consultant, author, and creator of the Generosity Practice mindset work and the Innate Marketing Genius tools and method. She helps brilliant, mission-based entrepreneurs look smart and get hired. In between, she chases her dog around with a stuffed animal snake, meditates on a pink couch, and obsesses over the perfect cup of green tea, all in a seaside town north of Boston.

Her favorite quote: “You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” - Brene Brown

In this episode, you'll learn about your marketing archetype and...
The research behind Christina's 5 Marketing Archetypes What these 5 archetypes are My marketing archetype and what it means for me How to shift your mindset about marketing if you feel resistance to it The 'marketing brain and the client-service brain and so much more
Christina’s Resources

Christina's Website

Christina's Marketing Archetype Assessment

Marketing for Humans Podcast

Connect with Christina on:




Sarah's Resources
Watch this episode on Youtube

(FREE) Sarah’s One Page Marketing Plan

(FREE) Sarah Suggests Newsletter

(FREE) The Humane Business Manifesto

(FREE) Gentle Confidence Mini-Course

Marketing Like We're Human - Sarah's book

The Humane Marketing Circle

Authentic & Fair Pricing Mini-Course

Podcast Show Notes

Email Sarah at sarah@sarahsantacroce.com

Thanks for listening!

After you listen, check out Humane Business Manifesto, an invitation to belong to a movement of people who do business the humane and gentle way and disrupt the current marketing paradigm. You can download it for free at this page. There’s no opt-in. Just an instant download.

Are you enjoying the podcast?  The Humane Marketing show is listener-supported—I'd love for you to become an active supporter of the show and join the Humane Marketing Circle. You will be invited to a private monthly Q&A call with me and fellow Humane Marketers -  a safe zone to hang out with like-minded conscious entrepreneurs and help each other build our business and grow our impact.  — I’d love for you to join us! Learn more at humane.marketing/circle

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes or on Android to get notified for all my future shows and why not sign up for my weekly(ish) "Sarah Suggests Saturdays", a round-up of best practices, tools I use, books I read, podcasts, and other resources.

Raise your hand and join the Humane Business Revolution.



Imperfect Transcript of the show
We use and love Descript to edit our podcast and provide this free transcript of the episode. And yes, that's an affiliate link.

Sarah: [00:00:00] Hi, Christina. So good to see you speak with you for our listeners on the podcast. They won't see you, but I do, which is great. I'm so happy that we could do this interview with you. I know we had some trouble last time. We want to talk about marketing archetypes. So I think the best way is to just jump right into it.

So you came up with this framework five marketing archetypes, and I want to ask you what they are, but me do before I do. I'd love to hear how you came up with this and you know, what the research was behind it. And just kinda like why come up with five marketing architects? So tell us a little bit about you and your journey to those archetypes.

So I was in 

Christina: the thick of doing a field study where I had 40 people in five countries, testing a mindset tool. You know, that I. This will have nothing to do with marketing, but it [00:01:00] turns out that when I heard back from people, several o

Today's conversation with Christina Frei about marketing archetype fits under the P of Partnership.

I talk to Christina about seeing marketing as a partnership with their wider community. Christina Frei is a marketing consultant, author, and creator of the Generosity Practice mindset work and the Innate Marketing Genius tools and method. She helps brilliant, mission-based entrepreneurs look smart and get hired. In between, she chases her dog around with a stuffed animal snake, meditates on a pink couch, and obsesses over the perfect cup of green tea, all in a seaside town north of Boston.

Her favorite quote: “You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” - Brene Brown

In this episode, you'll learn about your marketing archetype and...
The research behind Christina's 5 Marketing Archetypes What these 5 archetypes are My marketing archetype and what it means for me How to shift your mindset about marketing if you feel resistance to it The 'marketing brain and the client-service brain and so much more
Christina’s Resources

Christina's Website

Christina's Marketing Archetype Assessment

Marketing for Humans Podcast

Connect with Christina on:




Sarah's Resources
Watch this episode on Youtube

(FREE) Sarah’s One Page Marketing Plan

(FREE) Sarah Suggests Newsletter

(FREE) The Humane Business Manifesto

(FREE) Gentle Confidence Mini-Course

Marketing Like We're Human - Sarah's book

The Humane Marketing Circle

Authentic & Fair Pricing Mini-Course

Podcast Show Notes

Email Sarah at sarah@sarahsantacroce.com

Thanks for listening!

After you listen, check out Humane Business Manifesto, an invitation to belong to a movement of people who do business the humane and gentle way and disrupt the current marketing paradigm. You can download it for free at this page. There’s no opt-in. Just an instant download.

Are you enjoying the podcast?  The Humane Marketing show is listener-supported—I'd love for you to become an active supporter of the show and join the Humane Marketing Circle. You will be invited to a private monthly Q&A call with me and fellow Humane Marketers -  a safe zone to hang out with like-minded conscious entrepreneurs and help each other build our business and grow our impact.  — I’d love for you to join us! Learn more at humane.marketing/circle

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes or on Android to get notified for all my future shows and why not sign up for my weekly(ish) "Sarah Suggests Saturdays", a round-up of best practices, tools I use, books I read, podcasts, and other resources.

Raise your hand and join the Humane Business Revolution.



Imperfect Transcript of the show
We use and love Descript to edit our podcast and provide this free transcript of the episode. And yes, that's an affiliate link.

Sarah: [00:00:00] Hi, Christina. So good to see you speak with you for our listeners on the podcast. They won't see you, but I do, which is great. I'm so happy that we could do this interview with you. I know we had some trouble last time. We want to talk about marketing archetypes. So I think the best way is to just jump right into it.

So you came up with this framework five marketing archetypes, and I want to ask you what they are, but me do before I do. I'd love to hear how you came up with this and you know, what the research was behind it. And just kinda like why come up with five marketing architects? So tell us a little bit about you and your journey to those archetypes.

So I was in 

Christina: the thick of doing a field study where I had 40 people in five countries, testing a mindset tool. You know, that I. This will have nothing to do with marketing, but it [00:01:00] turns out that when I heard back from people, several o

43 min