29 min

VIRTUAL PRESENTATION ENGAGEMENT‪?‬ Unforgettable Presentations

    • How To

Virtual presentations are now commonplace and it’s easy to assume, “I’ve done quite a few of these and I’m good!” Today Darren and Mark share reminders of how FLOW, FOCUS and PACE ELEMENTS can make a significant difference in your virtual presentation…especially since distractions can be continuous and abundant.
• Check your studio setup…especially what’s behind you
• Re-evaluate every aspect of your virtual presentation
• To maintain FLOW, it’s wise to have a producer, co-host, or co-presenter
• Be aware of the difference between a co-host, and a co-presenter
• Establish key toles up front
• Create smooth handoffs
• To maintain audience FOCUS, make slides simple and clear, 1 slide, 1 point
• Use PACE ELEMENTS to keep your audience engaged
• Use client’s language to solidify your connection

Virtual presentations are now commonplace and it’s easy to assume, “I’ve done quite a few of these and I’m good!” Today Darren and Mark share reminders of how FLOW, FOCUS and PACE ELEMENTS can make a significant difference in your virtual presentation…especially since distractions can be continuous and abundant.
• Check your studio setup…especially what’s behind you
• Re-evaluate every aspect of your virtual presentation
• To maintain FLOW, it’s wise to have a producer, co-host, or co-presenter
• Be aware of the difference between a co-host, and a co-presenter
• Establish key toles up front
• Create smooth handoffs
• To maintain audience FOCUS, make slides simple and clear, 1 slide, 1 point
• Use PACE ELEMENTS to keep your audience engaged
• Use client’s language to solidify your connection

29 min