96 episodes

The mission of the KTS Success Factor® Podcast for Women is to bring proven ideas female business leaders can use to increase their ability to achieve big goals and become happy, successful, and understood at work. All this in 25 minutes or less.

Sarah E. Brown, Ph.D. is an expert on personalizing work to the unique interests, strengths, and needs of the workforce. A former Managing Director at Accenture, she is now on a mission to reach 250,000 women with knowledge of their unique gifts and the tools to be happy, successful and understood at work.

The KTS Success Factor® (a Podcast for Women‪)‬ Sarah E. Brown, Ph.D.

    • Society & Culture
    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings

The mission of the KTS Success Factor® Podcast for Women is to bring proven ideas female business leaders can use to increase their ability to achieve big goals and become happy, successful, and understood at work. All this in 25 minutes or less.

Sarah E. Brown, Ph.D. is an expert on personalizing work to the unique interests, strengths, and needs of the workforce. A former Managing Director at Accenture, she is now on a mission to reach 250,000 women with knowledge of their unique gifts and the tools to be happy, successful and understood at work.

    Making Flex Arrangements Work with Wendy Cocke

    Making Flex Arrangements Work with Wendy Cocke

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant juggle between work and personal life? Do you find yourself struggling to maintain a sense of balance while trying to excel in your career and meet the demands of your personal commitments? Indeed, the pressure to perform both professionally and personally can often leave us feeling drained, stressed, and burnt out. We may find ourselves sacrificing our personal well-being and happiness in pursuit of career success, or vice versa. But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and find a balance that allows you to thrive both in your career and personal life? Why not consider flexible work arrangements?
    Wendy Cocke, author of the best-selling books “Making Flex Work” and "Reimagine Your Work,” is the founder of Engineering Leadership Solutions where she works with high-achieving, technical professionals and organizations who think about work differently. Wendy spent over 20 years leading teams in Fortune 500 companies before opening her own company and joining the faculty at Georgia Tech. About ten years into her career, Wendy pursued a flexible work arrangement to balance all aspects of her life. This catalyzed and propelled her career as she worked her way from engineer to PMO director. With her experience and engineering mindset, she can help other people do the same.
    In this episode, Wendy delves into the transformative power of embracing flexibility in both work and life. Through her significant experience and practical tips, she shares her personal journey of navigating flexible work arrangements and managing her time and energy wisely. Wendy offers valuable advice on achieving greater balance and fulfillment, providing actionable insights to help revolutionize your approach to work and life.
    What you will learn from this episode: 
    Unlock the path to simplifying and streamlining your systems and processes with this tried-and-proven method Learn ways to use your time purposefully and manage it effectively Find out how to create a flexible work setup that harmonizes your personal needs with the company's goals, all while ensuring optimal business results  
    "Just find the one thing that you can say yes to and give it a shot."
     - Wendy Cocke
    Valuable Free Resource: 
    Click here for access to resources to help you along your journey to flexibility: Making Flex Work by Wendy Cocke
    Topics Covered:
    02:41 - Describing what her job now after leaving corporate
    04:37 - Starting a flexible work arrangement and being successful at it
    09:15 - Lessons learned from starting flexible work time
    10:30 - Doing a great job of balancing her own and the company's needs with the flexible work set up
    13:01 - What inspired her to write a book
    14:30 - Sharing her book's core message [EVAL-uation method]
    17:18 - Helpful tips and resources to manage your time and work
    20:37 - Relevant insight on when spending time in the office
    23:01 - Sharing her important thoughts on 'proximity bias'
    24:38 - Q: What do I do if I'm the leader? A: If you really want to embrace flexibility with your team and you don't know how, start small, just figure out something you can say yes to and try it.
    Key Takeaways:
    "In-person time should be valued at a different level than your remote work; thinking about doing the right work at the right time." - Wendy Cocke
    "If you are only going to be in the office a very small portion of your time, you should be treating the office as a business trip." - Wendy Cocke
    "Remote employees who manage that relationship well are not a victim of proximity bias. Because as a manager you feel like you have that same close relationship, but it is very much the case that you could become out of sight, out of mind if you are not being intentional to stay top of mind." - Wendy Cocke
    "Your leader and your leader's leader all the way up to the CEO, for them, nothing from a business perspective has changed. They still need to deliver those b

    • 27 min
    Being Worthy - We All Are Already with Jane Boulware

    Being Worthy - We All Are Already with Jane Boulware

    Feel like there's an invisible barrier holding you back, preventing you from reaching your full potential? Perhaps it's that nagging feeling of not being "enough" or the fear of failure that keeps you from pursuing your dreams. In a world where self-doubt and uncertainty can often overshadow our capabilities, it's easy to lose sight of our inherent worthiness. But what if the key to unlocking your true potential lies within, waiting to be embraced? 
    No one expected Jane Boulware, the scrappy girl from the cornfields of Iowa, who paid for college selling used carpet and her mom's prayers. She is a proud small-town girl who is unwilling to let circumstances, fear, or others define her. Jane was penniless and married at 20, earned an MBA at 24, saw the ocean at 25, commuted to South America each week at 31, brought two sons into the world by 35, was a millionaire at 37, and one of the top 10 women at Microsoft at 40. By 52, Jane had launched three billion-dollar businesses, been VP of the largest merger in the history of the US, forged global alliances, won many awards, and left a legacy of strong leaders in her wake.
    Join us in this episode with Jane, where we delve into the transformative power of recognizing our own worth. Through captivating stories and invaluable insights, Jane shares her journey of overcoming the "uns" – those limiting beliefs that once held her back – and embracing her inherent worthiness. From her humble beginnings in the cornfields to her remarkable career at Microsoft, Jane's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Discover how she navigated obstacles, pursued her passions, and ultimately found success by challenging the notion of unworthiness.
    What you will learn from this episode: 
    Uncover what's underneath the book title 'Worthy' with the 'un' crossed off Discover the essence of 'Worthy' and the profound relevance of the stories it holds Learn about the three criteria you need to ask for a job  
    "You are worthy as you are. Whether you got that promotion, whether you got that title, that degree, that bank statement, doesn't matter."
    - Jane Boulware 
    Valuable Free Resource: 
    Overcome expectations, failure, and fear and get inspired to rethink what’s possible with this book resource: Worthy: From Cornfields to Corner Office of Microsoft
    Topics Covered:
    00:35 - What is so special about the cornfields and how it strongly relates to her upbringing
    03:39 - How she ended up going to college and finally work at Microsoft 
    05:31 - What got her to pursue forestry and how she got a job that didn't exist from a university that didn't hire 
    08:47 - Sharing her incredible journey of success from Kimberly Clark to Microsoft
    12:08 - What's the book all about and how she came up with 'Worthy' as the title with the 'un' striked out
    13:44 - Whose stories are featured in the book
    14:24 - One story of overcoming struggles highlighted in the book
    16:38 - Three key questions she asked herself about any job she has
    16:50 - The ultimate reason for writing a book and who this is for
    19:49 - What to her is success and what's her ultimate belief
    20:29 - The value of mentorship and how she pays it forward
    23:45 - Articulating the core message of her book
    Key Takeaways:
    "The book is called Worthy because it reflects the emotions and it reflects the experiences that I had, not just in terms of the successes, but the struggles that I had." - Jane Boulware 
    "The 'Un' is crossed off as a reflection of, folks, if we don't 'un' our own 'uns,' we'll never get to the able, the worthy, the capable, the powerful, all of those things that we actually are but don't give ourselves credit for." - Jane Boulware 
    "I didn't want to be the person that said no before I tried." - Jane Boulware 
    "I would rather have failed trying than regretted not doing it." - Jane Boulware 
    "I firmly believe it's important for us to change the people in the corner office and i

    • 25 min
    How to Use the Feng Shui Calendar to Increase Business Success with Patricia Lohan

    How to Use the Feng Shui Calendar to Increase Business Success with Patricia Lohan

    Do you ever find yourself feeling trapped, as if the energy in the room or your office is draining your spirit? It's like each space carries its own weight, pulling you down instead of lifting you up. Have you noticed certain objects around your home or workplace that seem to exude negative energy, casting a shadow over your mood? It's a heavy burden to bear, but there's hope in understanding the source of these feelings. Consider the art of Feng Shui—a practice that not only identifies life's blockages but also paves the way for the free flow of high-level energy, fostering an environment where success effortlessly blossoms.
    Patricia Lohan is the creator of Powerhouse and Author of The Happy Home: A Guide To Creating A Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life. Patricia Lohan helps women make their home magnetic to money, luck, and blessings. She shows you what they don't teach in school, what lies between the lines, your top secret tool for success. She is a Feng Shui expert, a healer, and a passionate female entrepreneur who has shaped her dream life living in Bali with her husband. Patricia has a gift at making Feng Shui simple and easy to understand and implement.
    She has helped thousands of people across the globe embrace Feng Shui and create lasting changes in their homes, lives, and businesses. Patricia has seen firsthand the power of the mind, surroundings, and inner healing, clearing and aligning everything so it works holistically. 
    In this episode, Patricia shares a holistic approach to evaluating the nine key areas of your life. By doing so, you can create pathways for abundance and success to flourish with the help of Feng Shui. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with objects that evoke happy memories, serving as reminders and sources of energy to help you pursue your aims and goals.
    What you will learn from this episode:
    Find out how to gain clarity on your goals and genuinely feel positive about achieving them Explore the nine essential aspects of life that you need to analyze and evaluate to uncover pathways for energy to thrive and flourish Discover how to craft a vision board that reflects your future aspirations through tangible items around you that serve as daily reminders of your goals and desires  
    "Be prepared for change and don't resist it."
    - Patricia Lohan
    Valuable Free Resource:
    Take the life areas FREE quiz and get the clarity for yourself to unlock abundance and success in life: https://patricialohan.com
    Topics Covered:
    03:05 - An interesting thing that's going to happen especially for women as we approach a new cycle this year
    06:57 - What women can do to tap into their alignment this year
    08:45 - How is it possible that the fire cycle will last for 20 years and what industries will flourish in this fire cycle 
    13:57 - Creating a vision and getting clarity of your goals in the nine areas of your life.
    17:42 - Physical environment around you that needs attention for energy to flow and keep things moving
    20:26 - How to make your home a vision board for what you want to accomplish
    23:21 - Action steps for 2024 to get the energy flowing
    24:38 - The good and bad things about the fire element that you should be wary about
    Key Takeaways:
    "This is going to be a time of deep transformation and change, which is very exciting. There's going to be an opportunity for fame, for expansion, for collaboration and technology is going to change even more and even more rapidly than we've been experiencing." - Patricia Lohan
    "With this fire element, what's really important is that the fire energy and people need to stay grounded." - Patricia Lohan
    "You're an influencer in your life already. You don't need to be on social media and have a million followers to be an influencer. Like showing up every day, feeling excited about life, being happy, being joyful, and actually just contributing the way that you are." - Patricia Lohan
    "If you're looking at those nin

    • 27 min
    The Last Word of DEI is Inclusion with Colette Phillips

    The Last Word of DEI is Inclusion with Colette Phillips

    Colette Phillips is President and CEO of Colette Phillips Communications, and Founder and President of Get Konnected! and The GK Fund. She is a strategic advisor for C-level executives and corporate teams and develops public relations branding and internal/external communications strategies. 
    She is frequently consulted by corporations and nonprofits on how to establish healthy, inclusive working environments and engage and serve culturally diverse consumers. 
    Colette's work in creating a DE&I ecosystem in Boston showcases the power of collaboration, courage, and commitment. Her approach emphasizes communication, curiosity, and connections to foster inclusivity and drive positive change in organizations and communities.
    In this episode, Colette discusses the importance of inclusive leadership and the impact of culturally savvy anti-racist leaders.
    What you will learn from this episode:
    Understand the importance of the $2.4 trillion buying power of culturally diverse audiences Determine the significance of commitment in driving diversity and inclusion initiatives, and the importance of taking imperfect action to make progress Learn strategies for effective communication in promoting diversity and inclusion, including being mindful of language and addressing implicit biases  
    “The only people who benefit from division are the people creating the division.” 
    - Colette Phillips
    Valuable Resource:
    Support Colette Phillips’ new book The Includers: The 7 Traits of Culturally Savvy, Anti-Racist Leaders
    Topics Covered:
    03:51 - Culturally diverse consumer markets
    08:51 - White males' role in DE&I
    14:42 - Engaging white males as allies
    16:49 - Overcoming the fear of rejection
    24:42 - Implicit biases and curiosity
    30:26 - Paying attention to communications
    32:43 - Unintentional microaggressions
    40:32 -  Embracing diversity in Boston
    43:41 -  Building inclusive business ecosystems
    Key Takeaways: 
    “I want people to stop thinking of DE&I as if it's musical chairs. When the music stops, you're not in front of a chair, you're out of the game. Think of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a Thanksgiving table, an Easter table, a Rosh Hashanah table. Think of it as a table where, when you are celebrating, you add more chairs, you cook more food. For example, if you're having your Ramadan fast and breaking it with your family and friends, you add more chairs.” - Colette Phillips
    "85% of the new entrants into our workforce are women, people of color, and immigrants." - Colette Phillips
    "When people do something that they don't have to do, I believe we should basically acknowledge and recognize them because we want others to emulate them." - Colette Phillips
    Ways to Connect with Colette Phillips:
    Website: cpcglobal.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPCGlobal  Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/colette-phillips-communications/   
    Ways to Connect with Sarah E. Brown:
    Website: https://www.sarahebrown.com  Twitter: https://twitter.com/knowguides  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahebrownphd  To speak with her: bookachatwithsarahebrown.com  

    • 46 min
    Could Your Wardrobe be a Mindset Hack with Nicole Russo

    Could Your Wardrobe be a Mindset Hack with Nicole Russo

    In a world where the traditional boundaries of workplace attire are evolving, the conventional norms that once dictated formality are being redefined. Navigating the balance between comfort and professionalism can be quite confusing. As remote work becomes the new normal and fashion trends weave their way into the fabric of our professional lives, the question emerges: How can we seamlessly marry the art of dressing stylishly with the unwavering commitment to maintaining a professional image?
    Nicole Russo founded Let's Get You in 2017 and has since styled hundreds of people, sat at NYFW, and contributed to, or has been featured in Fast Company, Bustle, TodayxTmrw, and Martha Stewart Weddings. She has been a private stylist and personal shopper for over a decade, with fashion industry detours at J.Crew, Theory, and was a senior personal shopper at NET-A-PORTER for almost 5 years, where she helped the world’s most successful women dress impeccably. “We are on a mission to give people the style skills and fashion resources to see themselves and live their lives differently. We help high achievers create personalized, stylish wardrobes quickly, so they can dress confidently and have extra time for the more important stuff (like being a superb CEO or attentive parent).”
    In this episode, Nicole shares an insightful journey to uncover the harmonious blend of professionalism and personal style. Gain valuable ideas into curating a wardrobe that embraces the dynamic workplace environment while showcasing your authentic personal flair. Prepare to reshape your professional story and uncover the empowering connection between fashion, confidence, and integrity.
    What you will learn from this episode:
    Discover the art of dressing stylishly while maintaining a professional look at work Learn how to curate a professional wardrobe that perfectly complements your personal style while upholding your integrity Find out how leaders can support their teams when it comes to styling themselves for work  
    "There are a lot of opportunities to dress more sophisticated or more modern without compromising your integrity or your professionalism."
    - Nicole Russo
    Valuable Free Resource: 
    Stay in Style With These 37 Wardrobe Items That You'll Love : https://nextlevelcapsule.com
    Topics Covered:
    02:43 - The problem her clients have when they reach out for help: They're usually overwhelmed.
    03:51 - Biggest mistake her clients make before asking for help: Waiting so long.
    04:16 - What the process looks like: discovery stage and the closet editing
    07:13 - Does she offer in-person or virtual services on fashion styling?
    10:49 - How your body posture affects your confidence
    15:25 - What the 'red sneaker effect' is all about and balancing being work-dress appropriate and being non-conventional
    21:55 - The best way to dress up when working remotely and showing up virtually
    23:37 - How leaders can support their teams when it comes to style preferences
    25:57 - Why dressing up for success matters and is relevant
    Key Takeaways:
    "We hold on to so much stuff that doesn't serve us in many different facets, but particularly in our closets. Our closets are not only a metaphor for our lives, there's just usually a lot of junk that is in the way." - Nicole Russo
    "When you do work virtually, I may not be there touching the pieces with you, but this is where the education comes into play with our approach as well, is that you learn tactics and tools to change the way that you look at editing your closet, getting dressed. So it's really simple and easy to decide, do I keep it, do I not?" - Nicole Russo
    "Studies found that you can convey a very positive message that conveys status, confidence, power, by going a little bit against the dress code grain." - Nicole Russo
    "I believe that everybody can really feel incredible every day when they look at themselves and they walk down whatever street they are going to." - Nicole Russo

    • 27 min
    Why Developing an Intentional Mindset is so Important…and How to Do It with Jane Frankel

    Why Developing an Intentional Mindset is so Important…and How to Do It with Jane Frankel

    How do you embark on a transformative journey toward the life you desire, one defined by conscious choices and met with resilience and determination? The compass guiding this path is the intentional mindset—a powerful force that empowers individuals to align their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors with their goals and values. Each decision becomes a conscious step towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life. And one that resonates with one's purpose. 
    Jane Frankel is a business author, lifelong educator, workforce consultant, and successful entrepreneur. Today, she serves as the managing principal of The Art of Performance, LLC and as an adjunct professor in economics at Temple University. Her new book The Intentional Mindset: Data, Decisions, and Your Destiny (Business Expert Press, August 2023).
    In this episode Jane delves into the four crucial components of mindset to assess one's trajectory towards achieving goals and discern if one's decisions align with desired outcomes. She highlights utilizing the 5-Why Tool as a means to comprehend one's mindset, identify areas for improvement, and take corrective steps towards alignment with one’s goals.
    What you will learn from this episode:
    Discover the four key components of mindset to assess if you're on track to achieve your goals Learn about the 5-Why Tool, a valuable resource for gaining insight into your mindset and taking corrective action when needed Find out about the concept of 'invisible capital' to effectively navigate and leverage it for the creation of sustainable goals  
    "It's really important to understand how you think and what you think so that you can make decisions that are aligned."
    - Jane Frankel
    Valuable Free Resource: 
    Propel yourself to success with this book resource: The Intentional Mindset: Data, Decisions, and Your Destiny
    Topics Covered:
    01:37 - Uncovering what behavioral economics is in a nutshell
    02:54 - The problem she helps her clients with: Creating internship programs with companies who needed to hire people
    04:57 - What motivated her to write a book
    06:13 - Explaining the four components of mindset, understanding why they are important, and what a value means
    10:32 - What the process looks like in examining your mindset if it works or didn't
    14:27 - Turnaround for a failed mindset and the need to have clarity about one's persona
    18:40 - Career mapping based from understanding your mindset
    22:05 - Ideal reader for her book, The Intentional Mindset: Data, Decisions, and Your Destiny: Anybody who wants to grow.
    23:54 - What it means to be truly autonomous
    Key Takeaways:
    "If you can make your decisions and your behaviors all aligned to your goals and your values, you're going to increase your comfort level and your peace of mind, because you're going to know that you are ultimately working towards what you want to achieve." - Jane Frankel
    "I really believe that we all have the ability to be independent, to understand when we need to ask for help, to be in charge, to understand what our options are, to develop the agency that will give us control of our destinies." - Jane Frankel
    "Being autonomous is not an independent activity. It's an independent plus dependent activity, because nobody knows everything, and you have to be aware of where you need help, what you don't know, and then go find that from another person or an institution or whatever." - Jane Frankel
    "Your invisible capital allows you to make some good and sustainable goals." - Jane Frankel
    "The key is if you're autonomous, you need to be seeking and looking for what you're going to learn as opposed to feeling bad that you've failed." - Jane Frankel
    Ways to Connect with Jane Frankel:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-frankel
    Ways to Connect with Sarah E. Brown:
    Website: https://www.sarahebrown.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/knowguides LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahebrownphd To speak with her:

    • 26 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
4 Ratings

4 Ratings

Sproutjunior ,

She is the Real Deal

Sarah’s podcast is a great way to get an introduction to her thorough and thoughtful approach to development. She is a real-world executive who understands the challenges for leaders and is committed to empowering women to succeed. Grab a coffee or go for a walk while giving the KTS podcast a listen - the robust guest lineup and Sarah’s efficient interview style make this one of my favorites!

Gautreauxgang ,

Empowering & Engaging Podcast!

Sarah is a great host whose years of HR wisdom are apparent as she brings in talented and engaging women to give us info & inspiration we need to succeed!

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