12 min

36. Holidays Rhythms: Start Now to Create the Holiday Season You Desire Wynne the day

    • Self-Improvement

Imagine a holiday season where you are functioning from a place of intention and peace, instead of overwhelm and stress.

My encouragement for you is that it IS possible! I want to cast a vision for how you can choose to intentionally experience this holiday season. 

I’m here to give you hope and vision for how this year can be different.

But here’s your encouragement to start now! Join me this episode as we first do some holiday self-reflection and decide what matters, then cut out the things that don’t.

I even have a free holiday rhythms printable and guide that will walk you through exactly what you need to know to move from a season of overwhelm, to one of being intentional in each special moment.

This is for you so you can create space for the things that matter. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on this, friend! 

Thanks for listening, see you next week!!

Resources from this episode:

Grab Your Free Holiday Rhythms Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63474a6af60a3ebbf7085005

Episode 12: Holiday Rhythms & Traditions: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/QEggh4khbub

Imagine a holiday season where you are functioning from a place of intention and peace, instead of overwhelm and stress.

My encouragement for you is that it IS possible! I want to cast a vision for how you can choose to intentionally experience this holiday season. 

I’m here to give you hope and vision for how this year can be different.

But here’s your encouragement to start now! Join me this episode as we first do some holiday self-reflection and decide what matters, then cut out the things that don’t.

I even have a free holiday rhythms printable and guide that will walk you through exactly what you need to know to move from a season of overwhelm, to one of being intentional in each special moment.

This is for you so you can create space for the things that matter. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on this, friend! 

Thanks for listening, see you next week!!

Resources from this episode:

Grab Your Free Holiday Rhythms Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63474a6af60a3ebbf7085005

Episode 12: Holiday Rhythms & Traditions: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/QEggh4khbub

12 min