45 episodes

Join host, Angela Lynne Gibson, as she explores parapsychology, spirituality, the paranormal, and how our thoughts upload our reality.

Psychics, mediumship, UFOs, cryptozoology, paranormal experiences, the science behind magick, near-death experiences, overcoming challenges, and living a healthy, prosperous life, are just a few of the topics you'll find on Transpersonal Radio.

What a few listeners have to say:

--Very grateful for my outstanding interview with Angela. As it turns out, a few days after the interview on her show, I was contacted by Coast to Coast AM Radio to be on the George Noory show. It was a breakthrough experience in my career. Thanks Angela!!--

--A wealth of insights into empowering ourselves to find health, peace and prosperity.--

--Thought provoking topics. Always interesting and insightful without the fluff.--

--This show helps bridge the gap between my disbelief and curiosity.--

--A range of subjects and information to expand your mind.--

--I’d listen to one episode of Transpersonal Radio over 10 nightly news shows.--

--This show is almost like a scientific formula for your daily habits.--

--Angela is a great host and covers intriguing yet often misunderstood topics with ease.--

--Angela does a great job of asking the right questions! I loved her interviewing style!--

Transpersonal Radio Angela Lynne Gibson

    • Society & Culture
    • 5.0 • 62 Ratings

Join host, Angela Lynne Gibson, as she explores parapsychology, spirituality, the paranormal, and how our thoughts upload our reality.

Psychics, mediumship, UFOs, cryptozoology, paranormal experiences, the science behind magick, near-death experiences, overcoming challenges, and living a healthy, prosperous life, are just a few of the topics you'll find on Transpersonal Radio.

What a few listeners have to say:

--Very grateful for my outstanding interview with Angela. As it turns out, a few days after the interview on her show, I was contacted by Coast to Coast AM Radio to be on the George Noory show. It was a breakthrough experience in my career. Thanks Angela!!--

--A wealth of insights into empowering ourselves to find health, peace and prosperity.--

--Thought provoking topics. Always interesting and insightful without the fluff.--

--This show helps bridge the gap between my disbelief and curiosity.--

--A range of subjects and information to expand your mind.--

--I’d listen to one episode of Transpersonal Radio over 10 nightly news shows.--

--This show is almost like a scientific formula for your daily habits.--

--Angela is a great host and covers intriguing yet often misunderstood topics with ease.--

--Angela does a great job of asking the right questions! I loved her interviewing style!--

    66: Dr Scott Kolbaba Physicians’ Untold Stories

    66: Dr Scott Kolbaba Physicians’ Untold Stories

    Internist Scott Kolbaba, MD has been practicing medicine in the Chicago area for over 35 years.

    After completing a tour in the Marine Corps Reserves, Dr. Kolbaba attended the University of Illinois College of Medicine where he graduated with honors and was rewarded membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.

    He completed his residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

    In private practice, he has been recognized as one of the top doctors in the Chicagoland area by Chicago Magazine.

    Dr. Kolbaba is now bringing his message of spiritual love and hope to thousands through his many speaking engagements, radio, and podcast interviews.

    His passion, authenticity, and captivating personality make him the perfect voice for Physicians’ Untold Stories.

    Dr. Kolbaba has interviewed over 200 courageous physicians who came forward with 26 of the most miraculous experiences of their careers.

    These miracle stories are all true and cannot be explained by current-day medical school training.

    These stories have been chronicled in Dr. Kolbaba’s new book entitled Physicians’ Untold Stories.

    Dreams foretelling future events, apparitions, near-death experiences, and other miraculous events come to life within the pages of Dr. Kolbaba’s book, and we’re going to share some of those with you this evening.

    Not only will these stories inspire awe and instruct us, these tales will convince even the harshest skeptic that there are things beyond the physical world and sometimes all we need to do is believe.

    Learn more about Dr. Kolbaba and Physicians’ Untold Stories on his website: http://www.physiciansuntoldstories.com

    • 1 hr
    65: Sean Mahoney – Engineer and Skeptic turned Remote Viewer and Certified Hypnotist

    65: Sean Mahoney – Engineer and Skeptic turned Remote Viewer and Certified Hypnotist

    Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners,

    I’m really excited about tonight’s guest, Sean Mahoney. This should be a fun show.

    If you’re into ghosts, hauntings, remote viewing, the paranormal, and all things psychic — stay tuned because tonight a left-brain, skeptic and engineer shares his life-changing experiences and some events that opened him up to an entirely new awareness.

    About a year ago, I was doing some research for Paranormal Insights, an award-winning television show that I co-host with Joseph Ernest Martin. I made a post on reddit asking for input on what makes a great Paranormal TV show.

    Sean answered my post brilliantly and then shared a little about himself, and after reading his story, I knew I wanted him to be on my show to share his amazing experiences with Transpersonal Radio listeners.

    As I mentioned, Sean is an engineer — and has always been interested in the paranormal, but — he says — “it is the how’s and the why’s that really fascinate him. If something is, how does it work and why?”

    Sean says he “sort of got thrown into the paranormal a few years ago when his first daughter started to act as though she was aware of things he and his wife were not.

    Sean says, “Suddenly those hypothetical situations we would watch on Ghost Hunters became very real and we didn’t know what to do.”

    He further explained, “I started to investigate what my options even were and came upon a psychic’s website that said all you needed to do was meditate on the intention of becoming more aware in order to do so.”

    Sean said he was a bit skeptical and also a bit afraid.

    What if he started seeing things?

    Did he really want to open that door?

    It didn’t take long before Sean started having experiences of his own. He was getting flashes or impressions of things that would happen in the near future.

    Sean admitted that even though he was getting what he was asking for, it started to freak him out because part of him still didn’t fully believe what he was experiencing was possible.

    And… what does it all mean?

    If you’d like to reach out to Sean to discuss what Sean shared with us feel free to email him at: srmahoney007 [at] gmail [dot] com.

    • 1 hr 19 min
    64: Special Episode TruthFunders | Inception Radio Network | Interview with Angela Lynne Gibson

    64: Special Episode TruthFunders | Inception Radio Network | Interview with Angela Lynne Gibson

    Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners,

    For those of you keeping track, Intuitive, Spiritual Healer, and Author Dr. Richard Jelusich was going to be joining us this evening. Unfortunately, Dr. J had to go to the emergency room this morning for health issues, so please send your love, prayers, and healing energy for him to experience a quick recovery.

    Since Dr. J cannot be with us this evening, I’m going to share a special episode with you that was pre-recorded in December 2015. I was interviewed by Art Webb and Mark Schwartz on TruthFunders, Inception Radio Network.

    TruthFunders Radio is hosted by Art Webb and Mark Schwartz and was created by true believers, and born from the idea to take the exploration of truth to the next level.

    They exist to give hunters of the unknown such as ufologists, cryptozoologists, ghost hunters, researches, conspiracies, psychics — the financial stability to fund the truth.

    Tune in for live shows of Truth Funders every Wednesdays at 9 pm eastern, 6 pm pacific time.

    Art Webb dedicated his professional existence towards evolving, creating, and presenting high quality broadcast audio content.

    Art maintains a proven track record in the development and execution of mass appeal programming in both the terrestrial and digital realms, which he is very proud of.

    He has previously worked as an on-­air talent and/or programming executive at places like PodcastOne, The New Normal Network (Tom Leykis Show/New Normal Music), KABC­FM (Los Angeles), KLSX­FM (Los Angeles), & KUFO­FM (Portland)­ among many others.

    Three of his most prominent influences are Dr. Seuss, Jim Henson, & Andy Kaufman.

    Art lives in the beautiful city of Pasadena, CA with his gorgeous wife, Alicia, and their miniature zoo consisting of 6 animals.

    In his spare time he can be found playing electric piano with his ongoing musical project (Taylor Locke Band), reading conspiracy websites, and making stupid puns.

    Mark Schwartz is the CEO of Truthfunders.com, a brand new and technically powerful crowd funding platform, specifically designed to fund paranormal projects, such as films, books, research, expeditions, & inventions of the “unknown.”

    He has been a producer of online content and video production for over 14 years.

    His background includes producing, directing, writing, editing video, as well as developing content marketing strategies across all aspects of the social media spectrum, in order to help enhance targeted client visibility.

    Mark has produced everything from film, television, commercials, and created social strategy for cable networks, technologies, automobiles, and authors.

    The laundry list includes: Cisco, Zynga, CBS, Fox, ABC, NBC, MTV, and Audi to name a few.

    He was the Senior Producer at Rooftop Media, which was recently acquired by Amazon’s subsidiary, Audible in October, and 3 weeks ago, his latest social media strategy and content marketing campaign helped land the author on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller list, where it still presides today.

    Mark was also a pioneer in the development of ITVML technology, the Interactive Television Mark-Up Language, which is currently being used in the new online interactive video space.

    In 2010, Mark helped create the ‘Glee Super-Fan Experience’, which featured a brand new integration of video and social media, lived on Fox.com, and nominated for the Primetime Interactive Media Emmy Award.

    In 2011, Mark helped build a social media video campaign for Audi, which was nominated for the 2011 IAB MIXX Award.

    Mark holds a B.A. in Directing and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona and is a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

    His newest venture, TruthFunders.com,

    • 1 hr 36 min
    63: Linda Summers – Being seen and heard. Raising awareness by finding your truth.

    63: Linda Summers – Being seen and heard. Raising awareness by finding your truth.

    Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners!

    Tonight’s guest, Linda Summers, is passionate about changing the consciousness of humanity by awakening individuals to see their own truth.

    She is a Radio Show host, TV Show Personality, Speaker, Author and Mentor. Linda hosts “Conscious Talk Radio,” her show on Blog Talk Radio that has over 26,000 listeners.  She has provided presentations to Rotary Clubs, Women’s organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and Corporations. She has also coached law firm and editorial magazine employees.

    Linda’s special gift is her ability to help people shift their perspective, thereby creating more peace and joy in their lives. She does this by shedding light on a person’s concepts, ideas and thought processes, helping people to heal through their own inner reflection.

    Linda believes that everyone walks his or her own path, and that every experience is an opportunity to learn, and to evolve. She arrived at this stage of life through her outer journey as a Life Coach and Mentor, Interviewer, Host, and Motivational Speaker.

    Through her inner journey of breaking through personal fears, releasing and letting go of things that no longer served her and that were blocking her own truth, she was able to raise her consciousness, find peace, and discover her passion.

    Linda says: “We have entered into a new consciousness, one that is about oneness, unity and love.  The only way we are going to make a difference in the world, is if we make the difference. It begins with us and how we are BEING and what we are putting out there mentally, emotionally and physically. It’s time to ‘Wake Up.’ It is my intention and commitment to humanity to raise the consciousness and shift one’s awareness to awaken to find their truth, be empowered from their truth and in revealing truth, find their happiness.”

    Linda speaks on various topics, and tonight’s focus is going to be on “Being seen and heard.”

    Find out more about Linda on her website LindaSSummers.com.

    Listen to Linda’s radio show: Conscious Talk Radio.

    • 1 hr 3 min
    62: Marty Rosenblatt – The Applied Precognition Project

    62: Marty Rosenblatt – The Applied Precognition Project

    Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners.

    Tonight we are going to delve into the more scientific side of the paranormal. As you know by now, I prefer to ground the woo-woo in science, and separate wishful fantasy from evidentiary substance. I’m really excited about tonight’s guest, Marty Rosenblatt because his life’s work is bridging physics and applied precognition .

    Marty earned an M.S. in Physics from the University of California — Los Angeles, and he is the Co-Founder of The Applied Precognition Project. He is also the President of Physics Intuition Application. Marty is one of the original Co-Founders of The Applied Precognition Project (APP), along with Chris Georges and Tom Atwater.

    He is a current board member and COO of the Applied Precognition Project (APP). He is also the Group Manager for several APP precognition groups.

    Marty is both an Associative Remote Viewer and Analyst and Judge, applying the 1ARV.WE “Winning Entanglements” protocol. Marty is also President of Physics Intuition Applications, which he founded in 1998 to apply Remote Viewing to predicting stock market and sporting event outcomes. He writes the online magazine, “Connections Through Time.”

    Marty teaches financial and sports precognitive application workshops.

    Applied Precognition Project’s mission is to publicly explore, research and apply logic and intuition to predict future event outcomes, enabling participants to evolve personally while contributing to the elevation of global consciousness. The main focus of APP is applying precognition to financial markets and sporting outcomes, consciousness and spirit, remote viewing, integrating physics and intuition for an ultimate Consciousness Paradigm Shift.

    Find out more about Marty and the Applied Precognition Project on their website. You can also visit the Physics Intuition Application website.

    • 1 hr 2 min
    61: Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST

    61: Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST

    Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners!

    Tonight’s guest is going to share with us how we can capitalize on our failures to find happiness and success.

    Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST whose mission is to help people understand, overcome, and capitalize on failure.

    Noel has been employed in the IT industry for 15 years. He started out as a call-center agent and stayed there for 10 years before being laid off.  He then moved to the education industry where he became a college professor while still holding part-time workshops for professionals teaching graphic design courses. In 2010 he moved to the banking industry where he became a manager for an information security group and now for the release management team.

    Today, Noel’s passion and expertise is helping others come back from their setbacks and failures and be more successful than ever. He is a self-proclaimed failurologist — an expert on the subject of failure — having gone through several failures that he never thought he could recover from. Two years ago, he made the decision to turn his life around after going broke and being buried in debt.

    Noel felt hopeless and helpless — almost at the point of giving up. Instead, he made significant changes, overcame his setbacks, and has since made it his mission to educate himself in the art of coming back from failure. He now works to impart this knowledge and wisdom to people who are currently struggling with setbacks and failures of their own. Noel wants to be a beacon of hope for people who are in seemingly hopeless situations. He wants people to realize that we only fail when we quit — and that everything depends upon us and us alone.

    Noel works with individuals who are stuck and are struggling to achieve clarity. He provides hope and guidance in dealing with mistakes and setbacks to help people who want to live life on their own terms but don’t know where to start. Noel managed to turn his life around by cutting his debt in half through a change in mindset by way of personal development and self-improvement. Now he assists business owners and leaders capitalize on mistakes and failures they face including interpersonal relationships and leadership skills. He also helps individuals discover their life purpose, guiding them to craft a path towards their passion and let them live life according to their desires.

    Find out more about Noel Rosos on his website LifesHowYouLiveIt.com.

    • 1 hr 4 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
62 Ratings

62 Ratings

Lil-J90 ,


There is so much great content in here! Listen in!

thechampionentrepreneur ,

Great work

I just found this podcast and I love how you have niched down and are working such a specific target. Keep up the good work.

Shawn Manaher ,

Inspiring podcast

This podcast is not the usual podcast that I listen to. But I enjoyed listening to it. Thank you Angela for sharing inspirational advices and empowering your listeners with your show.

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