19 episodes

Welcome to Scaling Life, where we help you transition from surviving to thriving in your business and personal life. Join us, your hosts Maria Rygge and Petter Erik Nyvoll, as we explore the realities of entrepreneurship and personal growth. 

Discover hacks, tools, and strategies to scale your business and create a location-independent lifestyle. Each week, we’ll be sharing our wins and lessons, interview experts and clients who have achieved success, and provide insights to help you elevate your sales, marketing, and leadership skills. Subscribe now and start scaling up in your business and life. 

Tune in for gritty discussions every Thursday. Subscribe to Scaling Life today!

Scaling Life Scaling Life

    • Business

Welcome to Scaling Life, where we help you transition from surviving to thriving in your business and personal life. Join us, your hosts Maria Rygge and Petter Erik Nyvoll, as we explore the realities of entrepreneurship and personal growth. 

Discover hacks, tools, and strategies to scale your business and create a location-independent lifestyle. Each week, we’ll be sharing our wins and lessons, interview experts and clients who have achieved success, and provide insights to help you elevate your sales, marketing, and leadership skills. Subscribe now and start scaling up in your business and life. 

Tune in for gritty discussions every Thursday. Subscribe to Scaling Life today!

    Delegate and Elevate: How To Work Smarter, Not Harder

    Delegate and Elevate: How To Work Smarter, Not Harder

    On this week’s episode of Scaling Life, I’m sharing my best strategies for taking back control of your calendar as an entrepreneur. 
    We only have so many hours in a day, so it’s crucial that we spend them doing things we love instead of drudgery. I’ll explain my step-by-step system for figuring out what tasks you should delegate, automate or outsource so you can focus on your zone of genius.
    Key Takeaways:
    - As a founder, you should be spending your time only on work you enjoy and excel at - not doing tedious tasks just because you think you “have to”
    - Write down everything you do in a typical week, breaking it down hour by hour. This awareness helps you make better choices. 
    - Categorize each task as: Don’t like/Not good at, Don’t like/Good at, Like/Good at, Love/Great at
    - Delegate or outsource the first two categories so you have more time for passion projects 
    - Every quarter, re-evaluate how you spend your time using this system
    “There are people out there that loves doing the things that you hate and are not good at. They love them. It's the best thing in the world.”
    Want the full deep dive on optimizing your calendar? Listen now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
    Connect with me on Instagram @mariarygge and @pettererik. 

    • 25 min
    The Keys to Being and Finding a Credible Coach and Mentor

    The Keys to Being and Finding a Credible Coach and Mentor

    In this week’s episode of Scaling Life, I sat down with Petter Erik to tackle a tricky topic - how much conviction and certainty should you have when coaching clients? As mentors ourselves, we walk a fine line between confidently guiding entrepreneurs down a proven path while still leaving room for them to find their own way. 
    I share my own journey from initially feeling uncomfortable promoting our methods to fully owning my expertise. Petter Erik weighs in on why clients actually crave certainty from coaches, and that it’s our job to clearly map out their steps to success. 
    We also dive into:
    - Why some entrepreneurs bounce from idea to idea without taking action
    - How your values and authenticity builds client’s trust 
    - Why we’ve focused our niche - we can’t be all things to all people
    - The criteria we each use to choose our own mentors
    - Taking responsibility when a program isn’t the right fit
    A few powerful quotes:
    "People are choosing a mentor or teacher to be told what to do. They want a clear process, they want someone to say, like, first you do this, and then you do this."
    "When you're a mentor, you need to be more certain than the person you're mentoring that this will work. And then they start to believe it."  
    "I want a mentor that is challenging my belief system, because I think if I'm going to get better...it needs to be someone who's challenging what I have believed all my life."
    Want to continue exploring the realities of being an inspired and profitable entrepreneur? Be sure to listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts!

    • 32 min
    Mindset, Money, and Meaning: Sadie Lawler on An Entrepreneur's Journey to Balance

    Mindset, Money, and Meaning: Sadie Lawler on An Entrepreneur's Journey to Balance

    In this week's episode of Scaling Life, I sat down with Sadie Lawler, an entrepreneur and mom who left her career in TV production to start a business helping women heal from injuries. 
    We covered a lot of ground in this motivating discussion! Here are a few highlights:
    - Sadie shares how she overcame being told by doctors that her condition was permanent and untreatable. Her "no one decides my limits but me" attitude ignited her healing journey and later business.
    - I ask Sadie how she balances ambition with family responsibilities. She talks about how fear led her to unintentionally push her daughter away and why she now prioritizes fun quality time together. 
    - We discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with people at a higher level so your big goals feel small. I relate how joining Dan Sullivan's mastermind flipped my perspective on taking time off.
    - Sadie stresses how essential inner spiritual work has been for maintaining motivation and overcoming obstacles. I share how I push myself outside my comfort zone to keep a youthful mindset. 
    There were so many powerful insights in this episode! Be sure to tune in to listen to the full conversation. 
    You can learn more about Sadie here : https://sadielawler.com/

    • 44 min
    The Future of Sales

    The Future of Sales

    In this episode of Scaling Life, I share how you can sell high ticket offers without relying on endless sales calls.
    I was closing 60-70% of deals but my team was only closing 20%
    Someone suggested I stop doing sales calls altogether which sounded crazy
    I looked at companies like Tesla selling high ticket products online without calls
    My team and I rebuilt our sales funnel around social selling over 4-5 months
    One morning I woke up to a 12k sale from someone I'd never talked to!
    Now I spend just 4-5 hours a week chatting on social platforms
    Last quarter I made 300k in sales chatting only 4-5 hours a week
    Get your ears around this episode and start thinking differently.

    • 8 min
    The Art of Resting Well As An Entrepreneur

    The Art of Resting Well As An Entrepreneur

    In this week's episode of Scaling Life, I'm diving into my personal journey with learning how to rest and relax. As high performing entrepreneurs, we often have trouble slowing down - but neglecting rest can lead to burnout. 
    Episode Highlights:
    - Why our bodies aren't designed to hustle nonstop 
    - The signs that you need to slow down and rest
    - My own burnout at 27 and the lessons it taught me
    - Letting go of the belief that you have to do it all yourself
    - My journey to allowing myself to rest and relax
    - Practices like beach walks, meditation, and yoga that help calm your nervous system
    Want to learn more about finding balance as an entrepreneur? Make sure to listen to this week's episode! 
    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrygge/

    • 22 min
    Exploring Identity Shifts: Golf, Mindsets & Big Life Changes

    Exploring Identity Shifts: Golf, Mindsets & Big Life Changes

    In today’s candid episode of Scaling Life, I’m sharing about how my identity has shifted over the years. As an entrepreneur and human, I’m not the same person I was 5 or 10 years ago. I chat with my Petter-Erik about taking up golf later in life, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, and our changing priorities as the kids grow up. Tune in to hear us reflect openly on who we’ve become compared to who we thought we were.
    Episode Highlights:
    - Why we decided to start playing golf in our 40s and how it challenges us.
    - Comparing golf practice to important lessons in persistence and self-competition. 
    - Exploring how we’ve evolved to be more confident and willing to try new things.
    - The difficult identity shift as my kids grow up and leave home.

    Want to reflect on your own identity shifts?
    Tune in to Episode 13 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen: https://awesm.com/scalinglife 
    Connect with us on Instagram:

    • 29 min

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