362 episodes

Parenthood is an adventure! The joys, the frustration, the laughter, and the tears- we all find unique and universal challenges as parents. When one issue resolves, another is waiting in the wings. Our jobs as parents are truly never done. It really is the toughest job you will ever love. The Whinypaluza Podcast is all about inspiring adventures in parenting! Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R and Top 100 Mommy Blogger puts her experience and education in psychology and social work to the test while she shares insightful thoughts on marriage, stay-at-home life, and keeping three energetic kids safe and happy.
On the show, you will hear from bloggers, parenting experts, marriage experts and more as they shed light on tips and tricks to make life with your family better than ever! Find solutions to questions you have and questions you never thought to ask. Whether you are a parenting novice or parenting pro, you are sure to find a valuable source of information and support in the Whinypaluza community.
Follow Rebecca Greene
Blog: https://www.whinypaluza.com/
Book: http://bit.ly/WhinypaluzaBook
Book 2: https://bit.ly/whinybook2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whinypaluzaparentingandmarriage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becgreene5/

The Whinypaluza Podcast Market Domination

    • Kids & Family
    • 4.9 • 94 Ratings

Parenthood is an adventure! The joys, the frustration, the laughter, and the tears- we all find unique and universal challenges as parents. When one issue resolves, another is waiting in the wings. Our jobs as parents are truly never done. It really is the toughest job you will ever love. The Whinypaluza Podcast is all about inspiring adventures in parenting! Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R and Top 100 Mommy Blogger puts her experience and education in psychology and social work to the test while she shares insightful thoughts on marriage, stay-at-home life, and keeping three energetic kids safe and happy.
On the show, you will hear from bloggers, parenting experts, marriage experts and more as they shed light on tips and tricks to make life with your family better than ever! Find solutions to questions you have and questions you never thought to ask. Whether you are a parenting novice or parenting pro, you are sure to find a valuable source of information and support in the Whinypaluza community.
Follow Rebecca Greene
Blog: https://www.whinypaluza.com/
Book: http://bit.ly/WhinypaluzaBook
Book 2: https://bit.ly/whinybook2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whinypaluzaparentingandmarriage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becgreene5/

    Develop a healthier relationship with yourself & food

    Develop a healthier relationship with yourself & food

    What if you could transform your relationship with food and your body without the endless yo-yo dieting? 🌟

    In this episode of the Whinypaluza Podcast, host Rebecca Greene sits down with Laura Conley, founder of the Yummy Mommy Method. Laura shares her journey from struggling with post-partum weight loss to becoming a successful life and weight coach. She introduces us to her holistic approach beyond diet and exercise, focusing on self-love, mindfulness, and the science of hunger hormones. Laura's methods aim to make weight loss a fun and permanent lifestyle change.

    Key Takeaways:
    ✅ Weight Loss as a Lifelong Practice: Embrace weight loss as a daily practice, like brushing your teeth, rather than a temporary fix. “In order for weight loss to be permanent, it has to be fun. So it's actually part of the methodology.”
    ✅ Fun and Enjoyable Process: Make weight loss fun to ensure it’s sustainable. Celebrate your successes daily. “We are celebrating the crap out of ourselves. I ask my clients to celebrate every day in their journals.”
    ✅ Customized Plans: Each person needs a plan tailored to their bio-individuality and lifestyle, focusing on balancing hunger hormones. “Every one of my clients has a different plan that fits their bio-individuality and also fits their lifestyle.”
    ✅ Mindset Work: Rewire your brain for success through neuroplasticity, making healthy habits second nature. “We retrain your brain so that your brain operates as if you were a naturally thin person.”
    ✅ Emotional Eating Awareness: Recognize and address emotional eating. Learn to feel your feelings instead of eating them. “Any time you're eating and you're not hungry, it's probably an emotional eat.”
    ✅ Self-Love Practices: Practice self-love by choosing positive thoughts and being kind to yourself, especially when you make mistakes. “Self-love is just the way that you talk to yourself. That's it.”
    ✅ Modeling for Kids: Teach your kids healthy relationships with food by modeling good behavior and having open, supportive conversations. “I want to teach them to love themselves and how you treat yourself when you make a mistake?”

    How to Reach Laura Conley:

    Website: https://www.lauraconley.com/
    Free Weight Loss Plan: Access the free “Create Your Perfect Weight Loss Plan” at plan.lauraconley.com

    Tune in to this inspiring episode and discover how to start your journey to a healthier, happier you! 🌸

    ✅Follow Rebecca Greene
    💻Blog  https://www.whinypaluza.com/
    🎧Podcast https://www.whinypaluza.com/podcast
    📙Book 1  https://bit.ly/WhinypaluzaBook
    📘Book 2 https://bit.ly/whinybook2
    📸Instagram https://www.instagram.com/becgreene5/ @becgreene5
    📱TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@whinypaluzamom?lang=en @whinypaluzamom
    📺YouTube https://www.youtube.com/WhinyPaluza
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    • 49 min
    Be a Good Friend

    Be a Good Friend

    What does it take to be a truly good friend? Join Rebecca and Seth Greene as they explore this vital topic, discussing how to build and maintain positive relationships and how to model these behaviors for our children. 🌟

    📜 In this episode of Whinypaluza Wednesday, Rebecca and Seth dive into the topic of being a good friend. They discuss the characteristics of true friendship, the importance of setting boundaries, and the need for honesty and reliability in relationships. Rebecca emphasizes the role of parents in teaching their children about friendship by being good role models. 🤝✨

    📌 Key Takeaways:

    Consistency Matters: Show up for your friends and be reliable. Being there for each other builds trust and strengthens the bond. 📅✅

    Honesty is Key: Be authentic in your friendships. Constructive feedback is valuable, but avoid being overly critical. 🗣️💬

    Set Boundaries: Understand and respect each other's limits. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining strong relationships. 🚧✋

    Support and Celebrate: Be a cheerleader for your friends' successes and offer support during tough times. 🎉💪

    Be Present: Prioritize quality time with friends, free from distractions. Put your phone down and engage fully. 📵👥

    💬 Quotes:

    "Every relationship takes work. You can't have friends or a husband if you're not putting in the work." – Rebecca

    "I want friends who are happy for me and who I can celebrate life's successes with." – Rebecca

    "Honesty is big with me. I don't like liars." – Rebecca

    Be sure to tune in and reflect on what it means to be a good friend in your life!

    Connect with Rebecca

    Blog: Whinypaluza Blog

    Podcast: Whinypaluza Podcast

    Books: Whinypaluza Book 1, Whinypaluza Book 2

    Facebook: Whinypaluza Parenting

    Instagram: @becgreene5

    TikTok: @whinypaluzamom

    YouTube: WhinyPaluza YouTube

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    • 26 min
    The 5 Pillars to Kids Health

    The 5 Pillars to Kids Health

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of daily life and looking for ways to bring balance and wellness to your family? Join us as we dive into the essential pillars of health and wellness that every family needs to thrive.

    In this episode of the Whinypaluza podcast, host Rebecca Green sits down with a health coach, keynote speaker, and life balance enthusiast to discuss how to prioritize wellness in a busy world. The conversation covers practical tips for nourishing your family, encouraging regular movement, ensuring quality sleep, and embracing the benefits of sunlight and nature. Listeners will learn how to reclaim their intuition and create a balanced, healthy lifestyle for their families.

    Key Takeaways:

    🥗 Nourishment: Learn about the importance of whole foods and balanced nutrition. Discover tips for making healthy eating habits more attainable in a busy lifestyle.
    🏃‍♀️ Regular Movement: Find out how to encourage daily physical activity without making it feel like a chore. Get ideas for fun family activities that promote exercise.
    😴 Quality Sleep: Understand the critical role of sleep in children’s development and overall wellness. Explore strategies for improving sleep habits, including reducing screen time before bed.
    🌞 Sunlight and Nature: Appreciate the benefits of spending time outdoors for both physical and mental health. Learn simple ways to incorporate more outdoor time into your daily routine.
    🧘‍♀️ Reclaiming Intuition: Grasp the importance of listening to your body and your inner wisdom. Pick up techniques to help children and adults tune into their intuition and make healthier choices.
    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Balancing Activities and Family Time: Learn how to say no to overscheduling and protect quality family time. Understand the importance of aligning family activities with core values and priorities.

    How to Reach the Guest:
    To learn more about the health and wellness insights shared in this episode, you can follow the guest on Instagram at @sileocoaching and visit their website at sileocoaching.com. For inquiries or to schedule a consultation, you can email them at info@sileocoaching.com.

    Enjoy the episode and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the Whinypaluza podcast for more inspiring and practical advice!

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    • 40 min
    Peer Pressure

    Peer Pressure

    How can you help your kids navigate peer pressure and build their confidence?

    In this episode, Rebecca and Ella dive into peer pressure and social anxiety challenges, particularly for teenagers. They share personal experiences and practical strategies to help kids manage these pressures and build self-confidence. The conversation covers the importance of open communication, role-playing challenging scenarios, and finding supportive friends. They also touch on the added pressure of social media and the importance of setting boundaries with peers.

    Key Takeaways:
    🌟 Find Supportive Friends:
    Ella shares how finding friends who don’t give her social anxiety has been crucial in managing peer pressure.
    🌟 Open Communication:
    Rebecca emphasizes the need for parents to keep lines of communication open, be non-judgmental, and manage their own emotions to support their kids.
    🌟 Role-Playing Scenarios:
    Practicing what to say in peer-pressure situations can help kids feel more prepared and confident.
    🌟 Set Boundaries:
    Teaching kids to prioritize their comfort and say no when necessary is vital. Using parents as an excuse can be a helpful strategy.
    🌟 Lead by Example:
    Parents should model confidence and healthy boundary-setting to show their kids how to handle peer pressure.

    "You shouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself for other people. It doesn’t make you selfish for not wanting to be in an uncomfortable situation."

    "We think that people are so much more worried about us than they actually are. They think about us a lot less than we think they do."

    "The more confident and secure our kids are, the less they are susceptible to peer pressure."

    Rebecca and Ella conclude by reminding listeners that peer pressure is a normal part of growing up, and with the right tools and support, kids can learn to navigate it successfully. They encourage parents to stay involved, communicate openly, and provide a safe space for their children to express their feelings.

    ✨ Thank you for tuning in to Whinypaluza Wednesday! ✨
    Join us next week for more insights and helpful tips on parenting and family life. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe! 💖

    ✅Follow Rebecca Greene
    💻Blog https://www.whinypaluza.com/
    🎧Podcast https://www.whinypaluza.com/podcast
    📙Book 1 https://bit.ly/WhinypaluzaBook
    📘Book 2 https://bit.ly/whinybook2
    👤Facebook https://www.facebook.com/whinypaluzaparenting
    📸Instagram https://www.instagram.com/becgreene5/ @becgreene5
    📱TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@whinypaluzamom?lang=en @whinypaluzamom
    📺YouTube https://www.youtube.com/WhinyPaluza

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    • 29 min
    Master the Mom Mental Load

    Master the Mom Mental Load

    Feeling overwhelmed with the never-ending tasks of motherhood? Wondering how to gain control and end your days with peace? Tune in to today's episode with productivity coach Valerie Recore, who helps moms find balance and reclaim their time.

    In this episode, Rebecca Greene sits down with Valerie Recore, a productivity coach dedicated to helping moms regain control over their lives, spend more quality time with their families, and end their days feeling at peace. Valerie shares her journey from corporate trainer to productivity coach, inspired by the challenges she faced and observed among moms, especially during the pandemic. She introduces the concept of the mental load, discusses the Fair Play Method, and offers practical tips for managing time and tasks effectively.

    Key Takeaways:
    ✅ The mental load is the constant, never-ending list of tasks running through a mom's mind, which can be overwhelming and exhausting.
    ✅ Making the invisible mental load visible by sharing and discussing it with family members can help in distributing tasks more equitably.
    ✅ The Fair Play Method facilitates open conversations with partners about household responsibilities, helping to create a more balanced and supportive environment.
    ✅ Tracking time and evaluating daily activities can reveal inefficiencies and areas for improvement, leading to a more organized and less stressful life.
    ✅ Saying 'no' to certain commitments is essential; every 'yes' to something means saying 'no' to something else, such as personal or family time.
    ✅ Aligning activities and tasks with family values and goals can help prioritize what truly matters, making daily life more fulfilling and manageable.

    Quotes from Valerie Recore:
    "We talk about being busy like it's a badge of honor, but what are we really busy doing?"
    "The mental load is that ticker tape of tasks that is constantly running through your head all the time, and it doesn't end."
    "It's getting that invisible load and making it visible. Your family doesn't see this list constantly running through your head."
    "When you get your family involved and have regular meetings, everything starts to feel a little easier and better."

    How to Reach Valerie Recore:
    Website: strideproductivity.com
    Instagram: @strideproductivity
    Private Podcast: Sign up for her newsletter on her website to gain access.
    Membership Program: Self-paced classes and more support details available on her website.

    ✅Follow Rebecca Greene
    💻Blog  https://www.whinypaluza.com/
    🎧Podcast https://www.whinypaluza.com/podcast
    📙Book 1  https://bit.ly/WhinypaluzaBook
    📘Book 2 https://bit.ly/whinybook2
    📸Instagram https://www.instagram.com/becgreene5/ @becgreene5
    📱TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@whinypaluzamom?lang=en @whinypaluzamom
    📺YouTube https://www.youtube.com/WhinyPaluza
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    • 36 min
    Mommy Summer Brain

    Mommy Summer Brain

    Are you finding it hard to keep up with summer routines while managing the kids and all the extra activities? 🤔


    In this episode of Whinypaluza Wednesday, Rebecca Greene and Seth Greene dive into the challenges of managing "Mommy Summer Brain." They discuss the struggles of keeping a routine, the impact of kids being home all day, and the importance of self-care and staying connected with other moms. Rebecca shares her personal experiences of juggling work, family, and summer chaos, providing insights and tips to help other moms navigate this busy season.

    Key Takeaways:

    ✔️ Embrace the Chaos: Summer brings a lack of routine, which can be disorienting. Embrace the change and enjoy the flexibility it offers.
    📅 Stay Organized: Use family calendars and set reminders on your phone to keep track of appointments and activities.
    👫 Delegate Tasks: Don’t hesitate to delegate chores and responsibilities to your children to help manage the household.
    🧘 Self-Care is Essential: Take time for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes of reading or a quiet moment to recharge.
    👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Stay Connected: Engaging with other moms and planning activities together can provide much-needed support and sanity.


    "I definitely have mommy summer brain. I feel disorganized, staying up later and sleeping later, trying to fit in work and fun simultaneously. It’s a lot to juggle." - Rebecca Greene
    "One of the best things that help with summer mommy brain is staying connected with other moms. We're not supposed to be parenting alone." - Rebecca Greene

    By following these tips and strategies, you can make the most of summer, maintaining your sanity while enjoying the season with your kids.

    🌟 Tune in to hear Rebecca and Seth’s full discussion on navigating the summer with a little more ease and fun! 🏖️

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    • 33 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
94 Ratings

94 Ratings

TribeKManz ,

Refreshing topics relatably shared!

If you enjoy authenticity, knowledge, and refreshing topics relatably shared—you’ve tripped on the right podcast! Rebecca convenes all these things and more. Enjoy!

podcast fan for learning ,

Real Family topics

I enjoy this podcast and host so much! I appreciate the day to day parenting topics as well as the advice and reminders to step back and think of the bigger picture on our life journey. She includes parenting experts, personal goals, growth, problem solving techniques and a great sense of humor.

Melissa @ Hopeful Simplicity ,

Sharing space

It’s always comfort hearing from other women, moms and people. Learning what I didn’t know and realizing it’s not just me feeling things. Keep it up 🧡

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