1 hr 19 min


    • Books

It’s a Band of “oh brother 🙄” where the point of manhood is to Save Private Ryan from all manner of imaginary frenemies. Get ready to go to war with all sorts of war stories as we give chapter 9 of Wild At Heart the read that it deserves. 
BAD BOOK: Wild At Heart
Chapter: 9 of 12 | A Battle To Fight: The Strategy
Book Club Member: Dan
Instagram |@dkauchick 

It’s a Band of “oh brother 🙄” where the point of manhood is to Save Private Ryan from all manner of imaginary frenemies. Get ready to go to war with all sorts of war stories as we give chapter 9 of Wild At Heart the read that it deserves. 
BAD BOOK: Wild At Heart
Chapter: 9 of 12 | A Battle To Fight: The Strategy
Book Club Member: Dan
Instagram |@dkauchick 

1 hr 19 min