24 episodes

This Podcast: Relax with Meditation, will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality, and success in our life. Https://ask-rudy.com
Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people, for instance, the Catholic church is the biggest real estate owner in the world.
I believe Religion is based on trueness and faith in God. Sex and money have actually nothing to do with religion. In previous time we could not afford to focus full-hearted on religion when we had a family with kids… And then the concept was celibacy. Today we know that this concept promotes cancer for the prostrate and breast. We have to live a full life and should not forget God. After the Vedanta the world is desire, and we should live our desires to gain understanding, and after some time we will get peace with ourselves.
I lived 10 years in celibacy, was 12 years in Meditation retreats and had quite a lot of girlfriends. My spirituality went through the roof through a tantric love to a woman, and then I went on meditation retreats.

Relax with Meditation noreply@blogger.com (take pictures)

    • Religion & Spirituality

This Podcast: Relax with Meditation, will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality, and success in our life. Https://ask-rudy.com
Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people, for instance, the Catholic church is the biggest real estate owner in the world.
I believe Religion is based on trueness and faith in God. Sex and money have actually nothing to do with religion. In previous time we could not afford to focus full-hearted on religion when we had a family with kids… And then the concept was celibacy. Today we know that this concept promotes cancer for the prostrate and breast. We have to live a full life and should not forget God. After the Vedanta the world is desire, and we should live our desires to gain understanding, and after some time we will get peace with ourselves.
I lived 10 years in celibacy, was 12 years in Meditation retreats and had quite a lot of girlfriends. My spirituality went through the roof through a tantric love to a woman, and then I went on meditation retreats.

    What is the meaning of our life?

    What is the meaning of our life?

     Looks like a big issue? If we ask a happy child, what is the meaning of your life, it will not understand us… Because the meaning of life has nothing to do with happiness… If we have goals in our life, then these goals are like places on a map that we like to visit… it has nothing to do, how we travel and how much fun we have.For instance, as an 8-year-old child, I want to become an engineer and I could hardly learn to speak and to write. It was not possible to reach this goal … When I became an engineer after so much hardship, I experienced one of my worst life crises. Because I suffered too much for just such a stupid degree.Then I made therapy like crazy and were meditating every day … And I experience moments of incredible love, true happiness… Again what has this to do with the meaning of life?The reality is, that we want to connect with the Divine, with our life, with our self and that we want and need real love … We get hooked up with some substitutes for real love, happiness and think that we have to work like crazy to become great, well known, wealthy, very successful … Even Anthony Robbins is saying that most of the wealthy and successful people are not happy…. Because they always want more, and when they reach their goals, then immediately they want more… and can’t stop their drive to find inside of them self, the love, and happiness.  After we find that the happiness is inside, we get hooked up and want more,- enlightenment… to become a great Guru, instead of to enjoy our life now!!!Life is a joke (Koran).  The mind that wants enlightenment is the mind that prevents enlightenment.…(Zen)And now we can understand that our ego is in the way to enjoy our life. It is perfect to have our dreams, goals and to accomplish them. The problem is that our ego gets hooked up, and then we suffer.Why not enjoy every moment and working relaxed..?This is too hard for the ego because then our ego doesn't get the suffering.Ego is suffering, get rid of it, but don’t make an ego trip out of it…   My video: What is the meaning of our life?  https://youtu.be/laW2T6IlE-4My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/What-is-the-meaning-of-our-life.mp3

    Is it possible to be perfect parents…?

    Is it possible to be perfect parents…?

     After a research in Germany, 95% of the mothers think that they are perfect… What for a nonsense!!!!!We don’t need to be perfect as parents, we need only be loving and forgiving.  We know that we don’t have the children under our control and so not their education. Still, we can give them our love, compassion and forgiving…. If we have a seed of a tree and if we put it in the right soil and give it water, the tree will grow. We don’t have the tree under our control, that we really can determine how the tree will grow with all the branches, trunk and the leaves and this is beautiful. We only need to give the seed the right soil, enough water, and fertilizer.  There are so many ego trips from the parents to model their child in a particular direction instead to let the child grow individual and to give the support that the child needs to become the best for itself. What I mean, my parents want for instance, that I become a businessman and not an engineer or Meditation Master…. The next mistake is that the parents want to be the best parents. How can we become the best parents? What are the best parents? For whom they are the best parents? It is the best that we get rid of all these high moralities/principles like never to beat our child…to be always ready to serve your child…. Instead to forgive ourselves that we are not perfect…  Through their high moralities the parents forget their own feelings, and after some time the negative feelings had accumulated; they are getting very angry with their child, they become impatience and punish the child like crazy for everything…. Everybody had seen this scenery already. The solution is simple, if the parents are not enjoying their life, then the child has to suffer. Think over and be honest, can you love, when you are under stress, anxious, unhappy or depressed? Isn’t it better not to be the perfect parents, but to be happy parents? What I have seen, the beating of a child isn’t the problem (I know, you will protest) but a lack of love and forgiveness are the problems for every child. I have seen it again and again in India, the children were beaten, but with this great love of their parents, they didn’t care. Mata Amritananda Mai said,  if I hand out a good thrashing including an abuse an Indian, he will come back smiling after a half hour; if I give a European or American an angry look, he will be depressed for the next three weeks…. And this is so true… Convinced?  Children need love very much, and this is very important and not no violence… or other great moralities. The greatest thing is love, and this is more excellent than to keep the Ten Commandments (Bible, letter Romans). All we need is love, love, love  (Beatles) My Video: Is it possible to be perfect as parents…? https://youtu.be/aA_f4qu867U My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Is-it-possible-to-be-perfect-parents.mp3

    Agatha Christie Quotes

    Agatha Christie Quotes

    I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood. Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it. One doesn't recognize the really important moments in one's life until it's too late. Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody. Very few of us are what we seem. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble. Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he's in love with her. Too much mercy... often resulted in further crimes which were fatal to innocent victims who need not have been victims if justice had been put first and mercy second. The happy people are failures because they are on such good terms with themselves they don't give a damn. There is nothing more thrilling in this world, I think, than having a child that is yours, and yet is mysteriously a stranger. The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people go right through life in the grip of an idea which has been impressed on them in very tender years. Most successes are unhappy. That's why they are successes - they have to reassure themselves about themselves by achieving something that the world will notice. My Video: Agatha Christie Quotes https://youtu.be/qgV9M0mH3sUMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Agatha-Christie-Quotes.mp3

    Why is silence so important?

    Why is silence so important?

     Because we want to relax, Don’t like to give our attention to the outside world, To preserve our energy if we stop speaking, listening and thinking…To gain easier peace in our mind. If we simultaneous work and speak then our work will suffer from that or our dialog with the other person or both. Instead, we work full concentrated to give our best to get our outcome and be relaxed.  Many people speak continuously omit the silence because they feel insecure….  Almost all Chit Chatters speak over meaningless things and scared to tell  what concerns them, what is important, omit to say honest their opinion, or like a politician to say in many words nothing. If we like to communicate effectively, then we tell in short and accurate words our information, and if necessary we explain it, then everything will be great. That is communications. And the other time we don’t speak…Silence is Gold, speaking is Silver. (Bible) People talking without speakingPeople hearing without listening(Song: The sound of silence)  We can hear everywhere such talks, where both parties are speaking and don’t hear or understand what the other party is communicating… this means both parties are making monologues. Best example again are the Politician. Because they want to show how great he/she is and for what then listening? How can we follow our intuition inside of us when we always speak. In the silence we find the truth. Again the song: The sound of silence: Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence The divine is communicating through silence, and if we are full of words, we can’t receive the divine. Only if we are empty, then we have space for the divine.And for that is to be in silence and in meditation so necessary.  The good thing is, if we stop to speak we can much easier relax. And the meditation will make us empty and afterward will connect us with the divine.Every Prophet realized Guru has emphasize that silence is a must to communicate with the divine. Mohamed, for instance, had abused again and again people who were speaking too much. I love to be together with people in silence and with Chit Chatter for sure not. They waste my time.  My Video: Why is silence so important?  https://youtu.be/pTNbkO5D3cA My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-is-silence-so-important.mp3

    We should avoid toxic people?

    We should avoid toxic people?

     Toxic people should be:  Who are violent… Always criticize… Forever negative… Playing victim… How would it be, if we look for the good in every person and for the toxic inside or ourselves?  The world would be much better!!!!! Every great guy is looking for the good, otherwise we are just a vehicle from our negative mind, who wants us to protect and so is looking for the danger or the negative.  Fault finding in other people is the worst sin after the Srimat Bhagavatam. Before we judge we should judge ourselves… Who is without fault should cast the first stone… (Bible) Maybe we understand that what we see is what we have inside of ourselves… Our mind compares his world with the outside world, what is not inside our world our mind can’t see…  Our sins we see first at other people (Goethe). We attract what is inside of ourselves. Everything what we see is a reflection of ourselves. The greatest enemy is inside of ourselves …and not that the so called toxic people… Because our mind repeating inside of ourselves always something that had disturbed him. And after some time we get so negative programmed through our mind…  The feelings are driving the thoughts, it is science proofed that there is only a one way road between feelings and thoughts. We getting negative thoughts from our negative suppressed feelings… If we release our negative feelings, then we release also our negative thoughts.  If I find negative thoughts inside of my self, then I breath deep in the corresponding feelings and with the breath out I release the negative thoughts and feelings… I make this until the negative feelings/thoughts are gone or I make EFT (google it) or body workouts…. Jesus said: What you take in can’t poison you, what you give out can poison you… So I don’t care for toxic people, I care for my poison inside and for that I am responsible.  Imagine your are in a big struggle/life crises and your friends label you as a toxic person, instead to help you, how would you feel? My best friend was a slaughter, a killer for the intelligence service, a rowdy who were beating the people in the street or pubs… He wanted to become a friend of mine… I said no, because I am a vegetarian and very religion guy and this should not fit… And then I regretted my awful, harsh decision and said okay…. My friend had changed in the last 20 years…  Maybe these people in a life crises will make suicide… and this had happened in my life already 8 times… because the people didn’t like to help, instead were abusing these people in their life crises… I have saved at least 3 people from suicide. One suicide candidate was even heavy under heroin, and I was hating all the drug addicts… still I helped…   My video: We should avoid toxic people?  https://youtu.be/fIXTInP5Xlg My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/We-should-avoid-toxic-people.mp3

    With Rewards, you can't enjoy work!

    With Rewards, you can't enjoy work!

      By Prof. Andrew Huberman Looks contradicting? Rewards for working, don’t make sense? Do it because you love it instead of doing it for a reward. Imagine you let a group of kids draw pictures…The kids have fun …  Then You give every kid for drawing a picture a reward… After some time, the kids who love to draw pictures no longer draw any pictures without getting a reward. Even worse drawing a picture is for the kids, no fun anymore.  Prof. Huberman explains the reason… The brain produces the neurotransmitter Dopamine to get something accomplished and then we feel good. When the kids could draw pictures without a reward, the brain also produced Dopamine… so drawing was fun. After giving a reward for drawing a picture, the brain didn’t produce additional Dopamine during the time of drawing.After the picture was ready, the brain produced Dopamine… The goal is the path! It is the journey, not the destination, that is the reward. Strategies: 1. Don’t spike your dopamine before effort or after effort, but get your dopamine from the effort itself.  That’s literally the code to unleashing the Beast - That’s real 2. Take baby steps to accomplish something meaningful… And then you get your Dopamine... 3. If we ask before we do a task, why should we do it?We find the reasons why we should work… That gives us from the beginning of the work Dopamine…And the work becomes more enjoyable and so more fun. Because the work becomes meaningful, our brain produces Dopamine. 4. Just do it and don’t think over it, why should you not do it.  My Video: With Rewards, you can't enjoy work! https://youtu.be/0nY5tbyePZM My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/With-Rewards-you-can't-enjoy-work.mp3

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