24 min

130. The Mindful Eating Revolution: How to Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Soul Through Food Health Bite

    • Nutrition

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.In our society where everyone is so obsessed with dieting, we have already come to a point where we cannot think about eating without overthinking what it would do with our body weight. This is removing all the joy in eating, making us forget that food is something that is supposed to be holistically nourishing.But the rather ironic part is that while we are doing this, thinking that we are doing it in service of our weight, what it in fact does is...

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.In our society where everyone is so obsessed with dieting, we have already come to a point where we cannot think about eating without overthinking what it would do with our body weight. This is removing all the joy in eating, making us forget that food is something that is supposed to be holistically nourishing.But the rather ironic part is that while we are doing this, thinking that we are doing it in service of our weight, what it in fact does is...

24 min