27 min

When I started becoming aware of my body image Confidently She

    • Christianity

This topic is a long time coming, listen in to get a front row seat to my body image story and how I became aware it was an issue. I will talk about step 1 in the Body Confidence Playbook, awareness. Because even though we're taught that our bodies are the problem if we have confidence issues, my story will prove quite the opposite. It's actually not your physical body, it's your philosophy on your body that's going to unlock the kind of relationship you probably think isn't possible (right now) 

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This topic is a long time coming, listen in to get a front row seat to my body image story and how I became aware it was an issue. I will talk about step 1 in the Body Confidence Playbook, awareness. Because even though we're taught that our bodies are the problem if we have confidence issues, my story will prove quite the opposite. It's actually not your physical body, it's your philosophy on your body that's going to unlock the kind of relationship you probably think isn't possible (right now) 

Don't forget to join The Body Image Solution email list and grab my downloads!

Get all the downloads here: ⁠https://www.thebodyimagesolution.com/shop⁠

27 min