50 min

Use Teamwork To Stop Viewing Porn - Interview With Emmanuel and Bekah Guarino From Team Vulnerable Strong Men Strong Marriages

    • Self-Improvement

Today we get to meet Emmanual and Bekah Guarino, founders of Team Vulnerable.You’ll hear their story of how Emmanuel:-Struggled with pornography for YEARS-Eventually shared his struggle with Bekah-Found a way to work as a team to help Emmanuel overcome pornography… to the point that he doesn’t really feel tempted at all to view itWatch on YouTube here. https://youtu.be/PMZiMUpNk40There are a lot of different ways that people can overcome pornography.So, for this week only (expires Friday...

Today we get to meet Emmanual and Bekah Guarino, founders of Team Vulnerable.You’ll hear their story of how Emmanuel:-Struggled with pornography for YEARS-Eventually shared his struggle with Bekah-Found a way to work as a team to help Emmanuel overcome pornography… to the point that he doesn’t really feel tempted at all to view itWatch on YouTube here. https://youtu.be/PMZiMUpNk40There are a lot of different ways that people can overcome pornography.So, for this week only (expires Friday...

50 min