36 min

Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar Alone With Peter

    • Places & Travel

Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar a Financial Controller for an indie record label in Los Angeles, and a world traveler. Mari has been to 54 countries and counting all while working a normal 9-to-5 job. In this interview, we'll talk about how she prioritizes and negotiates travel with her work, where her love of travel came from, and what it was like for her as a Puerto Rican studying in the United States of America.

Plus, stick around to learn how Mari, Tanner Combias, (You can listen to that interview here) and I know each other!

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This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

Mari Escobar Financial Controller and World Traveler

If you want to get in touch with Mari Escobar or see where she's off to next, check out the links below.

Instagram: MariMari4

LinkedIn: maritereescobar

41 Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar

*Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar. And this one's fun because if you have listened to the podcast for a while, you maybe remember I talk with somebody from the Big 4 named Tanner Combias. I met Tanner in Vietnam. Well, guess what? I also met Mari in Vietnam and Mari also worked for one of the Big 4 financial firms. We'll talk about that as we go through this episode, but one thing that I think is really special about Mari is anybody who knows her for long enough will be like, okay, where is she now? Because you're literally always somewhere different. You're always traveling. You're always going on some kind of trip. And I can't wait to dive into what that looks like. How do you prioritize travel? You have a normal nine-to-five-plus job. Right? And I think most people, think that's not possible. So we'll talk about your travel experience, but we'll also talk about what you do for a living. Getting into solo travel a bit, especially as a girl, I think that's gonna be an interesting topic and just catch up on some travel stories and stuff. So, you know, with that in mind, Mari, how, how have things been for you lately?

Mari Escobar: Hey, thank you for that introduction. It's very true. Nobody asked me, how are you? It's like, where are you now? where are you going next? So yeah. Yeah. Doing good now in LA I'm kinda, I've been here for a couple of months, but you know, I'm taking off in a couple of weeks.

Peter Kersting: nice.

Mari Escobar: I gotta keep it going.

Peter Kersting: Yeah. Where are you to next?

Mari Escobar: I am going to Europe. So I'm doing Paris, Italy, and Dublin.

Peter Kersting: Nice. You, you never get tired of it. Do you?

Mari Escobar: Of course not.

Peter Kersting:

Mari Escobar: Never enough.

Peter Kersting: Yeah. We're gonna, we're gonna talk a fair amount about these different things, but Alone with Peter, we like to go through different segments. So this is a three-part interview. We're, we're all strapp

Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar a Financial Controller for an indie record label in Los Angeles, and a world traveler. Mari has been to 54 countries and counting all while working a normal 9-to-5 job. In this interview, we'll talk about how she prioritizes and negotiates travel with her work, where her love of travel came from, and what it was like for her as a Puerto Rican studying in the United States of America.

Plus, stick around to learn how Mari, Tanner Combias, (You can listen to that interview here) and I know each other!

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This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

Mari Escobar Financial Controller and World Traveler

If you want to get in touch with Mari Escobar or see where she's off to next, check out the links below.

Instagram: MariMari4

LinkedIn: maritereescobar

41 Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar

*Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar. And this one's fun because if you have listened to the podcast for a while, you maybe remember I talk with somebody from the Big 4 named Tanner Combias. I met Tanner in Vietnam. Well, guess what? I also met Mari in Vietnam and Mari also worked for one of the Big 4 financial firms. We'll talk about that as we go through this episode, but one thing that I think is really special about Mari is anybody who knows her for long enough will be like, okay, where is she now? Because you're literally always somewhere different. You're always traveling. You're always going on some kind of trip. And I can't wait to dive into what that looks like. How do you prioritize travel? You have a normal nine-to-five-plus job. Right? And I think most people, think that's not possible. So we'll talk about your travel experience, but we'll also talk about what you do for a living. Getting into solo travel a bit, especially as a girl, I think that's gonna be an interesting topic and just catch up on some travel stories and stuff. So, you know, with that in mind, Mari, how, how have things been for you lately?

Mari Escobar: Hey, thank you for that introduction. It's very true. Nobody asked me, how are you? It's like, where are you now? where are you going next? So yeah. Yeah. Doing good now in LA I'm kinda, I've been here for a couple of months, but you know, I'm taking off in a couple of weeks.

Peter Kersting: nice.

Mari Escobar: I gotta keep it going.

Peter Kersting: Yeah. Where are you to next?

Mari Escobar: I am going to Europe. So I'm doing Paris, Italy, and Dublin.

Peter Kersting: Nice. You, you never get tired of it. Do you?

Mari Escobar: Of course not.

Peter Kersting:

Mari Escobar: Never enough.

Peter Kersting: Yeah. We're gonna, we're gonna talk a fair amount about these different things, but Alone with Peter, we like to go through different segments. So this is a three-part interview. We're, we're all strapp

36 min