45 episodes

Alone with Peter is a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth.

Each episode tells a specific chapter of our guest's journey, helping us understand what motivates them, where they are now, and how they’ve developed their talents over time. As we round out their interviews they share actionable, practical tips for you if you decide to take a similar leap of faith.

No matter where you are on the journey, thanks for spending some quality time Alone with Peter.

Alone With Peter Unknown

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    • 5.0 • 28 Ratings

Alone with Peter is a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth.

Each episode tells a specific chapter of our guest's journey, helping us understand what motivates them, where they are now, and how they’ve developed their talents over time. As we round out their interviews they share actionable, practical tips for you if you decide to take a similar leap of faith.

No matter where you are on the journey, thanks for spending some quality time Alone with Peter.

    Stop Making Excuses. How to Prioritize Travel Now with Mari Escobar

    Stop Making Excuses. How to Prioritize Travel Now with Mari Escobar

    On the season finale of Alone with Peter, Mari Escobar shares practical tips for travel, useful resources for staying safe, as a female/solo traveler, and good habits for saving money for your next trip so you can stop making excuses and learn how to prioritize travel!

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    Follow Mari Escobar Financial Controller and World Traveler

    If you want to get in touch with Mari Escobar or see where she's off to next, check out the links below.

    Instagram: MariMari4 and LinkedIn: maritereescobar

    43 Stop Making Excuses. How to Prioritize Travel Now with Mari Escobar

    *Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

    Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. We are back for part three of our interview with Mari Escobar and Mari's been through a lot of different accounting jobs right now. She is a financial controller for an indie record label, which I laugh cuz I, the term financial controller sounds so intense to me. but one of the things that I know Mari better for is she's really good at maximizing her travel time, even though she has a nine-to-five job. So if you were someone who was looking for some tips and tricks on how to find a way to travel more while still doing your job and still having your boss be happy with you, Mari's gonna give us some practical tips in this episode about that, about how to travel safely, if you're a female solo traveler and so on and so forth. So thanks for coming back on the show, Mari, and are you ready? Ready to jump into this masterclass?

    Mari Escobar: Let's do it. My friends have been asking for it for a while.

    Peter Kersting: What exactly are your friends asking about? Let's start with that.

    Mari Escobar: They're like, how do you travel everywhere? And don't take that many vacation days or like, how do you do it? Like while working a regular job? So like I mentioned before, I'd say one of my biggest, it's not really a trick, but you know, you gotta take advantage of the holidays any, any day off official day off that doesn't count as vacation, do it and combine it with your vacation. Like if for example, I'm going down to Europe, I'm using Memorial day. It might be a little bit more expensive, but you get more days out of it. You go, yeah. Instead of taking four days, I mean, five days you take four days and you can leave four 10, like I said, before you go like the Friday before you come back the Sunday, midnight before and you multiply the days.

    Mari Escobar: Don't spend the days sitting at home

    Peter Kersting: you gotta bookend the weekends too is other thing you're saying?

    Mari Escobar: Yeah. Mm-hmm sure that's very, that's very big. That's yeah. That's how you maximize the days are these business days, the weekends don't count of course. And then try to leave AF right after work. Don't always wait until the next morning, cuz I mean, those travel hours make a difference. You can be at the destination the next morning instead of like the next night.

    Peter Kersting: How long are yo

    • 48 min
    Traveling the World with a 9-to-5 Job - 54 Countries and Counting with Mari Escobar

    Traveling the World with a 9-to-5 Job - 54 Countries and Counting with Mari Escobar

    I can't travel. I've got a normal job It's time to throw out that old excuse. You CAN travel with a normal job. You've just got to find a way to prioritize it. Mari Escobar has been to 54 countries and counting all while working a "normal" 9-to-5 job. How on earth does she do it? Find out in part 2 of our interview, 42 Traveling the World with a 9-to-5 Job - 54 Countries and Counting with Mari Escobar.

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    Follow Mari Escobar Financial Controller and World Traveler

    If you want to get in touch with Mari Escobar or see where she's off to next, check out the links below.

    Instagram: MariMari4 and LinkedIn: maritereescobar

    42 Traveling the World with a 9-to-5 Job X 54 Countries and Counting with Mari Escobar

    *Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

    Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. We are back with Mari Escobar who is going to be talking to us about her experience as a solo traveler and how she maximizes her work to be able to pursue travel more often. If you've been making the excuse that you can't travel because you have a normal job and they don't wanna give you time off. Well, maybe you'll find some tips in this interview about how you negotiate some of that. Bottom line is if travel is important to you, you can find a way to make it happen. That's something I'm excited to talk with Mari Escobar about. In this second part of our interview, Mari will dive a little bit more into some solo travel stories and all the above.

    Peter Kersting: We ended last week though, talking about your first experience traveling alone, in Paris and how that changed you. Could you touch on some of the things that you really learned about yourself from that experience? You hinted about it a little bit last week.

    Mari Escobar: Yeah, for sure. I would say the main thing is just like, I was not as shy anymore. And I learned to like talk to anyone around me because I mean, you're on your own. So you have to talk to someone at some point, right? And you have to figure out where you are, you know, you can't rely on anyone. It's all you, the money decisions, like where to go next and like, what happens if something goes wrong or stuff like that. But at the same time, it's like, you can do whatever you want. You don't have to be up to like anybody's schedule. And if you wanna sit here on the sidewalk of the street and ineat your falafel just do it here. Nobody cares. Make friends with the people next to you. Keep walking and stop by the next bench and, you know, take your time to enjoy the scenery nobody's rushing you. It's a whole different experience. I love traveling with my family, with friends, but solo traveling is a whole other world out there.

    Peter Kersting: What is it about the solo travel that you've found you've enjoyed the most? It seems like I know for me, it's kind of what you're just touching on about, like, you could just eat your falafel and take 15 minutes on the bench if you want, or you could just keep running, you k

    • 41 min
    Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar

    Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar

    Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar a Financial Controller for an indie record label in Los Angeles, and a world traveler. Mari has been to 54 countries and counting all while working a normal 9-to-5 job. In this interview, we'll talk about how she prioritizes and negotiates travel with her work, where her love of travel came from, and what it was like for her as a Puerto Rican studying in the United States of America.

    Plus, stick around to learn how Mari, Tanner Combias, (You can listen to that interview here) and I know each other!

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    Mari Escobar Financial Controller and World Traveler

    If you want to get in touch with Mari Escobar or see where she's off to next, check out the links below.

    Instagram: MariMari4

    LinkedIn: maritereescobar

    41 Where to Next? World Travel and Finding a Work-Life Balance with Mari Escobar

    *Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

    Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter a podcast for entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. Today, we are joined by a very special friend of mine, Mari Escobar. And this one's fun because if you have listened to the podcast for a while, you maybe remember I talk with somebody from the Big 4 named Tanner Combias. I met Tanner in Vietnam. Well, guess what? I also met Mari in Vietnam and Mari also worked for one of the Big 4 financial firms. We'll talk about that as we go through this episode, but one thing that I think is really special about Mari is anybody who knows her for long enough will be like, okay, where is she now? Because you're literally always somewhere different. You're always traveling. You're always going on some kind of trip. And I can't wait to dive into what that looks like. How do you prioritize travel? You have a normal nine-to-five-plus job. Right? And I think most people, think that's not possible. So we'll talk about your travel experience, but we'll also talk about what you do for a living. Getting into solo travel a bit, especially as a girl, I think that's gonna be an interesting topic and just catch up on some travel stories and stuff. So, you know, with that in mind, Mari, how, how have things been for you lately?

    Mari Escobar: Hey, thank you for that introduction. It's very true. Nobody asked me, how are you? It's like, where are you now? where are you going next? So yeah. Yeah. Doing good now in LA I'm kinda, I've been here for a couple of months, but you know, I'm taking off in a couple of weeks.

    Peter Kersting: nice.

    Mari Escobar: I gotta keep it going.

    Peter Kersting: Yeah. Where are you to next?

    Mari Escobar: I am going to Europe. So I'm doing Paris, Italy, and Dublin.

    Peter Kersting: Nice. You, you never get tired of it. Do you?

    Mari Escobar: Of course not.

    Peter Kersting:

    Mari Escobar: Never enough.

    Peter Kersting: Yeah. We're gonna, we're gonna talk a fair amount about these different things, but Alone with Peter, we like to go through different segments. So this is a three-part interview. We're, we're all strapp

    • 36 min
    Work Smarter, Be Happier, Live Better - Actionable Advice from John's Crazy Socks

    Work Smarter, Be Happier, Live Better - Actionable Advice from John's Crazy Socks

    Welcome back to part three of our interview with John and Mark Cronin of John's Crazy Socks. In part three, we're getting actionable and practical tips so that you can aspire to take a similar leap of faith to these two sock tycoons. We're gonna get a lot of good advice in this episode. So I hope you stay tuned. And if you are enjoying Alone Peter, in these interviews, please rate, review and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts because this show cannot exist without your support.

    Let's dive in with John and Mark Cronin of John's Crazy Socks

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    39 Creating a platform for positive change... with John's Crazy Socks

    If you want to explore the previous episode or others in the archive, head on over to peterkersting.com/podcast/39. You can check out transcripts for different episodes, links to content mentioned and guests featured in the podcast, as well as stream episodes in their entirety. 

    In this episode, John and Mark share actionable, practical advice if you aspire to take a similar leap of faith. There's some real gold here for business owners, leaders, and those looking to be more conscientious with their buying power.

    Don't miss our giveaway with John's Crazy Socks. Follow AWP on Instagram!

    Be sure to follow Alone with Peter on Instagram for highlight clips of the latest episodes, previews of upcoming guests, and other goodies. Follow along, and send me a DM to let me know what you think of the show!

    Get 10% off your next sock order with promo code PETER22

    Looking for your daily dose of happiness? Follow John's Crazy Socks on social media and get 10% off your next order of crazy socks using our promo code PETER22.

    Website: https://johnscrazysocks.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnscrazysocks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnsCrazySocks

    LinkedIn: MXC  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mxcronin/

    LinkedIn: JCS: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11171456/admin/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnscrazysocks/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Johnscrazysocks/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@johnscrazysocks

    Enjoy part 3 of our interview with John and Mark Cronin of John's Crazy Socks

    *Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

    40 Work Smarter, Be Happier, Live Better - Actionable Advice from John's Crazy Socks

    Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone with Peter. I'm your host. And on this podcast, you're going to hear interviews with entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. We'll dive deep into what set them on their journey, where they are now and how their story can impact you, including any helpful insights. If you aspire to take a similar leap of faith, no matter where you are on the journey. Thank you for spending some quality time Alone. With Peter.

    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush coffee roastery. There's nothing quite like a good cup of coffee. That's why I've always made it a point when traveling to try out the local cuisine and find the best coffee shops from the Instagrammable co

    • 57 min
    Creating a platform for positive change... with John's Crazy Socks

    Creating a platform for positive change... with John's Crazy Socks

    Welcome back for part two of our podcast interview with father-son duo John and Mark Cronin. In the previous episode, we explored the origin story of John’s Crazy Socks a multi-million dollar social enterprise with a mission to spread happiness. We talked about the incredible emotional response people have had to their business and we started to see how selling socks has become a platform for change. 

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    38 Spreading Happiness: The Origin Story of John's Crazy Socks

    If you want to explore the previous episode or others in the archive, head on over to peterkersting.com/podcast/38. You can check out transcripts for different episodes, links to content mentioned and guests featured in the podcast, as well as stream episodes in their entirety. 

    In today’s episode, we’re continuing the conversation around business as a force for good. We’ll explore how John’s Crazy Socks has used their platform to testify before congress, educate other businesses on the benefits of hiring the differently-abled and so much more. 

    Don't miss our giveaway with John's Crazy Socks. Follow AWP on Instagram!

    Be sure to follow Alone with Peter on Instagram for highlight clips of the latest episodes, previews of upcoming guests, and other goodies. Follow along, and send me a DM to let me know what you think of the show!

    Get 10% off your next sock order with promo code PETER22

    Looking for your daily dose of happiness? Follow John's Crazy Socks on social media and get 10% off your next order of crazy socks using our promo code PETER22.

    Website: https://johnscrazysocks.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnscrazysocks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnsCrazySocks

    LinkedIn: MXC  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mxcronin/

    LinkedIn: JCS: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11171456/admin/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnscrazysocks/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Johnscrazysocks/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@johnscrazysocks

    Enjoy part 2 of our interview with John and Mark Cronin of John's Crazy Socks

    *Transcripts may contain a few typos. With interviews ranging from 1-2 hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors.

    39 Creating a platform for positive change... with John's Crazy Socks

    Peter Kersting: Welcome to Alone With Peter. I'm your host, and on this podcast, you're going to hear interviews with entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and people seeking personal growth. We'll dive deep into what set them on their journey, where they are now, and how their story can impact you, including any helpful insights if you aspire to take a similar leap of faith, no matter where you are on the journey. Thank you for spending some quality time Alone With Peter.

    Peter Kersting: This episode of Alone With Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee Roastery. There's nothing quite like a good cup of coffee. That's why I've always made it a point when traveling to try out the local cuisine and find the best coffee shops. From the Instagrammable coffee of East Asia to the classic cafes of Western Europe, I've tried a lot of coffee, and let me tell you something.

    • 45 min
    Spreading Happiness: The Origin Story of John's Crazy Socks

    Spreading Happiness: The Origin Story of John's Crazy Socks

    Today on Alone with Peter, I am joined by two very special guests, John and Mark Cronin of John's crazy socks. John and his dad, Mark Cronin are the co-founders of John's crazy socks, a social enterprise with a mission to spread happiness.

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    This episode of Alone with Peter is brought to you by Sagebrush Coffee Roastery

    Sagebrush is an online coffee roastery with a wide variety of single-origin coffees you can order from the comfort of your home knowing that your coffee is so fresh, it isn’t roasted until after you order.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the world of coffee, Sagebrush is a great place to start. You can find their website online at Sagebrushcoffee.com and for a limited time from now until August, you can save 10% on your next order of coffee beans by visiting sagebrushcoffee.com/awp10 or by using the promo code awp10 at checkout.

    John's Crazy Socks

    John’s Crazy Socks was inspired by John Lee Cronin, a young man with Down syndrome, and a wacky fashion sense. In five years, they bootstrapped their business into the world's largest sock store with multimillion-dollar sales in 88 different nations. 

    John and Mark remain fierce advocates for the rights of the differently-abled with more than half of their employees having differing abilities. They’ve been able to raise over $475,000 for charity partners like the Special Olympics, the National Down Syndrome Society, and the Autism Society of America. And they’ve used their platform to instigate change in legislature, testifying twice before US Congress, speaking at the United Nations, and recording two TEDx talks.

    I’m so excited to have these two on Alone with Peter today to talk about their origin story and entrepreneurial journey. In part 1 of this three-part interview we discuss: 

    John and Mark’s father-son bond and how their relationship shapes their business

    Anecdotes of John’s problem-solving ability, his adventurous spirit, and natural entrepreneurialism 

    The origin story of John’s Crazy Socks. A multi-billion-dollar social enterprise based on spreading happiness.

    Being born with down syndrome: John’s medical issues and an unfortunate point of view

    How life becomes so much easier when you just accepted that you’re an idiot 

    Why start a business and why socks? Recognizing the limited opportunities people of differing abilities face and shifting the culture.

    Authenticity in business: Embracing who you are, doing what you love, and reaping the rewards

    The surprising emotional response to John’s Crazy Socks

    Embracing imperfection and experimenting with your business: How overplanning kills productivity and efficiency

    The biggest secret to success: starting small and learning as you go.

    Why socks?

    Why Down Syndrome doesn't define John or others with differing abilities.. 

    John’s fashion style, why he and Mark could never be classmates, and how John reacts to being noticed on the street.

    The beauty of social enterprise: Using John’s Crazy Socks as a platform for change

    Follow us on Instagram!

    Be sure to follow Alone with Peter on Instagram for highlight clips of the latest episodes, previews of upcoming guests, and more. Follow along, and send me a DM to let me know what you think of the show!

    Get 10% off your next sock order with promo code PETER22

    Looking for a daily dose of happiness? Follow John's Crazy Socks on social media and get 10% off your next order of crazy socks using our promo code PETER22.

    Website: https://johnscrazysocks.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnscrazysocks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnsCrazySocks

    LinkedIn: MXC  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mxcronin/

    LinkedIn: JCS: https://www.linkedin.com/co

    • 36 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
28 Ratings

28 Ratings

mariposadora ,

It’s worth spending some time Alone w Peter!

Fun podcast where you get to learn and enjoy the stories of inspiring people! Easy way to get useful tips for different paths of life and feel as if you’re part of the conversation.

Dan Maggio ,

Like a Cocktail Party for your ears!

Alone with Peter is an experience where you feel connected with the host and his guests! I feel that I get to sit back and relax while being engaged in the topics that Peter brings up with his guests. Overall great show and I learn something every time I tune in!

Big Dog from NY ,

What a refreshing podcast

Peter is thoughtful and insightful. He brings out the best in his guests and leads to fascinating and revealing conversations. Love listening

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