146 episodes

You've been guided & prepared for your soul calling. Welcome home!

Hosted by Cindy ACO ⋆ self-transcendence guide,
this channel facilitate you be what you were born to be

⋆ Youtube 👉 https://youtube.com/cindyaco
⋆ Apple podcast 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
⋆ Instagram 👉 https://instagram.com/cindy.aco
⋆ Website

The Words of Influence Cindy ACO

    • Religion & Spirituality

You've been guided & prepared for your soul calling. Welcome home!

Hosted by Cindy ACO ⋆ self-transcendence guide,
this channel facilitate you be what you were born to be

⋆ Youtube 👉 https://youtube.com/cindyaco
⋆ Apple podcast 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
⋆ Instagram 👉 https://instagram.com/cindy.aco
⋆ Website

    Ep. 146 - What makes LIGHTWORKER much more than meets the eye

    Ep. 146 - What makes LIGHTWORKER much more than meets the eye

    Lightworker, You are.. the answer of your own prayer.
    a gift to humanity.

    "The calling in your heart is my every intention to make it happen."
    - Your innermost self
    You create space, the universe fills it.You make time, the universe animates it.

    Give yourself time and space to be what you were born to beon "BEyond THE SELF RETREAT"
    Book before August, 8th and enjoy 10% off with code "earlybird" as gift for investing in your spiritual growth. Can't wait to celebrate you in person!!
    Details & Reservation → https://stan.store/cindyaco/p/time-to-say-yes-to-what-keeps-calling-you

    📩 INQUIRY :
    Email: contact@cindyaco.com


    #baliretreat #ubudretreat #lightworkers #lightworkersunite #lightworkerretreat #spiritualawakening #rememberiam #knowthyself #soulpurpose #soulalignment #innercalling #highercalling #selftranscendence #cindyaco #beyondtheselfretreat

    • 7 min
    Ep. 145 - Unveiling the mystery of DIVINE TIMING #sharingithcindyaco

    Ep. 145 - Unveiling the mystery of DIVINE TIMING #sharingithcindyaco

    "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
    - Albert Einstein

    You can have it all,
    just not all at once
    so you can remember your essence
    in transcending series of remarkable trial

    Magic is your birthright. What you co-create with your magic is what you call life.
    You already know the end, it's about enjoy the journey in time you have.

    That's what this episode is all about; unveiling the mystery of DIVINE TIMING ⏳

    💡 What Divine timing means to you?
    💡 What's do you love & enjoy doing in life that sparks you alive and feels effortless?

    🗣️ What's mine is already mine and working out best case scenario
    🗣️ What's meant for me knows its way home that I can enjoy my live with joy and ease
    🗣️ The universe knows what's best for me & all I have to do is allow it flows through me
    🗣️ When it's time it's time, when I know I know

    📍 Unveil your multidimensional power, preparation & purpose from your celestial chart
    through "ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS Course"
    Get 20% off using code "multidimension" on enrollment page
    Details → https://stan.store/cindyaco/p/remember-yor-soul-contract
    📲 Connect with me :
    🔸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindy.aco/
    🔸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/cindyaco
    🔸SPOTIFY: The Words of Influence PODCAST
    🔸APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
    🔸GRATITUDE for the words of influence: https://Paypal.me/CindyACO

    #divinetiming #cosmicbeing #effortlessmanifestation #energy #gravity #time #timespace #surrender #trust #parasympatheticnervoussystem #authenticity #calm #theuniverse #natureofreality #alignment #manfestmagic #selfawareness #cosmicbeing #celestialbeings #astrology #flowstate #mindmagic #consciousness #spiritualawakening #rememberiam #knowthyself #lifepurpose #soulpurpose #selftranscendence #cindyaco #thewordsofinfluence

    • 15 min
    Ep. 144 - What SYNCHRONICITY & SERENDIPITY is all about #sharingwithcindyaco

    Ep. 144 - What SYNCHRONICITY & SERENDIPITY is all about #sharingwithcindyaco

    Synchronicity is universe's love language through you. But oftentimes, it shows up with mind confusion when it can't interpret and complete the puzzle of the grand mystery yet.

    That's what this episode is made for, we'll dive into What SYNCHRONICITY and SERENDIPITY is all about 💫 , the types/forms/shapes, and what to do about it so you can benefit it for your highest good.

    If this is find you, there's cosmic reason and purpose that's about to unfold through you..

    💡 What makes synchronicity and serendipity so intriguing and means for you?
    💡 What's the remarkable experience and story about synchronicity and serendipity?

    🗣️ Everything is working out for my highest good
    🗣️ What's meant for me all-ways finds its way to me as I'm living my highest good
    🗣️ I'm so thankful for life that continues blow me up with universe's nudges that has my back
    🗣️ I allow and welcome the possibility of my desire in ways, shapes, and forms as and even beyond what I'm capable to imagined
    🗣️ I trust my cosmic satellite!

    📍 Let's tap into flow state and invest in your desired possibility
    through "ACCESS AKASHIC RECORDS Course"
    Get 20% off using code "innernet" on enrollment page
    Details → https://stan.store/cindyaco/p/live-life-as-divine-flow

    📲 Connect with me :
    🔸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindy.aco/
    🔸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/cindyaco
    🔸SPOTIFY: The Words of Influence PODCAST
    🔸APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
    🔸GRATITUDE for the words of influence: https://Paypal.me/CindyACO

    #synchronicity #serendipity #angelnumbers #subconsciousmind #theuniverse #alignment #manfestmagic #selfawareness #cosmos #thematrix #intuition #flowstate #dream #aspiration #selfgrowth #mindmagic #consciousness #spiritualawakening #selfawareness #spiritualgrowth #selftranscendence #cindyaco #thewordsofinfluence

    • 23 min
    Ep. 143 - Mind ways to RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS #sharingwithcindyaco

    Ep. 143 - Mind ways to RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS #sharingwithcindyaco

    One of remarkable part of growth is to outgrow.
    When it's time to outgrow,
    your soul knows,
    your mind reflects it through inexplicable experiences,
    your body proceeds.

    This episode we'll dive into what are Mind ways to RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS 🌀🦋✨ as signals that you're outgrowing yourself, what to do about it so it can flow at ease and grace.



    💡 What are the inexplicable experiences your experienced when you outgrew yourself?

    💡 What you've learned from it and do about it?


    🗣️ The energy is shifted in my favor now

    🗣️ My intuition grows stronger every time I break an old pattern

    🗣️ Giving myself time & space to grow is allowing my natural flow to glow

    🗣️ I all-ways find way to allow my experience inspires resonance


    📍 Master your mind as conduit for soul intelligence to flow through you


    Get 20% off using code "innernet" on enrollment page

    Details → https://stan.store/cindyaco/p/live-life-as-divine-flow

    📲 Connect with me :
    🔸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindy.aco/
    🔸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/cindyaco
    🔸SPOTIFY: The Words of Influence PODCAST
    🔸APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
    🔸GRATITUDE for the words of influence: https://Paypal.me/CindyACO

    Here you can reunited with your kindred spirits to share love & ignite together for universal consciousness, and tend your inner garden daily..
    Let's reunite!

    📩 Bussines Inquiries
    Email: contact@cindyaco.com

    #outgrow #selfgrowth #subconsciousmind #ascension #ascensionsymptoms #existentialcrisis #multidimensionality #stateofmind #dreamstate #dream #mindbodysoul #wellbeing #alignment #consciousnessshift #quantumshift #innerwork #spiritualawakening #selfawareness #spiritualgrowth #spiritualgrowthjourney #selftranscendence #cindyaco #thewordsofinfluence #luciddream #slowdown #energeticalignment

    • 20 min
    Ep. 142 - Transmute Your Shadow as CATALYST TO GLOW #sharingwithcindyaco

    Ep. 142 - Transmute Your Shadow as CATALYST TO GLOW #sharingwithcindyaco

    The magic you hold within you was intentionally placed for you to unleash it into existence.
    What's uncomfortable for you shows you where you are in the journey of remembering what's yours in the first place.

    This episode we'll delve into your ability that comes with it to Transmute Your Shadow as CATALYST TO GLOW 🌟

    You are the masterpiece
    and the master piece itselves.
    Allow yourself to grow
    and it will unleash you natural glow.


    💡 What's the shadow you keep avoiding? and why?
    💡 What's the transcended version of you be like after you transmute your shadow into magic?

    💡 What your higher self subtle whisper you hear/feel/experience/resonate while in tuned with this episode?


    🗣️ I AM blooming pure magic

    🗣️ I allow myself play as my higher self

    🗣️ I focus on my greater growth and it unleashes my natural glow

    🗣️ I thank and embrace magic that awaits me to unfold as me

    📍 Facilitate you do your shadow work by unleash your magic awaits on


    Details → https://stan.store/cindyaco/cindyaco_store/page/97912

    📲 Connect with me :
    🔸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindy.aco/
    🔸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/cindyaco
    🔸SPOTIFY: The Words of Influence PODCAST
    🔸APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
    🔸GRATITUDE for the words of influence: https://Paypal.me/CindyACO

    Here you can reunited with your kindred spirits to share love & ignite together for universal consciousness, and tend your inner garden daily..
    Let's reunite!

    📩 Bussines Inquiries
    Email: contact@cindyaco.com

    #shadowwork #thealchemist #quantumshift #hiddenpotential #innerwork #livingauthentically #consciousmanifestation #innerfulfillment #spiritualawakening #manifestingmagic #selfgrowth #spiritualgrowth #spiritualgrowthjourney #selftranscendence #cindyaco #thewordsofinfluence #selfawareness

    • 10 min
    Ep. 141 - Signs you're living consciously & aligned with your innermost fulfilment #sharingwithcindyaco

    Ep. 141 - Signs you're living consciously & aligned with your innermost fulfilment #sharingwithcindyaco

    Life can be so much fun and easier regardless what may appear in your 3D reality if you give yourself permission to live the life you're meant to be. The effortless way is by give up your hard work so you can show up as your heart work.

    This episode we'll delve into "Signs you're living consciously & aligned with your innermost fulfilment"


    💡 What are the roots of your desirable fruits?
    💡 How you allow magic that's meant to flow through you today?

    💡 What makes your journey of living authentically you fun and remarkable?


    🗣️ I AM highly favored and enjoy my savor

    🗣️ I AM living life I meant to be

    🗣️ I AM magnet to all that's meant for me

    🗣️ I choose my natural vibes and let it takes care of me

    📍 Join me to delve and do your inner work on

    "BECOME VIBRATIONAL MATCH Masterclass"that facilitate you bridge magic into matter;

    by Invest & invent in aligned frequency

    Read more → https://stan.store/cindyaco/cindyaco_store/page/97912

    📲 Connect with me :
    🔸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindy.aco/
    🔸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/cindyaco
    🔸SPOTIFY: The Words of Influence PODCAST
    🔸APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-words-of-influence/id1502111195
    🔸GRATITUDE for the words of influence: https://Paypal.me/CindyACO

    Here you can reunited with your kindred spirits to share love & ignite together for universal consciousness, and tend your inner garden daily..
    Let's reunite!

    📩 Bussines Inquiries
    Email: contact@cindyaco.com

    #consciousliving #existentialcrisis #alignment #innerwork #livingauthentically #soulblueprint #magnumopus #consciousmanifestation #innerfulfillment #spiritualawakening #ascension #quantumvoyage #quantumshift #subconsciousmind #stateofconsciousness #realityshifting #consciousness #consciousness #theuniverse #soulpurpose #lifepurpose #selftranscendence #cindyaco #thewordsofinfluence

    • 27 min

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