41 min

Bringing The Problem To Light With Dr. Tenesha Wards | 103 Bomb Mom

    • Fitness

Are you “mom tired”? Have you been to countless Dr’s trying to find out why you can’t shake off the fatigue? Lets stop treating the symptoms and start treating the root of the cause.

Meet Dr. Tenesha Wards

Dr. Tenesha Wards is the founder of the Infinity Wellness Center in Austin, Texas and The Infinity Way, Online Functional Medicine Program. She is a Holistic doctor who concentrates on Chronic Fatigue, Post-Covid Long haul

syndrome, Lyme Disease, Mold/Mycotoxin Illness, GI Issues, Women’s

Hormone Issues from Pre/Post Menopause to Infertility, Fibromyalgia,

Headaches, Burnout, and Insomnia. She believes in the importance of

treating the whole person and not just the symptoms.

Thousands of women have found Dr. Wards after not seeing results

with traditional practitioners, cookie cutter programs and expensive

supplements. Her holistic approach to wellness means she specializes

in finding and correcting the core root cause of conditions like Chronic

Fatigue, Chronic Pain, and Fibromyalgia.

Visit her website. Connect on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

In This Podcast


* Functional Medicine

* The root cause

* Infinity Wellness

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is finding the root cause of ailments instead of just treating the symptoms. Most Dr’s now are being taught around pharmaceutical sales. What pill or injection can cure a certain symptom. But although treating your symptoms do bring temporary relief, what caused it in the first place? And, can you prevent it from recurring by finding out how it started in the first place?

“Functional medicine is the future.”

The root cause

“The body is brilliant, it doesn’t shut down for no reason.”

We know our bodies, we know when something is off. People are working later and need to feel well. Things like thinning hair, feeling anxious, tired, brain fog, and insomnia. There’s been a lot of advances in testing and maybe it’s time to retest. 80-90% of the patients Dr. Tenesha sees with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and narcolepsy actually have lyme disease.

Infinity Wellness

Haven’t found a holistic Dr. yet or maybe there isn’t one nearby? Everyone can work with Dr. Wards. Because covid has forced us to go online more, Infinity Wellness has opened up to online appointments. Now you and I can visit with Dr. Tenesha who is in Texas from the comfort of our home.




Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off? Are you tired of trying fad diets and juice cleanse only to be disappointed by the outcome? The only way to finally lose weight and get well is by removing the ...

Are you “mom tired”? Have you been to countless Dr’s trying to find out why you can’t shake off the fatigue? Lets stop treating the symptoms and start treating the root of the cause.

Meet Dr. Tenesha Wards

Dr. Tenesha Wards is the founder of the Infinity Wellness Center in Austin, Texas and The Infinity Way, Online Functional Medicine Program. She is a Holistic doctor who concentrates on Chronic Fatigue, Post-Covid Long haul

syndrome, Lyme Disease, Mold/Mycotoxin Illness, GI Issues, Women’s

Hormone Issues from Pre/Post Menopause to Infertility, Fibromyalgia,

Headaches, Burnout, and Insomnia. She believes in the importance of

treating the whole person and not just the symptoms.

Thousands of women have found Dr. Wards after not seeing results

with traditional practitioners, cookie cutter programs and expensive

supplements. Her holistic approach to wellness means she specializes

in finding and correcting the core root cause of conditions like Chronic

Fatigue, Chronic Pain, and Fibromyalgia.

Visit her website. Connect on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

In This Podcast


* Functional Medicine

* The root cause

* Infinity Wellness

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is finding the root cause of ailments instead of just treating the symptoms. Most Dr’s now are being taught around pharmaceutical sales. What pill or injection can cure a certain symptom. But although treating your symptoms do bring temporary relief, what caused it in the first place? And, can you prevent it from recurring by finding out how it started in the first place?

“Functional medicine is the future.”

The root cause

“The body is brilliant, it doesn’t shut down for no reason.”

We know our bodies, we know when something is off. People are working later and need to feel well. Things like thinning hair, feeling anxious, tired, brain fog, and insomnia. There’s been a lot of advances in testing and maybe it’s time to retest. 80-90% of the patients Dr. Tenesha sees with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and narcolepsy actually have lyme disease.

Infinity Wellness

Haven’t found a holistic Dr. yet or maybe there isn’t one nearby? Everyone can work with Dr. Wards. Because covid has forced us to go online more, Infinity Wellness has opened up to online appointments. Now you and I can visit with Dr. Tenesha who is in Texas from the comfort of our home.




Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off? Are you tired of trying fad diets and juice cleanse only to be disappointed by the outcome? The only way to finally lose weight and get well is by removing the ...

41 min