21 min

Why Things Won't Go My Way Warrior in Progress™

    • Self-Improvement

"No matter how hard I try, nothing ever goes my way." 

"I am doing everything I can and not seeing results like Jane is." 

"I give up. This is too hard." 

Sound familiar? 

Often, when things don't go our way, we self-sabotage and/or want to give up. We compare ourselves to others, set unrealistic expectations, judge ourselves, and struggle to accept things which are out of our control. 

In this episode, I discuss the how to shift your perspective when things are not going your way so you can achieve your goals. 

Link to YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/JHUd41Q5SWQ 

Other links: https://linktr.ee/warriorinprogress

"No matter how hard I try, nothing ever goes my way." 

"I am doing everything I can and not seeing results like Jane is." 

"I give up. This is too hard." 

Sound familiar? 

Often, when things don't go our way, we self-sabotage and/or want to give up. We compare ourselves to others, set unrealistic expectations, judge ourselves, and struggle to accept things which are out of our control. 

In this episode, I discuss the how to shift your perspective when things are not going your way so you can achieve your goals. 

Link to YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/JHUd41Q5SWQ 

Other links: https://linktr.ee/warriorinprogress

21 min