28 episodes

Brave Enough to Be is a podcast where we explore what it means to be brave enough. Where we put personal growth into practice — not necessarily through buying another program or punishing ourselves for not being perfect — but through the presence and peace of mind to understand (and implement) the brave steps we can take to live authentically. Each week, host Jenna Britton shares insights and interviews to help you — and herself — figure out how to be brave enough (whatever that may mean for you) and live as the most courageous version of yourself.

Brave Enough to Be Jenna Britton

    • Education

Brave Enough to Be is a podcast where we explore what it means to be brave enough. Where we put personal growth into practice — not necessarily through buying another program or punishing ourselves for not being perfect — but through the presence and peace of mind to understand (and implement) the brave steps we can take to live authentically. Each week, host Jenna Britton shares insights and interviews to help you — and herself — figure out how to be brave enough (whatever that may mean for you) and live as the most courageous version of yourself.

    Brave Enough to Be On Hiatus | Just Jenna

    Brave Enough to Be On Hiatus | Just Jenna

    You might remember that I took a “break” from the podcast in April.
    (A break during which I recorded and worked on seven new episodes!)
    In today’s “episode” (it’s a mini one, clocking in at around five minutes), I explain why we’re taking an indefinite hiatus from the podcast this time.
    I love this podcast and I love that you listen in every week! It’s a true labor of love, and I know this time away will help me better focus my time and energy on my long-term goals (like writing a book!), while figuring out if and how I can best show up for this passion podcast project too.
    In the meantime, if you’d like to keep in touch, you can subscribe to my Sunday Night Newsletters which I promise to keep sending :) And, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to catch up on the last 27 episodes of the podcast — they’re all so good!
    Thank you, as always, for being here — and I look forward to connecting with you again soon!

    • 6 min
    Following Your Whimsy & Living as Your Full Self | Christina Cato

    Following Your Whimsy & Living as Your Full Self | Christina Cato

    In today’s episode, I’m joined by indie author and maker, Christina Cato. 
    As an author, Christina enjoys writing romance, sci-fi/fantasy, dystopian fiction, but is open to whatever stories pop into her head: From steamy romance to historical thriller, she goes where the characters and stories take her. She has three published novels on Amazon, but has written one more, and is currently starting on her fifth book — a fictional tale based on her recent experience getting COVID-19! 
    Christina has also been building Star Wars droids since 2015 (she has two complete droids) and has facilitated a thriving community of women-identifying builders through the Stardust Builders Initiatives. She is also an historical re-enacter with the Society of Creative Anachronisms; a Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer, Imperial Combat Driver, Imperial Transport troop Driver for international Star Wars fan-based organization, 501st Legion; and a volunteer for 501st events that include Make-A-Wish granting, fundraisers, STEM based events. 
    And in all the spare time she has left, Christina can also be found hamming it up at conventions in the various cosplay she enjoys and working full-time for Nike. 
    Christina was introduced to me by my friend Jon, who works with Christina at Nike and told me she was an awesome creative dynamo — and he was so right.
    In today’s conversation, we talk about how Christina got into the world of droid building and how it’s helped her open doors for other people, how she’s learned to stop caring about what other people think and how that’s changed her life, and the one action that has led to every success in her life.
    We also talk about:
    How she became a published author after giving up on writing early in her life, and how she takes the seedling of an idea and turns it into an entire story The power of representation for women and people of color How to unplug from the people in your life who have a negative impact The best way to begin accessing our joy and following our whimsy Why it’s not just okay, but should be encouraged to be bad at things How living as your full self creates more space in your life  Why there is no right or wrong way to do anything . . . and so much more! Christina’s passions range from the technical to the hands on, but it’s always inspirational.  More than that, she tries to do it her own way, using her own “voice” rather than merely copying everyone else.
    I loved our conversation because it reminded me of how powerful it is to live as my full self and to follow the things — the activities, the relationships, the career paths — that really feel good to me. 
    That’s where Christina has found the most success and the most happiness, and after having this conversation, I’m more convinced than ever that the same is true for all of us.
    Thank you, as always, for listening — I hope you enjoy the show!

    Follow Christina:
    Twitter Facebook Group: Cato’s Cloud Facebook Group: Stardust Builders Initiative Website (Under Construction) Amazon Other Notable Links:
    Christina’s Our Star Wars Story Looking for Leia  
    Editing & Sound Engineering: Jordan Johansen
    Music: “Kenton” by Dr Crosby (Licensed via Marmoset)

    • 1 hr 3 min
    On Boundaries, The Bachelor, and Being Yourself | Taylor Nolan

    On Boundaries, The Bachelor, and Being Yourself | Taylor Nolan

    In today’s episode, I’m joined by mental health counselor and advocate, Taylor Nolan.
    Taylor is a Seattle native who appeared on Season 21 of The Bachelor, where she popularized emotional intelligence, and then was on Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise. 
    Since appearing on The Bachelor franchise as a reality TV personality, Taylor has expanded and transitioned her brand into being a podcast host. In December 2017, Taylor launched the Let’s Talk About It with Taylor Nolan podcast. 
    As an alumna from Johns Hopkins University with an M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Taylor is helping spread awareness and breaking the stigma around mental health and taboo topics.
    Through both her time as a reality TV personality and hosting her podcast, Taylor has connected with America and her followers with her courage to tackle uncomfortable and controversial topics, and her passion for mental health advocacy. Taylor’s other passions include environmental sustainability and animal rescue.
    I first heard of Taylor when I listened to her on another podcast and I was so excited to reach out to her. As you’ll hear in the conversation, we share a lot in common and it was really fun to share insights and experiences and learn more about all that she’s done and continues to do.
    In today’s conversation, we talk about how Taylor creates boundaries between other people's emotions, experiences, opinions and her personal energy or professional work; how she’s learned to let go of other people’s opinions of her and show up as her authentic self; and her experience of growing up biracial in a white family.
    We also talk about:
    Her psychotherapy practice and what drew her to the work in the first place Why she applied to be on The Bachelor and why it ended up actually being a traumatic experience — and why she decided to go back for Bachelor in Paradise What she posted during Black History Month that had me in tears, and the work she’s done to accept the parts of herself she’s rejected How we’re both reconnecting with our naturally curly hair and why that’s been such an important journey . . . and so much more! This is another conversation that was recorded back in early April and, as all we know, so much has changed in our country and in the world in the months since then. 
    But even back in April, this was a really special conversation where we touched on topics that still feel relevant and important today. Our conversation around being biracial was especially important and impactful to me.
    Taylor is an incredible advocate and resource of information and insight, as both her podcast and her Instagram consistently feature the sometimes uncomfortable, but always important conversations around what’s happening in this moment and what it’s like to be human through all of it. 
    After you give today’s episode a listen, I hope you’ll go follow Taylor and her work, because she really is doing incredible things in the world and I feel grateful to have shared this conversation with her.
    Thank you, as always, for listening — I hope you enjoy the show!

    Follow Taylor:
    Instagram Let’s Talk About It Podcast Other Notable Links:
    Daring Greatly by Brene Brown  
    Editing & Sound Engineering: Jordan Johansen
    Music: “Kenton” by Dr Crosby (Licensed via Marmoset)

    • 1 hr 10 min
    Finding Your Power & Prioritizing Play Through Authentic Imperfection | Camille Kelley

    Finding Your Power & Prioritizing Play Through Authentic Imperfection | Camille Kelley

    In today’s episode, I’m joined by coach and healer, Camille Kelley.
    Camille is a queer coach and healer for business owners, creatives, entrepreneurs and leaders looking to release the stress, overwhelm and burnout of the “hustle” and step into flow and fun so that they can experience more magic, play and excitement while creating bigger and better results by doing less. 
    Camille uses a unique mix of EFT/tapping and creativity practices along with traditional coaching with a focus on self-love to guide her clients to overcome fears, blocks and challenges in order to step into their most powerful, vibrant selves. 
    I was really lucky to meet Camille in a Facebook group late last year. I had a really incredible creativity coaching session with her, and we’ve stayed in touch ever since.
    She has been such an incredible advocate for my writing and my projects — including this podcast — and it was so much fun to share this conversation with her, learn more about the life experience that led to the work she does now, the practices she uses now, and the ways she’s brave enough to show up as the fullest expression of herself now!
    In today’s conversation, we talk about how she’s begun to live life as her full self (and why it’s an ongoing process), the tools and processes she uses to move through challenging situations and emotions, and how a family tragedy helped her see the beauty in life that she had lost sight of.
    We also talk about:
    How she tuned into who she really was and what she really wanted — and what happens when you accept the parts of yourself that you thought were wrong What she does when she’s afraid to step into a more authentic version of herself How to release trapped energy and emotions in your body How showing up imperfectly has made her a better coach, fiance, daughter, and human . . . and so much more! As with last week’s episode, Camille and I recorded our conversation back in late April — but again, as with last week’s episode, I think so many of the insights that Camille shares and the tools she offers are relevant to and really helpful for living through the times that we’re in. 
    Camille is a really sparkly, wonderful, wise human being and I’m certain that her penchant for pursuing joy and play and showing up as your messy, imperfect self will appeal to anybody who’s listening.
    I know it did — and it does! — for me.
    Thank you, as always, for listening. I hope you enjoy the show!

    Follow Camille:
    Website Instagram (Finding Sparks) Instagram (Camille Kelley) Facebook Group (Finding Sparks) Events Win a Session Other Notable Links:
    Brave Enough to Be, Ep. 20 - Karissa Kouchis
    Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad  
    Brave Enough to Be, Ep. 24 - Nailah Blades Wylie  
    Editing & Sound Engineering: Jordan Johansen
    Music: “Kenton” by Dr Crosby (Licensed via Marmoset)

    • 53 min
    Creating Community, Finding Joy, and Balancing Motherhood While Building a Business | Nailah Blades Wylie

    Creating Community, Finding Joy, and Balancing Motherhood While Building a Business | Nailah Blades Wylie

    In today’s episode, I’m joined by coach and community builder, Nailah Blades Wylie.
    Nailah is the CEO of Color Outside, a curated travel company for ambitious women of color who are ready to create unapologetic, soul stirring lives through outdoor adventure. She started Color Outside as a safe place for women of color to come together and unlock where they're feeling stuck so that they can fully step into their joy and shine. When she's not leading adventure retreats or consulting with brands you can find Nailah hiking with her husband or playing intense games of hide-n-go seek with her two tiny kids.
    I have known Nailah for many years now — since we were both “young female entrepreneurs” in LA — and every conversation I’ve had with her has been filled with wisdom and insight that I want to immediately apply to my life. It was really an honor to have her on the show and to continue to learn from her.
    In today’s conversation, we talked about how she’s gotten comfortable with taking big leaps, how companies can do a better job creating more inclusive spaces for marginalized communities, and why it’s so important to her to get outside and help other women of color find joy doing the same.
    We also talk about:
    Her three-part framework for how to be a more inclusive brand
    Why decentering ourselves is the key to building better communities
    What having two kids and two companies has taught her about balancing the many requests for her time and energy
    Why now, maybe more than ever, it’s so important to keep dreaming
    . . . and so much more!
    I also want to note that we recorded this episode back on April 22nd. Had we had this conversation any time in the last three weeks, I have no doubt we would’ve talked about what’s going on in the world — and about how that’s impacted us individually, how that’s impacted the Black community, and why it just continues to highlight how important Nailah’s work is in the world.
    And, when I think about Nailah, I think about joy. I think about the joy she cultivates in her own life, I think about the joy she helps women of color find in the outdoors, I think about the joy she brings to the lives of the people who know her!
    I’m so grateful for this conversation, because everything we talk about — everything Nailah so graciously shares — is still so important to our current societal conversation.
    Thank you, as always, for listening. I hope you enjoy the show!

    Follow Nailah:
    Instagram (Color Outside)
    Facebook (Color Outside)
    Instagram (Nailah Blades Wylie)
    Other Notable Links:
    Brave Enough to Be - Episode 1
    She Is the Universe
    Brave Enough to Be - Episode 4
    Writing Pad
    Editing & Sound Engineering: Jordan Johansen
    Music: “Kenton” by Dr Crosby (Licensed via Marmoset)

    • 54 min
    Brave Enough to Do Better | Just Jenna

    Brave Enough to Do Better | Just Jenna

    In this week’s solo episode, I do my best to address what’s going on in the world following the murder of George Floyd (and Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and . . . ), sharing more about my experience and offering some thoughts and next steps I’ve been exploring.
    As a biracial American woman, I live in a Black body and I benefit from a whole lot of privilege, including white privilege. I think that's important to start with because it obviously influences everything I have to say and how I show up in the world.
    I also want to note that this episode centers a lot of my experience, and much of the conversation is directed toward other people with white privilege or internalized racism.
    For all of the reasons I just shared, this episode is a little more off the cuff. It’s just me talking to you.
    I felt that it was important to share directly from my heart, my thoughts, my feelings, because that’s all I know. I know my own experience, my own learning (and unlearning), and my own commitment to where I go next.
    In today’s episode, I dive deeper into:
    My background and personal experience as a biracial Black woman in America
    What I’ve experienced (and why) over the last few weeks
    What I’m learning (and unlearning) about white privilege, white supremacy, the roots of racism, and how I’ve unwittingly perpetuated this system
    The big life lessons — which apply to this moment, but also all aspects of life — that I’m currently remembering and integrating
    Where I’ve messed up (with this podcast, in particular) . . . 
    . . . and my current commitments to do better.
    And, as always, so much more!
    It’s my hope that something in this episode will connect with you, will touch you, will inspire you to make your own commitment to do better — for the Black community and for humanity. 
    Thank you for listening.

    • 50 min

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