26 min

What Are You Hungry For‪?‬ The Healthy Me Reset

    • Medicine

​What are you really hungry for in this life?
For me, it was food for a really long time. Food stepped in to fix the physical hunger but nothing more. Because I was using food to distract myself from the real hunger: for acceptance, connection, family, love.
When I recognized that food didn't fix that hunger, I overcame my weight battle. But life kept showing me the layers of hunger underneath it. The hunger to be seen, be picked, to matter led to this unraveling. 
In this episode, I'm sharing what I needed to fill me to gain strength for the reset. I couldn't do it alone and you don't have to either. 
If you are ready to change that hunger, join me in The Fasting Flock! Click here to join - it's FREE!

​What are you really hungry for in this life?
For me, it was food for a really long time. Food stepped in to fix the physical hunger but nothing more. Because I was using food to distract myself from the real hunger: for acceptance, connection, family, love.
When I recognized that food didn't fix that hunger, I overcame my weight battle. But life kept showing me the layers of hunger underneath it. The hunger to be seen, be picked, to matter led to this unraveling. 
In this episode, I'm sharing what I needed to fill me to gain strength for the reset. I couldn't do it alone and you don't have to either. 
If you are ready to change that hunger, join me in The Fasting Flock! Click here to join - it's FREE!

26 min