52 min

Travis Chambers, CEO of Chamber Media Lemonade Stand Stories

    • Entrepreneurship

What does a nice 15 mile walk teach you about life? For Travis Chambers, it is what real living feels like. Travis has had an incredible imagination and has loved making things go viral through social media marketing. This eventually led to him founding Chamber Media, where their ads have helped many businesses thrive! And his company has also helped me stay employed as an actor, which has been incredibly amazing. But Travis has faced lemon after lemon in his career. He is looking for ways to...

What does a nice 15 mile walk teach you about life? For Travis Chambers, it is what real living feels like. Travis has had an incredible imagination and has loved making things go viral through social media marketing. This eventually led to him founding Chamber Media, where their ads have helped many businesses thrive! And his company has also helped me stay employed as an actor, which has been incredibly amazing. But Travis has faced lemon after lemon in his career. He is looking for ways to...

52 min