40 min

Why being brave for yourself can create a more connected world with Dr. Jody Carrington The Good Space with Francesca Phillips

    • Self-Improvement

Whether you’re a teacher by trade, a parent, or someone who’s in the online space this episode is for you. I am very excited to share my conversation with Dr. Jody Carrington about connection, relationships, and being brave. Dr. Jody was one of our first guests when we launched the show (she was on episode 8) and we talked about how to have more well-being through the relationships and connections we make. She’s a speaker, author, and overall game-changer. She’s the best-selling Canadian auth...

Whether you’re a teacher by trade, a parent, or someone who’s in the online space this episode is for you. I am very excited to share my conversation with Dr. Jody Carrington about connection, relationships, and being brave. Dr. Jody was one of our first guests when we launched the show (she was on episode 8) and we talked about how to have more well-being through the relationships and connections we make. She’s a speaker, author, and overall game-changer. She’s the best-selling Canadian auth...

40 min