35 min

The Odd Passing of Time The Bureau

    • Improv

This week, the agent's come to the horrifying conclusion that time doesn't move at a normal rate when they're in the Vault.... after all, Bobby's suddenly out of touch with youth, Casino's missing issues of O Magazine, and Corny's mom is a year older now. They try to focus on work, including Bobby's movie-related theories, Kettle's alien traps, and footage from the door cam. Plus, Mary the Google Nest witch has gotten into Taylor Swift, and the gang prepares the operating pool for the b...

This week, the agent's come to the horrifying conclusion that time doesn't move at a normal rate when they're in the Vault.... after all, Bobby's suddenly out of touch with youth, Casino's missing issues of O Magazine, and Corny's mom is a year older now. They try to focus on work, including Bobby's movie-related theories, Kettle's alien traps, and footage from the door cam. Plus, Mary the Google Nest witch has gotten into Taylor Swift, and the gang prepares the operating pool for the b...

35 min