10 episodes

If you feel like you've lost your way (or you're not even sure you know what "your way" is anymore), one thing is certain - something has to change. On this podcast, I'll help you find - and walk - a new path that feels like purpose.

Brought to you by Sonja the Grey, your very own wizard (no robes, tho, this is the 21st here). She brings together intuitive wisdom, brain science, spiritual connection, and a whole lot o' wizard magic to help people live a life they love.

The Wizard Files Sonja the Grey

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

If you feel like you've lost your way (or you're not even sure you know what "your way" is anymore), one thing is certain - something has to change. On this podcast, I'll help you find - and walk - a new path that feels like purpose.

Brought to you by Sonja the Grey, your very own wizard (no robes, tho, this is the 21st here). She brings together intuitive wisdom, brain science, spiritual connection, and a whole lot o' wizard magic to help people live a life they love.

    Neptune energy, comin’ right up!

    Neptune energy, comin’ right up!

    Neptune is comin' in hot in the next few weeks!

    Okay not really, I'm pretty sure it's very cold out that direction. But regardless of temperature, let's take a look at what Neptune represents and what's coming up.

    Neptune is the release of boundaries, and everything that means, both literal and metaphorical.

    This is the space where dreams evolve, where enthusiasm and creativity play, and where imagination rules.

    Your imagination, btw, may create the imaginary, but that is only one of it's many functions. Imagination is also your access point not only to creativity and adaptation, but also into mystical realms. Here you can access your own energy, shaping it into the form that best suits you, if you so choose. You can walk in other worlds to see what they have to offer and teach.

    With strong Neptune energy, you can connect to your intuition. You can ask for signs that help bring you direction.

    Neptune energy is vast, and unboundered. … is that a word? It should be. … okay let's see here ... Oh! "Unbounded: having or appearing to have no limits." Yes, okay. This is what I mean. 🤣 Neptune energy is limited only by what you believe is possible. Neptune leaves the restrictions, rules, and obligations to other energies, like Saturn.

    And when Neptune energy is out of balance, we get a wobbly planet. (j/k. Sort of.) .. .Okay, so I just looked up whether Neptune has a wobble, and apparently Neptune's got two moons that have very similar orbits, but one is tilted in such a way as to never come too close to each other, and astronomers call it a "dance of avoidance."

    Lemme tell ya, thank you, Neptune astronomers, for the tangent turned segue. Neptune energy out of balance is exactly a dance of avoidance. When this energy is out of whack, we see things like seeing things, confusion, longing, despair, victim mindsets, problematic spiritual connections.

    I believe this is why we see Neptune get such a bad rap so very often. Modern society often condemns connection to everything Neptune, unless it's within a very strict set of rules. Spirituality is great! But often only within the confines of certain religions. Imagination is fantastic, so long as it's being used constructively or only during particular scenarios.

    We've wrapped up Neptune energy in a bunch of rules … which is exactly where Neptune energy does not want to be. This can throw things off balance when Neptune energy comes into play in your life when you (or those around you) are not ready for it. Because Neptune energy isn't ever about the one. It is not an energy of an individual nature. Because blurred boundaries, y'all! I am you, you are me, we are one type vibes here. So if the community rejects what's coming in, it's going to be more difficult for everybody.

    In the last few decades, Neptune energy has been opening up, becoming more accessible. Deeper access to guides, intuition, all the good stuff.

    Okay. So here's what we've got coming up. In the next little while, we've got …

    Mercury moving into Pisces on the 9th, which is ruled by Neptune, so bringing communication and mind energy to Neptune and Spirit connectionsSun conjunction Neptune on the 13th, bringing further intensification of Neptune energies for a few days thereAnd then, this is where it gets interesting … Neptune sextile the North Node (which also means trine the South Node) from March 15th through April 16th

    This, potentially, brings a huge amount of Spiritual help to your sense of direction, meaning, fulfillment over the next month - if you ask for it. If you are ready to walk through that door and ask for help.

    • 5 min
    Triple Conjunction This Week

    Triple Conjunction This Week

    Alright y'all, this week has some big isht going on!

    First we've got the New Moon -- yeah yeah, big deal. This pales (no pun intended) in comparison to the conjunction that's coming up in the wee hours on Thursday.

    Venus, Mars, and Pluto form a rare triple conjunction this week. This peaks on Thursday, though I suspect it will feel the most potent on Wednesday the 2nd.

    Relationships are getting shook. Old, unsupportive, "relationship in name only" connections are breaking down.

    Any time Pluto brings a transformative touch to a situation, it's not likely to be subtle.

    For some, this may be an incredibly powerful time. You may discover new relationships, or new ways of interacting with the world that help you feel whole and alive.

    For others, this may spotlight some tough areas that need an overhaul. If you're in this space, you haven't done anything wrong, you're not broken, and you haven't missed an opportunity in this transformative conjunction.

    Astrology meets you where you are. If there's something that needs to fall apart before you can rebuild, then that's what's likely. If you're already in a growth stage, then that gets amplified.

    This week will be an important week to honor your emotions, and follow your instincts.

    If you need to grieve a change, do it. Don't shove yourself into a happy place because that's how "they say" to manifest great things. It really doesn't work that way, despite best intentions by many a meme maker.

    Alignment comes when we honor where we are. Honor the change you need right now. Follow your intuition (or, start learning what that means - it's different for everybody, and this week is going to give you some big hints as to how your intuition shows up).

    Later this week, you may find things start to feel more open, and a sense of relief may settle in. There will still be work to do and feelings to feel, but toward the weekend, there's an energy of openness, and possibility.

    A chance to lean in and see where your future is headed.

    If you'd like to learn more about how this energy is showing up each and every day, check out membership link at sonjathegrey.com/hello . You can join at the $5/month level, to receive access to the report, where every day's energy is discussed in detail.

    You can check in with these reports throughout the week to see how the astrology lines up with what's happenign in your life, and most importantly, use it to gain perspective, and ideas for how to best use the energy in your own situation.

    At the $10/month level, you get to join me in community on Discord! It's a great place to come together with other people who are actively seeking a different future for themselves. This level includes a monthly intuitive call with me, exclusive content, as well as service discounts and whatever else I come up with. I love to chat and engage in community, so I would love to see you there.

    • 4 min
    Where do you picture “success”?

    Where do you picture “success”?

    I've been hanging tarot cards on my wall recently (as one does), and building something of an abstract tree out of them.

    Each card's placement has unexpectedly taken on meaning (much like, y'know, tarot - shoulda seen that coming).

    I picked up a card with the label "success."

    I thought, "well, clearly this needs to go at the top of the tree, up here at the 'end' where fruit grows and all that."

    As I pressed the tape against the wall, my body froze.

    Why? I wondered. Why is "success" up here?

    Far away?

    Out of reach?

    "At the end"?

    I have a story, as many of us do, that "success" is somewhere at the end of something. Not even sure what that "something" is, but it's certainly not here, where I am now … is it?

    I moved the card back down to the trunk of the tree.

    Eye level. Right here with me, and you, and anyone else who needs it.

    • 54 sec
    Your Passion Is Not Your Job Title

    Your Passion Is Not Your Job Title

    It’s an idea that has been imprinted on you since you were a child. 

    “What do you want to be when you grow up?” 

    How often do you think you heard that question? More than once? More than once a year? More? 

    From the time you were able to form complex sentences, people have been asking you what you want to be. 

    As though you aren’t “being” sufficiently already. 

    As though you are supposed to transform into something new when you become an adult. 

    And they would ask you as though you must certainly have an answer. It was rare to find the adult who encouraged you to have no answer. Those adults typically weren’t the ones who were asking the question. 

    And the answer has an expected form. When a kid says, “I want to be a magical unicorn!” how often do you suppose a well-intentioned adult chuckles in response, “well that won’t pay the bills, now will it?” And if someone says “I want to save the earth!” again, the adult translates to, “Ah, you’d make a lovely environmental scientist.” 

    The unspoken expectation is that you will answer this question with a job. 

    Meanwhile, family, friends, Famous People on TV and the Internet, and eventually memes all advise you to “follow your passion.” I suspect this really set in somewhere around the 90s, when all of the money-hungry behavior of the 80s was turning out to be Not So Much Fun after all. As knowledge work became far more common, employees needed to be invested in the work differently to really thrive - they needed their souls on board in a way not previously seen in the workplace. 

    These two ideas are both doubling down on the same myths: 

    That projecting 5, 10, or 20+ years into the future makes any sense at all. 

    That you should know what the path to that future looks like. 

    That you know what your passion is, or that it will stay the same as you grow. 

    And the most harmful myth: 

    That what you are passionate about is the same thing as your job title. 

    This approach cheapens the experience of discovering what you’re passionate about. What drives you is now reduced down to a line of print on a business card. 

    And it’s why rattling off a list of skills and asking, “what career should I pursue?” doesn’t work. 

    What drives you is so much deeper. 

    You have to dig underneath the skills, and see what motivates you to use them. Perhaps you’re a fierce advocate of spreadsheets. Is that because you like to organize? Or is it because you like to create formulas to help draw conclusions from data? Maybe you like spreadsheets for their ability to sort. Shit, maybe it’s because you like spreadsheet art. 

    Someone who is soothed by the organizational structure of a spreadsheet, might be driven to high levels of anxiety at the idea of creating a complex formula to process some data. These two motivators are different. Simply saying “I like to work with spreadsheets” doesn’t dig down to why you like to work with them.

    The same thing is true of work. 

    A web developer might find the repetition of copying and pasting known widgets soothing. Another web developer might find this task tedious. 

    A writer might find the editing process reassuring, whereas another might loathe the experience. 

    And in case that’s not enough, not all jobs of the same title are created equal. A Sales Representative at one company can have completely different job expectations at another co...

    • 7 min
    Your Future is Hurting You Now

    Your Future is Hurting You Now

    Today, I want to talk to you about how your future is destroying your ability to make decisions in the present.

    ... Just saying those words f***s me up a little bit, so I just want to take a moment to say it again so we are both clear on the topic today.

    Your future is destroying your ability to make decisions today.

    Once upon a time, there was a girl. That girl was me. I had a job that wasn't terrible, but over time it drove me into the ground. I didn't feel like myself there. I didn't feel respected by my boss, improvements that I knew were possible were ignored, I could go on and on but if you're listening to this podcast, you know what it's like to work somewhere where you don’t feel seen.

    I knew that something needed to change. And one day while I was at an acupuncture appointment, my acupuncturist said to me, “Why don't you quit?”

    Panic welled up inside me. It was subtle, but it was panic. As my heart settled into its new home in my throat, I said, “I can't quit.”

    “Why not?” He asked me.

    “Because!” I exclaimed. And then, I launched into the list of reasons that of course, I had to stay in my job.

    I would never be able to afford the mortgage without this job. Nobody would hire me because my experience is too specific to this company. I wouldn't have any references. I don't have enough money saved. On and on I went with reason after reason that my future was fucked if I quit my job.

    He paused. He looked at me with a small smirk that I now recognize as, “Oh, Sonja.” and he said, “Have you called the bank?”

    I sat there, completely confused. Normally at this point, people will tell you, this job is no good for you, it's hurting you, leave, blah blah blah. But the bank? What is the bank have to do with any of this? Why would I call the bank?

    Thankfully, he continued.

    “Do you know what options are available for your mortgage. Have you applied to other jobs, and do you know that no one would hire you. Do you have any evidence to support the reasons you can't quit?”

    Of course, I didn't.

    My fear about what would happen in the future, how much worse it might get, it was driving me to stay exactly where I was. It was keeping me frozen in a place that was unhealthy, in exchange for staying away from a potentially scary future.

    So, here's the thing. Your brain, specifically the amygdala, is in charge of keeping you safe. That's been the amygdala’s job for a very long time. Uncertainty is very scary. An unknown animal, and unknown human, and unknown darkness in the forest. An unknown sound that you don't recognize.

    All of these things warrant staying alert. Heightening your reaction time. Strengthening your awareness. This is fear’s job.

    And yet, your brain also loves to dream about the future. To imagine what could be. To plan, to chart a course, to try new things and explore new work, new cities, new relationships. If you think about it, and if you never explored new things ... would you still be hanging out with the same people from high school? From grade school? Sitting in your childhood room playing with a binky?

    Humans are constant explorers.

    Your amygdala registers this future possibility as terrifying uncertainty. It misinterprets it as an uncertainty that’s a threat Right Now. And your amygdala is not the sharpest crayon in the box. Uncertainty is uncertainty is uncertainty. Your amygdala is going to freak the f**k out, regardless of how unlikely a future scenario is.

    • 8 min
    Meditation for Support and Connection

    Meditation for Support and Connection

    Today's episode is a free meditation for the holidays. This meditation is for you if:

    You feel overwhelmed by family interactionsYou're struggling with feeling alone during the holidaysYour holiday interactions with friends and family have not felt supportive

    The holidays can be a real mix of emotions. My hope for this meditation is to help you dodge, or at least diminish, some of the struggles that come from this time of year.

    This meditation is about 9 minutes long, and you'll need to find a quiet space to listen. As with any meditation, please don't use this while driving or operating heavy machinery.

    Until next time :)

    • 9 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
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5 Ratings

sooky fans ,

Stella r!

Even better than a drop by visit with a great neighbor. A quick moment of reflection and connection to the world around with guidance and compassion. Entertaining and enlightening.

winxgoll ,

We all need a wizard sometimes

I am LOVING this podcast. The intro/outro are super fun, but the main content is where its at. Sonja is really easy to listen to, and I can see this being an incredibly impactful series! Really excited to keep listening. :)

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