20 min

The Illusion of Legendary Bodybuilders and Conventional Exercise SmartTraining 365 Podcast with Doug Brignole

    • Fitness

Former Mr. America and Mr. Universe, Doug Brignole describes how it is that legendary bodybuilders achieved apparently great results using conventional weight lifting exercise, despite those exercises being compromised. He also explains how compound exercises became so revered among bodybuilders, and isolation exercises remained so under-appreciated, despite the fact that basic physics could be used to disprove those beliefs.
To purchase Doug Brignole's latest book, "The Physics of Resistance Exercise” click here: https://dougbrignolebook.com
THE TRUE BODY BUILDING PROGRAM & THE PHYSICS OF FITNESS ONLINE PROGRAM are available at https://smarttraining365.com
Need Website and Marketing Videos or a Podcast Just Like This One? 
Contact Tim Cicciarelli with InBound Digital Media 

Former Mr. America and Mr. Universe, Doug Brignole describes how it is that legendary bodybuilders achieved apparently great results using conventional weight lifting exercise, despite those exercises being compromised. He also explains how compound exercises became so revered among bodybuilders, and isolation exercises remained so under-appreciated, despite the fact that basic physics could be used to disprove those beliefs.
To purchase Doug Brignole's latest book, "The Physics of Resistance Exercise” click here: https://dougbrignolebook.com
THE TRUE BODY BUILDING PROGRAM & THE PHYSICS OF FITNESS ONLINE PROGRAM are available at https://smarttraining365.com
Need Website and Marketing Videos or a Podcast Just Like This One? 
Contact Tim Cicciarelli with InBound Digital Media 

20 min