46 min

The Sun is Our Ally: with Tony Rezac on Basecamp For Men mindfulmedicina

    • Alternative Health

Power to our Podcast Pals! Dr. Daneals once again joins Tony Rezac as a guest on his brilliant, long-running podcast: Basecamp for Men. This conversation explores the science of alliance with the Sun on both a physiological and spiritual level, in order to heal and persevere on the Path of our own Hero's Journey.
For show notes visit: The Sun is Our Ally

Power to our Podcast Pals! Dr. Daneals once again joins Tony Rezac as a guest on his brilliant, long-running podcast: Basecamp for Men. This conversation explores the science of alliance with the Sun on both a physiological and spiritual level, in order to heal and persevere on the Path of our own Hero's Journey.
For show notes visit: The Sun is Our Ally

46 min