42 episodes

"Wynne the Day" with host Wynne Elder is a short, simple yet impactful podcast meant just for you, mama! If you are tired of living in constant stress, chaos, and overwhelm - then you will be so encouraged week after week as we dive into how to create a life that you love. I truly believe that it's possible for you, and believe it starts with creating sustainable rhythms. Join me and learn how you can truly WIN your day!

I'd love to connect further, find me online here:

Wynne the day Wynne Elder

    • Education
    • 4.8 • 24 Ratings

"Wynne the Day" with host Wynne Elder is a short, simple yet impactful podcast meant just for you, mama! If you are tired of living in constant stress, chaos, and overwhelm - then you will be so encouraged week after week as we dive into how to create a life that you love. I truly believe that it's possible for you, and believe it starts with creating sustainable rhythms. Join me and learn how you can truly WIN your day!

I'd love to connect further, find me online here:

    41. You don't have to do it all alone

    41. You don't have to do it all alone

    Do you have a hard time believing you don’t have to do it all? Last week on the podcast we talked about how as a woman, you really don’t have to do it “all.” I feel like maybe this is a message that needs time to sink in for us to really believe it, because society, our upbringing and peers just don’t always LIVE like this is true. We so often, especially as women, take on SO much.

    In this week’s episode, I’m getting personal and sharing what’s been happening in our household. This week in particular was a bit challenging. 6/6 members of our family were hit with sickness. Maybe some of you can relate to this. I’m still praying healing over our home. But you know what? I can be home with 4 sick kids and be absolutely miserable and think I have to do it all…OR I can be home with 4 sick kids and think what a joy it is to show up and serve my family. I bet you can guess which one actually helped my circumstances!

    Why? Because our thoughts become things and our thoughts are what are driving the results we have in our lives.

    Is the thought, “I have to ‘do it all’ actually serving me? Is it helping me more of the woman I want to be?

    Our thoughts directly impact our experience.

    Tune into this episode as I walk you through what is has looked like for me to decide on purpose that I don’t have to do it ALL and I certainly don’t have to do it all alone. I’m sharing my personal experiences as I was working through my thoughts.

    And friend, if you are stuck believing you truly have to do it all and are looking for support in this, we would love to have you in our community, Look Up Collective.

    I have found that having a coach, somebody who can bear witness to what I am going through, someone who can help me take thoughts captive and process my emotions, has been the best tool I have found in 2022. And I want this for you!!

    Thanks for listening!

    Resources from this episode:

    The Look Up Collective: We’d love to have you join us in our coaching community! Sign up here: https://www.lookupandserve.com/

    Customizable Rhythms Templates: Not only will you get 5 templates to customize to fit your life (home, mom life, work, health, digital) but also step by step instructions and coaching via email from me!  I'll talk you through WHY creating rhythms matters and HOW to do it for your own life. buy here! 

    • 12 min
    41. You don't have to do it all

    41. You don't have to do it all

    When I say “you don’t have to do it all,” I can imagine what comes to mind. Some of you might respond with, “YES I DO.” Some of you might respond with, “oh thank goodness,” and probably the majority of you would respond with…. “but how?”

    With the holidays here, that might mean you don’t have to be the one to do it ALL: make the plans, buy + wrap the gifts, run all the errands, put up the decorations, keep the house tidy...

    But in day to day life that also means you don’t have to volunteer for every single thing, say yes to every opportunity, fill your calendar and schedule to the max not allowing any time for rest or margin.

    No matter what society, your upbringing, or your peers might have you believe - you truly don’t have to do it all.

    Do you feel like you have too much to do & the only way to keep up is to hurry?? If you are swimming in a lifestyle of “doing it all” and it doesn’t look like much will change, today’s episode is for you! You CAN have a life that is aligned with your priorities, full of peace and presence instead of the feeling that it’s ALL UP TO YOU. Listen in to learn how!

    Thanks for listening and see you back here next week and a conversation on how you also don’t have to do it alone!

    Resources from this episode:

    The Look Up Collective: If you need some support clarifying your purpose and what matters - then we’d love to have you join us in our coaching community! Sign up here: https://www.lookupandserve.com/

    Customizable Rhythms Templates: Not only will you get 5 templates to customize to fit your life (home, mom life, work, health, digital) but also step by step instructions and coaching via email from me!  I'll talk you through WHY creating rhythms matters and HOW to do it for your own life. buy here! 

    • 13 min
    40. Living Fully Awake to What Matters to You the Most

    40. Living Fully Awake to What Matters to You the Most

    Today I’d like to share a story with you and it’s something that I hope will encourage you to live fully awake to what matters to you most.

    The phrase, “I am fully awake to what matters to me most,” is the thought I am practicing this week. I have a note in my phone full of “I am” statements as I am develop more of my self-concept and reminding myself of who I actually am. I wanted to encourage you guys (and my self too!), that we have to be able to know who we are.

    And as you know, I am a big fan of self-reflection. I love having a moment to clear my mind and think. Some of the places this happens for me is while in the shower, while driving longer distances and now, when I am walking and Im not distracted by anything else.

    This past weekend, I took a walk and instead of listening to a book or podcast like I normally would, I was just thinking about my life. Where I am and where I’ve been and why I am so passionate about the things I am passionate about. What came to mind specifically was my coaching community, Look Up Collective that I started with my dear friends this past fall.

    I know I’ve mentioned it on here before, but I haven’t shared the story of how it came to be and I’d love to share a shortened version of that with you today.

    I realized recently that things in my life really started to shift when we moved about 4 years ago. Even though the house we are living in now is about twice the size of our old house, in the process of moving, I ended getting about half of our belongings. This was a HUGE marker for me in the process of this time in my life that change was taking place. I began to learn what it was to live with less. Decluttering my mind and my days during this time has done SO much for me in learning to live a life fully awake to what actually matters to me most. I had to clear out what didn’t matter to learn what actually mattered to me and my family.

    I was listening back to voice memos I made from during this time frame. I was talking and processing what I was learning, and I was bursting with excitement for this shift that was taking place. I kept asking myself what to do with all of this new information! Somehow this fire inside of me needed to come out! I had seen what it was like to be fully awake to what matters and I wanted to pass it along to other women.

    Listening to this was SO encouraging seeing that what God was stirring in my heart 4 years ago is now exactly what I get to do through the Look Up Collective. 

    So often in this life we want to know immediately, “What is my purpose?” But I just want to encourage you, that while it may not be clear or happen all at once, to pay attention and listen to the things stirring inside of you. Journal and reflect on them—process as you’re going, so that you can look back and be confident in what you’re being called to do.

    And you guys, this is the power of self-reflection.

    If this resonates with you and if you are a woman who is driven by purpose and serving others, and you’re looking for a soft place to land with coaching, community, creating rhythms, then Look Up Collective is for you.

    During the month of December, we are going to be talking about intentional, purpose filled days and we would love for you to join us, so we have an incredible offer for you. We have 25 spots available for new members in December and because we truly want to help you feel empowered from the get go….if you sign up this week with our special promo, you will receive a one on one coaching call with one of our coaches so we can help you take the next steps towards where you want to go! 

    Go to the link below to read more! I hope to see you in there!

    Resources from this episode:

    The Look Up Collective: Sign up here: https://www.lookupandserve.com/

    • 14 min
    39. Spending Intentional Time Connecting with your Spouse

    39. Spending Intentional Time Connecting with your Spouse

    Do you ever feel like you wish you could connect better with your spouse? Do you feel like your days are spent like ships in the night? Do you wish you had more time to connect, to rest, to play and have fun together? If you can answer YES to any of these questions, you are in luck because today I am with my husband, Stephen, and while on the road home from our anniversary trip to Arizona, we are talking about spending intentional time connecting with your spouse!
    Our hope is that by sharing what we have learned and what has worked for us, this encourages you to be intentional in connecting with your spouse too.
    Just like we’ve been talking on the podcast about being intentional with our time….we also need to be intentional with our relationships and connecting. As humans we all want to be connected—to be loved, to be known…and if you are married, then your marriage is such an important part of that.
    And friend-even if you’re not in a season where you can physically get away or travel for some time alone connecting—don’t tune this out! This is still for you! Connection can happen in an at-home date night or hotel down the street from your home.
    While we know it’s not easy to make it happen, it is so worth it to spend the time connecting with your spouse, being intentional, having fun, resting, playing and connecting. Hit play as we share about our time away, ideas for how you can make connecting with your spouse happen and most importantly, WHY it matters.
    Resources from this episode:
    The Look Up Collective: Community, accountability, and like minded people walking alongside of you as we invest in our mental and emotional health. Sign up here: https://www.lookupandserve.com/
    Grab Your Free Holiday Rhythms Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63474a6af60a3ebbf7085005

    • 15 min
    38. Being Intentional With Our Time Using Theme Days, Part 2

    38. Being Intentional With Our Time Using Theme Days, Part 2

    Welcome back to our conversation on theme days! 

    And if you’re just joining us, here’s a quick recap...

    Theme days are batching like things together and giving these tasks a home in our calendars. In short, using theme days helps us be more intentional with our time.

    Our first step in implementing theme days is discovering what matters most to you! Not what you should do, but what you truly want to do!

    So my encouragement to you is to think of the major priorities in your week that need to be done. What are things you do every single week in this season of your life that you could fit into a theme day? Grocery shopping? Meal planning? Scheduling appointments? Connecting with your kids, etc.?

    Instead of every single week looking at your calendar to figure out when to schedule these things, let’s give them a home on our calendars to make these things FLOW!

    Reminder: the goal isn’t perfection, it’s creating more peace for yourself.

    And if you like hearing how other people are applying the concept of theme days…in this episode I’m also sharing what my theme days look like for the season I’m in. I hope this encourages you! 

    Thanks for listening, friend!

    Resources from this episode:

    Come follow along + say hi on instagram! 

    The Look Up Collective: Community, accountability, and like minded people walking alongside of you as we invest in our mental and emotional health. Sign up here: https://www.lookupandserve.com/

    Episode 30. Defining What Matters for Your Family: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/BnAg7cYaxub

    Episode 31. When you have a vision for your Life, But your Habits Don't Match: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/7MT3OXNPyub

    Episode 35. The Magic Question: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/NB4egUNPyub

    Episode 37. Being Intentional With Our Time Using Theme Days, Part 1: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/GfFaD7Xaxub

    Grab Your Free Holiday Rhythms Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63474a6af60a3ebbf7085005

    Customizable Rhythms Templates: Not only will you get 5 templates to customize to fit your life (home, mom life, work, health, digital) but also step by step instructions and coaching via email from me!  I'll talk you through WHY creating rhythms matters and HOW to do it for your own life. buy here! 

    • 18 min
    Episode 37. Being Intentional With Our Time Using Theme Days, Part 1

    Episode 37. Being Intentional With Our Time Using Theme Days, Part 1

    We begin this two-part series on theme days with a quote from The Lazy Genius…

    “No time is free—all time gets spent. So be intentional as to how you spend it.”

    It’s with this quote in mind that I wanted to introduce you to something that has been so helpful for me, theme days.

    If the concept of theme days is new to you, a quick explanation: creating theme days is about giving each important task and everything that matters to us, a place in our schedules, so that we don’t have to spend our time worried about when we are going to do that thing.

    By planning how we are going to spend our time, we won’t end up reacting to the urgent and instead, living in more presence and peace…and who doesn’t want more of that?!

    So where to start? On the podcast, our conversation today started with our thoughts. Why? Because that’s where it all begins.

    Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I don’t have enough time….I am overwhelmed…I am stressed….When will I ever get it done?”

    All of us! Myself included. But what if we stopped and asked ourselves if those thoughts were serving us. Are they helpful? Am I getting more done by telling myself I don’t have enough time?

    What if instead of just responding to what’s urgent, we made a plan. And that plan is based on what actually matters to you. Not just what needs done right now, but what is important in YOUR life. Decide what matters, and work back from there.

    When you know what is important and you make a plan for it, then not as much will be urgent! Isn’t that what we all want?

    You won’t need to obsess over when you will do the most important things, since you already have a plan for them. Does this blow your mind too?

    This week, your homework is to think about how you want to spend your days! And what are your thoughts and are they serving you? Take notice this week of your thoughts and I will see you back here next week with Part 2 of this conversation!!

    Resources from this episode:

    Work and Play with Nancy Ray: Theme Days: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/168-theme-days/id1460851854?i=1000579307228

    Grab Your Free Holiday Rhythms Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63474a6af60a3ebbf7085005

    Customizable Rhythms Templates: Not only will you get 5 templates to customize to fit your life (home, mom life, work, health, digital) but also step by step instructions and coaching via email from me!  I'll talk you through WHY creating rhythms matters and HOW to do it for your own life. Buy them here!

    • 10 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
24 Ratings

24 Ratings

libbyloreads ,


Wynne helps me get my mind right. So many practical tips & truly cares that our lives are flooded with peace & intentionality!

AggieMelissa ,

Must listen!

Love Wynne! She’s so relatable, positive, love, love, love!!!!

heathleigh7 ,

It’s a must listen each week for me

Wynne’s podcast is one of my favorites to listen to each week because it’s always so full of joy and hope with plenty of reminders that we can thrive in this life no matter what season we are in. It’s a perfect pick me up with actionable guidance for what steps to take next. Between this podcast and her other resources, I have truly learned so much about myself and how I can leverage that to live the life I am called to live well.

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