24 episodes

Your wise body and ancient soul hold all the answers you seek. Navigate the changing energies and our collective transformation with clarity, courage, and pleasure. I'm your host, Charisse Sisou, author, dancer, speaker, and intuitive. We'll dive into energy, spirituality, ancestral connections, and balanced leadership, with wayshowing experts, inspiring stories, and practical tools and strategies you can put to use today. Do the work you’re here to do, and live the life you're meant to live--with more ease, flow, and fun. Join me on Wise Body, Ancient Soul.

Wise Body, Ancient Soul with Charisse Sisou Charisse Sisou

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Your wise body and ancient soul hold all the answers you seek. Navigate the changing energies and our collective transformation with clarity, courage, and pleasure. I'm your host, Charisse Sisou, author, dancer, speaker, and intuitive. We'll dive into energy, spirituality, ancestral connections, and balanced leadership, with wayshowing experts, inspiring stories, and practical tools and strategies you can put to use today. Do the work you’re here to do, and live the life you're meant to live--with more ease, flow, and fun. Join me on Wise Body, Ancient Soul.

    Connecting with Your Dowsing Intuition with Water Dowser Lee Barnes

    Connecting with Your Dowsing Intuition with Water Dowser Lee Barnes

    Lee Barnes, dowsing intuition educator, seed saver and longtime water well dowser, is a true custodian of the Earth. 

    He explains that dowsing is not just about divining water but accessing a system of knowledge through our intuition. For him, tools such as L or bent rods and pendulums are ways to access this system, and they can eventually give way to feeling the answers in the body. After years of practice, he feels the answer even before his tool shows him. Barnes shares his process for locating wells, and the day-to-day realities of being a professional water well dowser. 

    Above all, Lee stresses the importance of asking the right questions—and trusting the first answer that comes. He’s learned over his decades of experience not to question the answers that come. 

    Lee also highlights the power of language and the need for clear and positive communication. Between that and trusting your intuition, he counsels, “Life gets a lot smoother.” 

    Barnes touches on remote viewing, the ability to make changes at a distance through energy work, and his work with sacred sites. As down-to-earth as he is reverent, Lee emphasizes the importance of permission and respect when dowsing, or otherwise working with the earth and our dowsing intuition. 

    Lee encourages people to learn and practice dowsing, as it allows for a deeper connection with the natural world and can lead to more harmonious and sustainable living.

    Lee Barnes will speak at the American Society of Dowser’s 64th Annual Conference. Learn more and register.


    ⁠Episode page with additional resources + transcript⁠

    Watch on YouTube

    Lee Barnes’ website, AppalachianDowsers.org

    Handout, Self Transformation Levels of Conscious Awareness 

    Leroy Bull | Marty Cain | Sandi Isgro | Freddy Silva

    The dowsing convention Lee refers to is The American Society of Dowsers’ (ASD’s) 64th Annual Conference 

    New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA) 

    Mountain Stewards | Southeastern Permaculture Gathering

    Get YOUR Abundance Toolkit HERE  p.s. Your information is always safe, never sold or shared, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

    Purchase your copy of ⁠Shameless: Unleash Your Message, Impact, and Power.

    Am I the guide you've been looking for on your spiritual path? Let’s chat.

    Know someone who would be a great guest on my show? Contact me here or DM me on any of my socials with your recommendation. (And that includes if that great guest is YOU!)

    *Resources may include affiliate links. Thank you for your loving support!

    Instagram: ⁠@CharisseSisou⁠

    LinkedIn: ⁠Charisse Sisou⁠

    Facebook: ⁠Charisse Sisou Author⁠

    YouTube: ⁠@charissesisou

    💕 From my ❤️ to yours, take what you need and pass it on. 🌈

    • 45 min
    Into the Hush with Master Map Dowser Leroy Bull

    Into the Hush with Master Map Dowser Leroy Bull

    Leroy Bull takes us into the hush… that place of deep interconnection with Father Sky and Mother Earth, that state of being where his answers as an intuitive and seasoned dowser emerge. Because the answers come not from without, but from deep within, from that profound connection, or “at-one-ment” that Bull describes.

    Simply being in Leroy’s energy field during this episode was like a master class on grounded, connected presence. (And coming from someone who teaches grounded presence… that’s saying something!)

    With 68 years of experience, he’s dowsed thousands of objects, from 3,000+ water wells on four continents to time capsules in Japan. Author of The Art and Craft of Map Dowsing, Leroy is an engaging storyteller, situating us in history, and dowsing's use in the military, as well as his personal history: being handed a forked stick by his grandfather, and feeling that first pull of water.  

    Bull emphasizes the importance of being open, trusting the universe, and tuning into the frequencies around us, “in the hush,” as he calls it. He shares stories of his powerful guides along the way. His experiences with dowsing and remote viewing are as much spiritual journey as they are scientific practice.

    His experiences with dowsing and remote viewing are as much spiritual journey as they are scientific practice. Dowsing is more state of being than specific methodology—and the answers we seek are just a hush away.

    I’m excited to share a stage with Leroy Bull at the American Society of Dowser’s 64th Annual Conference. Learn more and register here. 

    Episode page + transcript

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    dowsing, Leroy Bull, map dowsing, water wells, water witch, lost objects, universe, guides, map dowsing, dowser, remote viewing, water divining, spiritual journey, intent, frequencies, trust, tuning in

    • 1 hr
    Finding Forgiveness: Ho'oponopono with Pihanalani Kililikane Kamaunu

    Finding Forgiveness: Ho'oponopono with Pihanalani Kililikane Kamaunu

    Ho’oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice for conflict resolution, reconciliation and peace. Deeply connected to Hawaiian culture and traditions, it emphasizes the importance of aligning with one's higher power to find peace.

    Briefly, the prayer that we’re familiar with (which, as I learned from this week’s guest, is just a small part of the ho’oponopono process) is: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

    Deceptively simple. Incredibly powerful. The ho’oponopono prayer is, in fact, a completely different view of forgiveness or conflict resolution than we typically hold. As my guest, Native Hawaiian and ho’oponopono teacher Pihanalani Kililikane Kamaunu explains, “Forgiveness doesn’t have anything to do with the other person,” or the person you’re “forgiving.”

    “It’s about getting right with ourselves,” she says. Put another way, when we hold onto a hurt or grudge or non-forgiveness of someone, “it’s like taking poison and expecting the other person to suffer,” Pihanalani explains.

    It is all about energy: releasing what no longer serves us and making room for what could be better.

    We explore the practice of Ho'oponopono and its connection to ancestral healing and cultural restoration. We touch on the significance of compassion, empathy, and the power of Aloha in addressing historical injustices and moving forward with trust and faith.

    And honestly… the protocol is NOT easy. Like most spiritual practices, if you don’t mean it, it isn’t effective. You have to do the work. Of self-reflection, of letting go. Of truly meaning the words. Of seeing more than one side to a situation, taking responsibility for our part and, above all, finding compassion, for ourselves and others.

    Of putting our peace and well-being above being right.

    And that can feel like a bitter pill to swallow… that is, until you taste the freedom on the other side.

    But don’t take my word for it… Watch our candid, sometimes vulnerable conversation, and decide what is pono for you.


    Episode page + transcript  

    Watch the episode on YouTube 

    Find Pihanalani online: 

    Facebook group: Gathering of People of the Sacred Light

    On AirBnB: Ho'oponopono, Hawaiian Mediation Process w/ Kapukai& Hiuwai

    Get YOUR Abundance Toolkit HERE  p.s. Your information is always safe, never sold or shared, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

    Purchase your copy of my book, ⁠Shameless: Unleash Your Message, Impact, and Power.

    Am I the guide you've been looking for on your spiritual path? Let’s chat.

    Know someone who would be a great guest on my show? Contact me here or DM me on any of my socials with your recommendation. (And that includes if that great guest is YOU!)

    *Resources may include affiliate links. Thank you for your loving support!

    Instagram: ⁠@CharisseSisou⁠

    Facebook: ⁠Charisse Sisou Author⁠

    YouTube: ⁠@charissesisou

    💕 From my ❤️ to yours, take what you need and pass it on. 🌈

    • 51 min
    Zen and the Art of Hula: Dancing with the Absolute with Kumu Hula June Kaililani Tanoue

    Zen and the Art of Hula: Dancing with the Absolute with Kumu Hula June Kaililani Tanoue

    Kumu Hula June Yoshiko Kaililani Ryushin Tanoue bridges worlds as both a Zen Buddhist Priest (a Roshi, or “old teacher”), and Kumu Hula (Master Teacher of Hula, which literally translates to “source of dance”). She is a living embodiment of bringing ageless wisdom forward and integrating it into our modern times… and how mindfulness changes everything. In the course of this conversation, she showed me (and by extension, you!) ways that we can be even more compassionate with ourselves.

    Kumu June traces the parallels between Zen and Hula and shares her lessons learned, as both practices reflect life itself: requiring discipline, self-awareness, and a deep connection to oneself and culture. Join us for a gently reflective, revelatory conversation that will leave you inspired to be kinder to yourself… We can all use a little more of that!

    Find Kumu June online:
    Halau i Ka Pono Hula School of Chicago
    Zen Life & Meditation Center, Chicago

    Visit the episode page for the transcript, additional notes, resources and more.

    Get YOUR Abundance Toolkit HERE  p.s. Your information is always safe, never sold or shared, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

    Purchase your copy of ⁠Shameless: Unleash Your Message, Impact, and Power.

    Am I the guide you've been looking for on your spiritual path? Let’s chat.

    Know someone who would be a great guest on my show? Contact me here or DM me on any of my socials with your recommendation. (And that includes if that great guest is YOU!)

    *Resources may include affiliate links. Thank you for your loving support!

    Instagram: ⁠@CharisseSisou⁠

    LinkedIn: ⁠Charisse Sisou⁠

    Facebook: ⁠Charisse Sisou Author⁠

    YouTube: ⁠@charissesisou

    💕 From my ❤️ to yours, take what you need and pass it on. 🌈

    • 53 min
    What is my purpose? Relax. It will find you.

    What is my purpose? Relax. It will find you.

    Worried you’re not living your purpose? Relax. It will find you.

    Worried that you’re not living in your purpose… or living up to it? Don’t know what your purpose is? You are not alone! Take a deep breath and tune in for an antidote to all this angst and anxiety. 

    I start by debunking a few myths:

    Myth: You have one and only one life purpose.

    Myth: Whatever it is, it’s gotta be big.

    Myth:  You need to know the “end game,” the ultimate result of your purpose on earth. (Yeesh, just writing this is stressful!)

    There’s nothing worse than believing that we’re not doing what we’re “supposed” to do, are on the planet to do, were created to do… We have expectations and assumptions galore around our purpose here on earth. 

    And the truth is… it is so much simpler, and there is so much more mystery than we often care to allow for. This week, I invite you to embrace the mystery, let yourself off the hook, and relax. Because whether you like it or not, your purpose will find you!

    (Spoiler alert: you are already living some of your purpose(s)...!)

    And finally, I leave you with tools and journal prompts to help you identify your purposes… because your soul leaves you breadcrumbs: clues to why you’re here, and what you’re designed to do when you know where to look.


    My book Shameless: Unleash your Message, Impact & Power  

    Simone Grace Seol’s post 

    Dr. MLK’s quote, “"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

    - Martin Luther King Jr.

    Learn more about the American Society of Dowsers’ annual conference 

    Episode page + transcript  

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    • 48 min
    Finding Your Truth: Dowsing & Labyrinths with Sandi Isgro

    Finding Your Truth: Dowsing & Labyrinths with Sandi Isgro

    Sandi Isgro, now president of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), first held dowsing L rods in her hands when she fatefully stumbled into a labyrinth workshop. 

    “When the rods magically moved in my hands, I was hooked! I have been dowsing ever since,” she says. Two of Isgro’s core passions ignited: dowsing and labyrinths. Wait until you hear how her guides made absolutely certain that she learn not one or the other but both, inextricably intertwined…! 

    Sandi shares the purpose and benefits of walking or tracing a labyrinth, including the calming effect it has on the conscious, or “monkey mind.” She explains how dowsing is used to find ley lines and set labyrinths—and how tracing a labyrinth on paper provides many of the same benefits as walking one. 

    We also delve into the history of dowsing, the origins of the American Society of Dowsing and the persecution of wisdom keepers who possessed this ancient knowledge. We touch on how the Oracle Delphi used dowsing to receive information from ley lines—and what disrupted that flow of energy, ultimately diminishing the oracle’s power and accuracy. Sandi also shares her journey with ASD and the importance of teaching and promoting dowsing, especially in these rapidly changing times. We explore the connection between runes and labyrinths, and highlight how runes amplify vibratory frequencies in a labyrinth setting.

    Dowsing is a powerful tool for self-empowerment, self-healing, and finding one's own truth. Combining dowsing’s clarity with the calming and centering effect of labyrinths may just be the medicine you’ve been looking for. 


    About Sandi Isgro. Also an accomplished chef and innkeeper, you can dine or stay at her establishment, The White Wolf Inn in Stratton, Maine.  

    Learn more about the American Society of Dowsers and register for this year’s conference. Sandi and I will each be speaking, along with 40+ amazing presenters. ⁠LearnToDowse.com⁠.

    Get YOUR Abundance Toolkit HERE  p.s. Your information is always safe, never sold or shared, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

    Purchase your copy of ⁠Shameless: Unleash Your Message, Impact, and Power.

    Am I the guide you've been looking for on your spiritual path? Let’s chat.

    *Resources may include affiliate links. Thank you for your loving support!

    Instagram: ⁠@CharisseSisou⁠

    LinkedIn: ⁠Charisse Sisou⁠

    Facebook: ⁠Charisse Sisou Author⁠

    YouTube: ⁠@charissesisou

    💕 From my ❤️ to yours, take what you need and pass it on. 🌈

    • 56 min

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