34 min

Using LinkedIn to Find The Right Connections For Your Business with LinkedIn Lindsey Next Simple Step

    • Mental Health

You may be just one connection away from the work you've always dreamed of doing, or the clients you've been chasing, but how do you find those connections? LinkedIn
Lindsey McMillion Steemann is a LinkedIn Credibility Consultant and joins Paul Goldsmith for a deep dive into how to grow your network authentically and build your business on LinkedIn. Lindsey has helped her clients generate millions using LinkedIn.
Lindsey and Paul also discuss their mutual experience with Strategic Coach and the Coach tools: 
Entrepreneurial Time System: Designing & protecting your days by labeling them FOCUS, FREE, or BUFFER. The 4 C's Formula: Commitment ----> Courage ----> Capability ----> Confidence Connect with Lindsey on LinkedIn. Learn more about how to connect with purpose through McMillion Consulting here.
Connect with Paul on LinkedIn here.

You may be just one connection away from the work you've always dreamed of doing, or the clients you've been chasing, but how do you find those connections? LinkedIn
Lindsey McMillion Steemann is a LinkedIn Credibility Consultant and joins Paul Goldsmith for a deep dive into how to grow your network authentically and build your business on LinkedIn. Lindsey has helped her clients generate millions using LinkedIn.
Lindsey and Paul also discuss their mutual experience with Strategic Coach and the Coach tools: 
Entrepreneurial Time System: Designing & protecting your days by labeling them FOCUS, FREE, or BUFFER. The 4 C's Formula: Commitment ----> Courage ----> Capability ----> Confidence Connect with Lindsey on LinkedIn. Learn more about how to connect with purpose through McMillion Consulting here.
Connect with Paul on LinkedIn here.

34 min