5 min

Tuesday /Thursday, thirty / thirteen Spot the Difference – Angličtina Youradio Talk

    • Language Learning

At the police station: Detektiv West vyslýchá na policejní stanici dva známé zloděje. Snaží se zjistit, zda mají alibi. Vyšetřuje každého zvlášť. Try to spot the differences in their stories: WEST : Hello Mr Davies. DAVIES: Hello, hello. WEST: Mr Davies, could I ask you some questions? DAVIES: Of course. No problem, no problem, no problem WEST: Thank you. Now, Mr Davies, where were you on Tuesday lunchtime? DAVIES: I was um…with Harry…my friend Harry Robertson. Yes, that's right. We had lunch together WEST: Uh huh DAVIES: It was a nice restaurant. We both had chicken, or was it fish - no it was chicken. WEST: Uh huh. And was it expensive? DAVIES: Yes, it was actually, thirty pounds! WEST: (AGREES) Hmm. And who paid? DAVIES: That's a funny question. Um, I did. It was my treat. WEST: Thank you Mr Davies. WEST: Hello Mr Robinson. ROBINSON: Hello, how are you? WEST: Fine thank you. Now I understand you recently had lunch with Mr John Davies. ROBINSON: Ah yes John, my best mate. We had lunch on Thursday. We had chicken. It was delicious. WEST: And what was the bill? ROBINSON: Um…thirteen pounds. WEST: Uh huh. And who paid? ROBINSON: Um…John.....what a nice guy. WEST: Uh huh ROBINSON: Isn't that what he told you? Well I'm not surprised. He's a bit of a liar, John is. I wouldn't trust him if I were you. WEST: Thank you Mr Robinson. ROBINSON: He's spent a lot of time in prison you know and….. Komplicové se dvakrát neshodli. Jeden tvrdil, že byli na obědě v úterý, a druhý ve čtvrtek: Tuesday - Thursday. Jeden říkal, že to stálo třicet, a druhý třináct liber: thirteen - thirty.

At the police station: Detektiv West vyslýchá na policejní stanici dva známé zloděje. Snaží se zjistit, zda mají alibi. Vyšetřuje každého zvlášť. Try to spot the differences in their stories: WEST : Hello Mr Davies. DAVIES: Hello, hello. WEST: Mr Davies, could I ask you some questions? DAVIES: Of course. No problem, no problem, no problem WEST: Thank you. Now, Mr Davies, where were you on Tuesday lunchtime? DAVIES: I was um…with Harry…my friend Harry Robertson. Yes, that's right. We had lunch together WEST: Uh huh DAVIES: It was a nice restaurant. We both had chicken, or was it fish - no it was chicken. WEST: Uh huh. And was it expensive? DAVIES: Yes, it was actually, thirty pounds! WEST: (AGREES) Hmm. And who paid? DAVIES: That's a funny question. Um, I did. It was my treat. WEST: Thank you Mr Davies. WEST: Hello Mr Robinson. ROBINSON: Hello, how are you? WEST: Fine thank you. Now I understand you recently had lunch with Mr John Davies. ROBINSON: Ah yes John, my best mate. We had lunch on Thursday. We had chicken. It was delicious. WEST: And what was the bill? ROBINSON: Um…thirteen pounds. WEST: Uh huh. And who paid? ROBINSON: Um…John.....what a nice guy. WEST: Uh huh ROBINSON: Isn't that what he told you? Well I'm not surprised. He's a bit of a liar, John is. I wouldn't trust him if I were you. WEST: Thank you Mr Robinson. ROBINSON: He's spent a lot of time in prison you know and….. Komplicové se dvakrát neshodli. Jeden tvrdil, že byli na obědě v úterý, a druhý ve čtvrtek: Tuesday - Thursday. Jeden říkal, že to stálo třicet, a druhý třináct liber: thirteen - thirty.

5 min