Mike Lombardi | It Was Hard ABOUT THIS EPISODE On Episode 41 of Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast, we talk about vicarious storytelling. After veterans are gone, who will tell their stories? Our guest is army airborne veteran of the Cold War, Mike Lombardi, who shares the story of his father, Master Sergeant Archie Lombardi. This podcast episode was recorded October 2, 2018 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Host: Kevin Farkas. Guest: Mike Lombardi. Audiography: Kevin Farkas/The Social Voice Project, Inc. Music (available on SoundCloud.com): Floxyde (“Misery,” “Hypnosis,” “Bada01”). Addition audio (available on YouTube.com): OakRidgejet (“JFK - Remarks at West Point to the Graduating Class of the U.S. Military Academy, June 6, 1962”), Việt Tráng Sĩ (“Green Berets Original Soundtrack Written By Miklós Rózsa”). ©Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast/The Social Voice Project, Inc. All rights reserved. ABOUT THE PODCAST The Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast features conversations with those who tell veterans' stories in creative and interesting ways, such as oral historians, authors, poets, playwrights, and photographers. This podcast is a production of The Social Voice Project, Inc., dedicated to understanding the voices and stories of our lives through the first-hand, authentic accounts of lived experiences we call oral histories. The podcast was formerly produced by the Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh Oral History Initiative, a veteran-run, award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Host Kevin Farkas is a US Navy veteran and independent multimedia producer specializing in creative sound design and audio engineering. He has produced several audiobooks, radio dramas, live storytelling events, a podcast network, videos, as well as print and digital media publications. OTHER WAYS TO FIND THE PODCAST jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_3642').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:2 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:4 }, 1500:{ items:4 } }, autoplay : true, autoplayTimeout : 5000, autoplayHoverPause : true, smartSpeed : 200, fluidSpeed : 200, autoplaySpeed : 200, navSpeed : 200, dotsSpeed : 200, loop : true, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 1, mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, mouseDrag : true, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_3642').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_3642(); window.