41 episodes

Welcome to True Spirituality with Ange, the podcast where we explore spirituality on our own terms, free from preconceived notions or dogma. Growing up, I never felt like I fit into the two spiritual extremes of my family: either cynical atheism or devout Catholicism. I wanted something in between, and that's what I hope to offer with this podcast. Join me in creating a bespoke version of spirituality that resonates with you and lights up your world, from home to work and everything in between. Let's find joy and fulfilment in every moment, and build a spiritual foundation that will help us live with no regrets.

True Spirituality with Ange Ange de Lumiere

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 3.7 • 3 Ratings

Welcome to True Spirituality with Ange, the podcast where we explore spirituality on our own terms, free from preconceived notions or dogma. Growing up, I never felt like I fit into the two spiritual extremes of my family: either cynical atheism or devout Catholicism. I wanted something in between, and that's what I hope to offer with this podcast. Join me in creating a bespoke version of spirituality that resonates with you and lights up your world, from home to work and everything in between. Let's find joy and fulfilment in every moment, and build a spiritual foundation that will help us live with no regrets.

    EP 40 Life Is a Miracle

    EP 40 Life Is a Miracle

    Einstein supposedly said "There are two ways to live. One as if nothing is a miracle. The other as if everything is a miracle."
    I used to live in the first way but now aim to live the second way. It's been helped by the fact that I have experienced miracles first hand. What are miracles, though? The Oxford Dictionary says a miracle is "an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific law and is therefore attributed to a divine agency."
    I want to live a life of wonder but I also want to create a space for miracles to exist without people having God crammed down their throats when they share what happened to them. If you a religious and a miracle strengthens your faith, fine. I am happy for you. I just think that the spiritual and religious spaces are not inclusive enough of people who don't buy into God. People who don't believe in God and who ae not religious should be allowed miracles too. 
    I have identified different types of miracles: 
    The miracle of life
    The miracle of healing
    The miracle of love
    The miracle of the mind
    The miracle of near death experiences
    If you want to sign up for the next round of the Treasure Hunt that starts on the 9th of September 2024 click here. http://eepurl.com/ghyJAf

    • 34 min
    EP 39 Divine Timing

    EP 39 Divine Timing

    Divine timing is the idea that you are exactly where you should be and that everything happens in your life exactly at the right time. I cannot tell you the number that me and my friends have ranted about divine timing and how frustrating it is. It's not even funny. I suppose we have all been in very challenging circumstances and being told about divine timing when you are going through this can be really counterproductive and even a form of gas lighting.

    The last thing I want to do is gas light people, so take the content of this episode with a pinch of salt. I also want to say that we can talk about divine timing even if we are not religious. We can replace the concept of God by Source, the Universe and even Life.

    There is a risk when you discover the concept of divine timing to leave all of it to the Universe and sit on your sofa waiting for things to happen. Don't let that happen to you. Divine timing does not cancel out your part to play in creating the life that you want. It is however, a buffer that prevents things from happening when the timing is off. I share some examples of this on the podcast. If something does not happen that you have worked really hard towards, don't be disheartened. Sometimes it's a no, but more often than not, it's a "not yet". I call it delayed, not denied.

    One way to find out if you are on track is to look for signs. If that is something you feel you might need support with, it's not too late to sign up for my Treasure Hunt.

    Our frustration with divine timing often comes from not being able to see the bigger picture and because of that, not being aware that what we want, might not necessarily be what we need right now or we might not be ready for it. We all live with a level of denial about what we are ready for. There is often a gap. As well, when we doubt we can delay matters because we block the flow. This has to be one of the most frustrating aspects of the manifesting process, which I touched upon in episode 32. But more often than not, divine timing protect against something that we want but that could actually be detrimental to us.

    When we become serious about our spiritual path, we relinquish human timing (not always consciously) and invite divine timing into our lives. Then we have to relinquish control and how things are going to look like and unfold. We need to let go of our need to fit into society and appear as the "productive" members of society that our culture value above all, in complete contradiction with true spiritual values. There can literally be a before and after, because all too often, our values are skewed. This is the reason why, people like Steve Jobs often meditate by imagining they only have a day to live. That can really reset our priorities in ways that nothing else can.

    To book an private akashic records reading with me (as opposed to a business one), sign up for my newsletter as I only share the reduced fee with my list.

    At the end of the episode, I pulled a card from my True Spirituality Oracle Deck to set our collective priority for the next seven days.

    • 32 min
    EP 38 Mystical experiences with Rev. Stephanie Bradbury

    EP 38 Mystical experiences with Rev. Stephanie Bradbury

    I am honoured to have my first representative of the clergy on the podcast to talk about mystical experiences, which will surprise some of you. Rev. Stephanie Bradbury is an interim priest at the St Andrews Episcopal Church in Ayer, Massachusetts. She also speaks at the International Association for Near Death Studies. Although Stephanie has not had a near death experience (NDE) herself, she had a spiritually transformative experience (STE) as a student at University.

    Stephanie could be called a progressive priest, as for example, she uses pronouns next to her name. Historically, religion has not treated the LGBTQIA well, but it seems that things are changing.

    Stephanie has been a priest for 28 years. Her church, the Episcopal Church in America, is fairly progressive. Women have been ordained in that Church since 1976. Christianity is a varied landscape with millions of people believing different things, but it is often the more vocal ones that dominate the scene. And Christianity is immersed in a culture that does not believe in the transcendent. And that has filtered through the church: the idea that if it can't be detected through our senses, then it doesn't exist. Which is ironic because the scriptures are jam packed with descriptions of transcendent experiences. It's all in there. And these experiences are hard to take seriously because for the clergy, the rest of their lives is bathed in this materialism and they are told again and again that these experiences do not exist.

    Stephanie had the honour to counsel quite a few people who had near death experiences and other spiritually transformative experiences in her ministry. People who were told that these experiences were of the devil and who were told they would be going to hell. Or they were dismissed with words such as "I am sure you believe that". The average person on the street would say that too.

    It's sad because for most people who have spiritually transformative experiences, their first port of call is the Church and to be told this, is damaging. That's where they look for answers and the answers are not there. At least, not in most churches. But things are changing.

    It's hard for clergy too, but more and more Stephanie meets clergy that resonate with her approach. And some are afraid to lose their jobs. Even if a system is benevolent, it's hard to buck the system. Part of Stephanie's calling is to support clergy through this too. When she had her own experiences, she nearly walked away from the church until she was able to see the scriptures through new eyes. She saw that it was all there and now offers a blog about her views called Jesus and the Enchanted Cosmos on Substack.

    Stephanie and I talked about how religion can become words and an intellectual exercise rather than something felt from the heart. It's a little bit like snow. If you have never experienced snow, I can describe it to you but you will never feel what snow feels like. That's what has happened with all the transcendent experiences described in the Bible. People hear them but lack the first hand experience of them.

    • 55 min
    EP 37 How to Get the Best Spiritual Guidance

    EP 37 How to Get the Best Spiritual Guidance

    Tarot is not the only means of getting guidance. Today I would like to address the bigger issue of how to get the best spiritual guidance. The short answer to that question is that you will only get the best guidance the day you realise that the Universe does not play favourites and that you need to realise that someone else's feelings and interests are no more or less important than yours.

    This is hard to stomach, especially if you have been hurt by that person. I know what I am talking about.

    In order to get the best spiritual guidance, you need to be ready to hear what you need to hear as opposed to what you want to hear. The best spiritual guidance is rarely what you want to hear. It is often what we need to hear. These can be two entirely different things. The best spiritual guidance comes from an eagle view into the situation. Most people are not ready to hear it.

    How can you get ready to hear it?

    First you need to understand how the mind works. You also need to learn about ego. Everyone gets defensive when they feel criticised or attacked. It's perfectly normal. And you need to learn to "bite your tongue" when you are in that space because it is your ego that is likely to answer and you may regret what you say later, when you don't feel so threatened.

    Second, you need to learn to listen for the sake of listening, instead of listening to find out when you can say your piece. You need to listen to the other person with the goal to understand the other person's perspective. This is called active listening. I think it should be taught in school. There is one exception to this advice: if you are being abused or are in danger. Then your priority is not to listen but to take yourself to a place of safety. Domestic abuse, bullying and violence are no joke. Don't listen to your abuser, your bully or your attacker. It's obvious advice but I feel the need to say this, just in case someone misconstrues my words or takes them out of context.

    Third, understand that beliefs are thoughts we believe are true. They are not necessarily THE truth. They are a truth. And they can be changed if they don't serve the version of reality that you would like to espouse (again, do not take my words as incitement to live in denial). We all live in some level of denial.

    Fourth, know that your ego lies to you constantly, to "protect you".

    Fifth, recognise your wounds and scars so that you can take responsibility for your triggers.

    I share two examples of true spiritual guidance that was gifted to me by psychic mediums in the episode and I encourage you to listen to it to find out about them.

    Where can you get this guidance from? Some psychic mediums, although remember that they can only impart guidance to their own level of wisdom or slightly higher, but not much. They two can be blinded by their own beliefs. I remember a psychic telling me how lovely my second husband was and what a good man he was, when it turned out he abused me repeatedly and I was not safe in that relationship. Not ideal.

    Ultimately, run that guidance through your own intuition, unless of course that guidance came directly from your intuition. Be warned, though, that your ego is incredibly clever and it can pretend to be your intuition. It is a master of disguise.

    Last, let go of the idea of vengeance. We do not want vigilantes. Leave that to the legal system or divine justice. And if, sadly, you are in an abusive relationship of any nature, with a parent, child, boss, friend or partner, I invite you to watch videos by Dr Ramani on YouTube.

    If you would like a reading with me, I am offering all podcast listeners a 50% discount on my half hour sessions, if they have never worked with me. To hear the discount code, listen to the episode, then use this link to book your session.

    • 30 min
    EP 36 Tarot Basics For You

    EP 36 Tarot Basics For You

    In this tarot series, we first looked at whether the tarot is evil or dangerous, then we looked at how to get the best tarot reading with a professional and we are now going to dive into what you need to know to do a reading for yourself, starting with choosing your first deck. Look at it as a tarot for beginners crash course.

    Tarot decks always have 78 cards. If you buy a deck that has less cards, it's an oracle deck, which I will cover in a different episode. These cards are split in two groups: The major arcana and the minor arcana. There are 22 major arcana that usually follow the same pattern, starting with the fool (card 0) and ending with the World (Card 21). Major arcanas usually have their number and name on them, particularly in the Rider-Waite deck, which is the gold standard for learning.

    How to choose your deck? I would recommend you choose it intuitively. Yet, at the same time, I recommend the Rider-Waite for learning. So maybe have two decks. My favourite deck is the Light Seer's Deck because it is more inclusive because the Rider-Waite is white washed and heteronormative.

    Once you receive your deck, you need to both cleanse it and dedicate it. I describe in the episode how to cleanse your deck with the sun. There are of course many different methods that are available on the internet. A lot of them involve crystals or smudging sticks. I prefer to keep things simple but if you want to use your crystals or incense, knock yourself out.

    Dedication: why is that important? It will set the tone for the kind of guidance you receive. Some people like to have their arse kicked, others prefer gentle guidance. I like my guidance to be uplifting, useful and inspiring. Take a little time to reflect on what you want.

    There are two ways to read the tarot: if you read cards literally, you don't need to be clairvoyant to do so. This means that everybody can read the cards for themselves, psychic or not. I think it's a good thing.

    In the episode I teach you one way to use your deck to get yes/no answers with just one card. I would rather you listen to the episode to hear all my instructions as there many parts to it but if you are in a rush, you pull one card. It is upright, it's a yes. If it is reversed, it's a no.

    At the end of the day, the power of tarot cards lie in their symbology, mostly what things mean to you. Because of this, I encourage you to sign up for my Treasure Hunt where you will learn how to find and interpret signs. Plus if you are an entrepreneur, particularly in the online service industry, I will share how to start thinking about a powerful three or five day challenge you could run. Here is the link to sign up.

    Last, here are the top five mistakes people do when they read the tarot so you can try to avoid them:

    Doing a reading when you feel low or vulnerable Using your deck in a space that is not safe Asking the same question until you get the answer that you want Asking the wrong question Think the answer you get is set in stone
    I can teach you the tarot one to one if you want for £199 a month (at the time of the recording of this episode). If you would like to find out more, book a discovery call with me with this link. Making sure you learn with the right mentor is incredibly important so let's chat.

    • 41 min
    EP 35 How to have the best tarot reading

    EP 35 How to have the best tarot reading

    Before we get into the meat of today's episode, I have a special announcement: The Treasure Hunt is back. Sign up with this link to receive the link to the group where I run it. If you read these show notes or listen to the episode after June 2024, don't worry, you can still sign up for the next round. I run my treasure hunt several times a year. 
    Last week, we established that tarot is not evil. This week, I want to help you make the most of a reading with a tarot reader. This advice applies to all kind of intuitive or psychic readers, though, not just tarot readers. 
    There are four steps to getting the best tarot reading for you:
    Step 1: Choose your reader carefully
    If you are going to a reader, you are likely to be in a vulnerable state, make sure you are going to someone who is ethical, has values that match yours, and preferably who is recommended. The later is not always possible, nor is it a guarantee that this reader is right for you. Use discernment. In the episode, I also list the red flags that should make you very cautious about a reader. 
    Step 2: Prepare for the reading
    Do some journaling, or at least reflect on where you are in life and what you want out of that reading. Ask yourself, how you want to feel by the end of the reading. And have a goal. Prepare some questions and reflect on the quality of the questions you have written down. Try to choose open questions such as how, why, when or what, rather than yes or no questions. 
    Step 3: The reading itself
    The advice for the actual reading is to make sure you are in a good headspace. If you can, don't fit your reading in a busy day so that you have time before and after to ground yourself and process what you have been told. Ask ahead of time to receive guidance from the deepest of love, the highest of intention and the highest of good. It's important. Also, don't freak out if you get the death card. Let your reader tell you what they think it means, even if you read the tarot yourself. 
    Step 4: After the reading (preferably right after)
    Take some time to unpack, decide what feels right for you and what doesn't, using your intuition and plan so you can act on the reading. But also, remember that there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion AND it's always YOUR decision. It's your life. Don't put your life in the hands of a stranger, no matter how much you trust or admire them. Most readings will confirm something you already know. 
    If you would like a reading with me, my business rates are £300 per hour at the time of this episode. To book click here. If you want a personal reading, I have a special rate that is three times cheaper, but only people who are signed up to my general list can book for personal readings. 

    • 42 min

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