GuerrillaZen Podcast

Blake Bowman
GuerrillaZen Podcast Podcast

This is the GuerrillaZen Podcast hosted by Blake Bowman. Here you will learn from the world's top researchers, doctors, and experimenters as they share their health secrets with you. It's time to take your health back!

  1. 04/05/2020

    Male Pattern Hair Loss with Robert English from Perfect Hair Health

    Robert English is a highly experienced hair loss expert, medical editor, a researcher who specializes in hair loss disorders, has published two peer-reviewed papers on androgenic alopecia, runs the website that showcases evidenced-based ways to improve hair loss with or without drugs, and he is on the editorial board of the scholarly journal Dermatology and Therapy.    Episode Highlights:  Robert English explains who he is and his involvement in hair loss research.  Robert English is able to convey information from a consumer’s perspective.  What is the mainstream conventional wisdom behind hair loss?  There has historically been extensive research linking the DHT hormone to hair loss.  What other factors besides DHT affect hair loss? What are some of the research aspects that went into Robert English’s hair loss study model?   DHT may not present full hair recovery because there is too much scar tissue in some hair follicle sites.  Scalp tension can set off a chain reaction that leads to hair follicle miniaturization.  What are some things that people can do at home to get positive hair loss results?  Robert discusses scalp massage exercises that he has developed that you can do at home to fight hair loss.  What are the challenges someone is going to face if they just start Googling random information?  Iron deficiency does contribute to women having hair loss between 24-40.    Robert has found that many unregulated supplements have been mislabeling their ingredients.    3 Key Points: In facial tissues, there is no expression of certain Signaling proteins called Transforming Growth Factor Beta are associated with a ton of inflammation, inflammatory processes and fibrosis scar tissue development.  Where there is scar tissue, hair cannot grow.   Chronic scalp tension over the muscles around the scalp upregulates inflammation in those tissues, which subsequently upregulates DHT and causes that to accumulate there, which then causes the area to scar, restricting the growth space leading to hair follicle miniaturization.    Tweetable Quotes: 03:08-03:22 - “What makes me a little bit unique relative to other people that do this type of academic research is that I actually don’t have a PhD. I’m not a technically-trained academic.” - Robert English 03:30-03:41 - “I was diagnosed with male pattern hair loss at a really young age, 16-years-old I started losing my hair, 17-years-old I actually went into a dermatologist and was diagnosed with androgenic alopecia.” - Robert English 07:44-07:53 - (Male pattern hair loss) “It is typically characterized as hairline recession. You will see thinning at the temples. You will see somebody with a bald spot emerging on the back of their heads or crown thinning.” - Robert English 26:40-26:54 - “If you expose a balding scalp tissue to DHT, the DHT induces this signing protein (Transforming Growth Factor Beta) and the end consequence seems to be that some scar tissues begin to develop around the hair follicles.” - Robert English 30:55-31:05 - “The patterning and the progression of hair loss perfectly align with the patterning and progression of tension that is created from the contraction of the muscles surrounding the scalp perimeter.” - Robert English 44:43--44:56 - “Massage techniques that were basically dedicated to kind of generating some acute inflammation with pinching, pressing, and stretching of certain scalp regions, and then pressing relatively hard along the scalp perimeter.” - Robert English   Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Perfect Hair Health:

    1h 6m
  2. 23/04/2020

    Healing the Body Holistically with Paul Chek from the CHEK Institute

    Paul Chek is the founder of the CHEK Institute for holistic health with 36 years of health experience, a certified muscular therapist, a strength and conditioning coach, a medical exercise specialist, an author, and among other things, a licensed holistic health practitioner in the state of California that allows him to treat, coach, and guide with anything natural. Paul has also studied shamanism and has conducted over 400 healing ceremonies with plant medicines and has an extensive background in corrective exercise, manual therapy, worked in a physical therapy clinic for four years, a chiropractor for two years, and he has worked with an osteopath for two years.     Episode Highlights:  Paul Chek explains who he is and his extensive fitness accomplishments. Paul explains what the physiological stress load is, the factors that are involved, and why it is important to approach health with this involved.  What are the six key stressors to the body?   He tells a story of being contacted by the Canadian Olympic Committee.   All the systems in the body are interconnected.   Electromagnetic frequencies like 5G systems increase the heat in the body.   What is a cybernetic system?  The Western medical model is based on scientific materialism which is based on reductionism.   Most extremity problems are based on core dysfunctions.    Paul explains the differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic activations.    Everything that happens in your body are catabolic and anabolic responses.  What advice does Paul Chek for lifestyle modifications?  We have innate chi and acquired chi.     Be honest about the movement needs your body has.   We are the tip of the ‘evolutionary sword.’      3 Key Points: The six stressors that can become detrimental are physical, chemical, electromagnetic (like the sun), psychic (mental/emotional), nutrition, and thermal.  The area of the body that is symptomatic is oftentimes not the area that is at the causal level of the symptom.  Exposure to electromagnetic frequencies that are not healthy for the body, such as 5G systems, wireless systems, all have been shown to increase the heat in the body because the high vibration energy agitates the water cells and heats the body up like a microwave heats up water by agitating water molecules.    Tweetable Quotes: 09:01-09:15 - “We have distress, which is stress where our body is under too much load and it produces too much catabolic stress, which means tissue breakdown where anabolic means growth recovery repair and regeneration.” - Paul Chek 10:14-10:29 - “When we are under periods of distress, then we go into what’s called allostasis, which is a departure from homeostasis. So, if we go lift weights real heavy or do a circuit workout, we are putting an allostatic load on our body.” - Paul Chek 13:01-13:06 - “In the body, all systems talk to each other. There is no such thing as an isolated system.” - Paul Chek 18:29-18:44 - “85% of all orthopedic injuries are idiopathic, which means the patient has no idea where the pain is coming from. All of a sudden they have chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, etc., but they don’t know how they got it” - Paul Chek 19:02-19:10 - “Thermal imbalances are often created by challenges in the above stressors because stress triggers inflammation.” - Paul Chek 21:31-21:45 - “All of these diet and lifestyle issues are the results of choices that people are making, and behind every action or choice is a belief. All behaviors are driven by beliefs, most of which are unconscious.” - Paul Chek   Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Paul Chek Social Media: Linkedin YouTube Instagram Facebook CHEK Institute: Paul Chek’s Blog: Book: How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy by Paul Chek Book: Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener

    1h 1m
  3. 15/04/2020

    Put Your Masculinity Through Strength Camp with Elliott Hulse

    Episode Highlights:  Elliott Hulse introduces himself.  What is Elliott’s perspective on masculinity and how has it changed?   Most boys grow up with either a lack of fatherhood or fathers that have been taught that masculinity is toxic.   What are other important things to help boys to become men?    Elliott’s brother went through a four-day fast by sitting on a rock.   They talk about sexual energy and polarity.    You want your partner to want to have sex with you and not feel obligated to have sex with you.  How can men cultivate more masculine energy?  Saints come from rough lives.  What would he do differently in his life? Being a monk, being married, being a father, and creating something amazing to benefit others are ways to best use your energy instead of wasting on selfish self-gratification.  ‘Mortify’ yourself by letting weaker parts of yourself die.  Men protect and expand.     3 Key Points: Becoming a man is about suffering, sacrifice, tough love, a sense of dignity, and atonement. Men with no mission, dignity, or purpose may be pushed towards using their masculine energy to chase strictly sexual relationships with women, consuming porn, and playing video games. Ways to cultivate more masculine energy include: strength training, challenging yourself physically and mentally, having a life of focus and purpose, and embracing boredom and not needing novelty and excitement.     Tweetable Quotes: “I’m a strong man… I’m a father. I’m a father figure, to maybe millions of men worldwide. I’m a strength coach. I owe Strength Camp, and I make men strong again. That’s my mission in life.” - Elliott Hulse “The way boys become men has been completely erased from our society.” - Elliott Hulse “The fact is, that a boy only knows himself as a separate gender if he has something to mirror, something to look at, and someone to introduce him into the way of man.” - Elliott Hulse  “The only way a man becomes like his father is by mentorship, by watching, by seeing, by hearing, being in his presence. It is a teaching.” - Elliott Hulse “When she starts denying sex and you start begging. Now you know, polarity is gone, dude. You can’t make her want to have sex with you. You have to actually be someone she wants to have sex with.” - Elliott Hulse (Dangers of Isolation) “That’s when demon obsession can creep in. That’s when the demons can come in, when you are by yourself. ‘Oh, man life sucks.’ All the negative thinking starts to rise to the surface.” - Elliott Hulse   Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Elliott Hulse: Linkedin Instagram Twitter YouTube Facebook Elliott Hulse: Strength Camp: Book: The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

    47 min
  4. 08/04/2020

    Keeping Your Body as Healthy as Possible with Dr. Ryan DeBell

    Dr. Ryan DeBell is the Founder of Movement Fix, Co-Founder of T Tool dedicated to helping people keep their bodies as healthy as possible. Dr. Ryan DeBell discusses the importance of knowing and pursuing your health goals, reasons why he currently doesn’t use CrossFit, analyzing his list of the four core functions of the human body, tracking your desired health goals into actionable steps, being self-reliant and modifying your exercises, and universal exercises and movement patterns that can benefit us all.    Episode Highlights:  Dr. Ryan DeBell introduces himself.  You can evolve mentally and spiritually by choice.  What does Dr. Ryan DeBell think of Crossfit as a whole?   Don’t take on a fitness methodology that won’t give you the results that you want.   Meet with a professional coach to consult you on reaching your desired goals.   Dr. Ryan DeBell shares his list of the four main uses of the human body.  The gym can be looked at as a lab to experiment with your body to improve it.  Which things that were omitted from CrossFit does Dr. Ryan DeBell think should be brought back in?  People live longer when they eat less calories.   What are Dr. Ryan DeBell’s 2020 health goals and how does he track them?  Be self-reliant and modify your exercises.  Diversify the healthy foods that you eat to avoid nutrient deficiencies.  Don’t be impatient with your body.  Long-term dedication and focused effort are needed to enjoy what the body can do.     Have clarity in your training needs while including general fundamentals.  What exercises can benefit us all?  Form dictates function.    Be sure not to mess up your joints.     3 Key Points: Know your goals and what you want before you take on any fitness routines.  Dr. Ryan DeBell’s four core uses of your body: rhythmic (dancing), combative (martial arts), calisthenics/gymnastics (control your body in space), and locomotion (moving your body in space).  You need your thoughts and your actions to line up.    Tweetable Quotes: “I see the human body, not through the lens of a profession, but through the lens where I try to learn from many things and see it sort of raw, in that sense.” - Dr. Ryan LaBell “Growth is a decision that you make consciously. You chose it. Human beings can evolve by choice, right? Because we can learn, and that is evolution.” - Dr. Ryan DeBell (CrossFit) “The focus got lost on the mastery of one's own body and instead it turned into the mastery of my body versus your body to see who can do it better.” - Dr. Ryan DeBell  “The things that give you a short-term positive result may not give you a long-term positive result that you want” - Dr. Ryan DeBell “If you know what your goals are, you can break them down into daily actions. Then you can take those daily actions with faith that they will manifest into what you want to accomplish.” - Dr. Ryan DeBell “A lot of times when things hurt it doesn’t mean that we’re having damage. It just means that maybe there is something going on that your body is trying to warn you about.” - Dr. Ryan DeBell   Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Dr. Ryan DeBell’s Social Media: Linkedin The Movement Fix: The Movement Fix Social Media: Facebook Twitter YouTube T Tool:

    1h 4m
  5. 25/03/2020

    Tongue Posture, Mewing, Breathing, and Sleeping with Taylor Fakas

    Taylor Fakas is a health coach, Co-Owner of Zero Point Athletics, Founder of Divergent Therapeutics, Bodyworker, and Biomechanics Specialist. Taylor Fakas talks about being born with plagiocephaly, how he found yoga, weightlifting, and fitness training, starting Zero Point Athletics and Divergent Therapeutics, the importance of tongue posture and mewing, and proper breathing techniques.    Episode Highlights:  Host Blake Bowman introduces Taylor Fakas and he explains his professional background.  Taylor explains what plagiocephaly is and being born with it.  At one point during Taylor's youth, his mother was in a coma and he dropped to 97 pounds.  What was Taylor’s initial experience like doing yoga with his mom?  How did Taylor get involved in fitness training and the entrepreneurial side of it?  Taylor was able to run his own clinic inside of a PT clinic and branched out into his own therapy practice.    Taylor runs a 14,000-square-foot therapy facility with bio-hacking equipment.  He talks about tongue posture and mewing in relation to activating musculature in your neck.    You can lower your immune system and raise stress in your body with a bad tongue position and not breathing through the nose.   What is ‘the Bohr effect?’ It is not a matter of getting more oxygen into the blood. It is a matter of getting the oxygen that is stuck in the blood out and into the tissues of the body.  What is Taylor’s take on ‘wim hof breathing?’  Most of us need to cry and laugh more.  Get your body properly accessed.   What is the proper tongue position for default breathing? What are the ways to optimize the quality of your sleep and being able to relax?  Taylor talks about the impact of the industrialization of baby food.   Think holistically about every area of your life.  It is about collaboration and not competition.      3 Key Points: Plagiocephaly is a condition characterized by a flattening of one side of the skull. Taylor was born with the whole right side of his face and skull fused together as one bone.  People generally know the basics of getting healthier (drink water, exercise, eat healthy foods). But people typically are much less aware of what they should or shouldn’t be doing when they are in pain. Just because you are a good personal trainer doesn’t mean you are going to be a good business owner.    Tweetable Quotes: “I was born with a pretty severe postural distortion called plagiocephaly. So, my skull didn’t form properly.” - Taylor Fakas  “I decided that my number 1 focus would be to get myself and my mom in a healthier mental, physical, and emotional place, and that really kind of guided me into doing yoga.” - Taylor Fakas   (Yoga) “It started kind of helping me relax, helped me with my anxiety, helped me get a little more grounded. I was bonding with my mom.” - Taylor Fakas   (YMCA weight-lifting area) “I’m like, I don’t want to be this 97-pound skinny dude. I want to do bench pressing and curls every day so I can look like those guys. That’s what got me into lifting.” - Taylor Fakas   “If I wasn’t one of the owners of this gym and I found it as a trainer or a therapist, I would have no problem working here because it is directly in alignment with my beliefs. There are opportunities to learn and grow.” - Taylor Fakas  “If your body and your brain intuitively know that you’re going to be struggling to breathe, whether that is snoring, sleep apnea, mouth breathing at night, your brain will try to keep you awake longer.” - Taylor Fakas     Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Taylor Fakas: Instagram Zero Point Athletics: Divergent Therapeutics: Instagram Text Taylor Fakas: (909) 810-7973

    54 min
  6. 11/03/2020

    Raising Awareness of Low Testosterone with Dr. Tyna Moore

    Dr. Tyna Moore is a health coach, a Tai Chi instructor in Michigan who has been practicing tai-chi for 25 years. Tyna Moore talks about coping with low testosterone, the effects and solutions for low testosterone, the side effects of drugs in semen, testosterone's ability to enhance orthopedic healing, and testosterone having sex hormone-binding globulin.   Episode Highlights:  Host Blake Bowman introduces Tyna Moore and she explains her professional background.  What is prolotherapy?   How are people affected by the epidemic of low testosterone?  People with low testosterone often don’t notice the gradual dulling of their mood or their erections not being as solid.  Tyra Moore talks about her own low testosterone level experiences.  What were the benefits of Tyna supplementing testosterone?   Low testosterone affects both sexes.  How should we be getting dosed with testosterone?   Tyra Moore believes that all the pharmaceutical drugs that men are on are going through their semen. What is testosterone’s ability to enhance orthopedic healing?  The more testosterone you have the more strength and the more muscle fibers you are going to have.  What are Tyna Moore’s thoughts on testosterone having sex hormone-binding globulin?  GAINSWave is a treatment to improve erection through show waves.  Our environment is filled with toxins and toxins mimic estrogens, known as xenoestrogens.  Weed and alcohol destroy testosterone.  What can people do to optimize their testosterone?     3 Key Points: Prolotherapy is an injection-given treatment for chronic musculoskeletal ailments in the form of a dextrose and saline solution that works faster on people with good muscle mass and have good testosterone levels.  The issues typically associated with low testosterone are usually the inability to heal, lack of stamina during fitness workouts, mood shifts, lack of sexual appetite, and breaking down orthopedically.  There is a correlation between head trauma and low testosterone.    Tweetable Quotes: “I’m a naturopathic physician and a chiropractor and I have been in practice for over a decade, predominantly my background is in regenerative injection therapies.” - Tyna Moore  “I ended up taking over my mentor’s practice who passed away from cancer. He was a man. He was amazing.” - Tyna Moore  “It turns out that there is a lot of overlap between hormones and pain in regenerative medicine in particular.” - Tyna Moore  “Cortisol is catabolic so it chews up your tissues. So, with a lot of cortisol you’ll end up with a lot of ligament disc laxity, a lot of degeneration in your joints very quickly and a lot of belly fat.” - Tyna Moore  “I’m not trying to make my body into that of a 25-year-old. I just want to have a super healthy body of a 45-year-old, right? I want a good libido. I want good recovery in the gym. I want to be strong.” - Tyna Moore  “All hormones, full disclaimer, even estrogen, progesterone, I’m a firm believer in over the age of 40, most people I believe need some kind of physiologic dosing of bioidentical hormone replacement.” - Tyna Moore    Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Tyna Moore: Book: Pain-Free and Strong by  Dr. Tyna Moore Tyna Moore’s Social Media: Linkedin Instagram

    46 min
  7. 26/02/2020

    Tai Chi and Qi Gong Eastern Healing with Jennifer Silverston

    Jennifer Silverston is a health coach, a Tai Chi instructor in Michigan who has been practicing tai-chi for 25 years. Jennifer Silverston talks about overcoming a severe spinal injury in 2001 after western medicine wasn’t working, how a Chinese kung-fu master has helped her accelerate her healing, teaching Tai Chi and Qi Gong, what Tai Chi is and its benefits and comparisons between Eastern and Western therapy practices.    Episode Highlights:  Host Blake Bowman introduces Jennifer Silverston. Jennifer talks about her background in Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  Jennifer Silverston taught tai-chi at Northern Michigan University for five years    Jennifer provides an overview of what Tai Chi is.  Yin is considered the closed Earth energy, or the water, and Yang is considered the open sky energy, or the sun.      Is vitality synonymous with chi? What is the list of benefits of Tai Chi from a western perspective?  Do traditional meditation and breathing techniques have similar benefits with Tai hi?  What are the benefits to Tai Chi that you don’t get from meditation?  Blake Bowman talks about a study that looked into how postures affect hormones.     Jennifer Silverston shares her story of the injury that propelled her toward Tai Chi for healing.  What was the trajectory for going from practicing Tai Chi to teaching it and the healing of her lumbar? The east is better than western medication for treating the body as a whole.  Jennifer talks about teaching Tai Chi to entrepreneurs called Quantum Calm.  Daniel     3 Key Points: Jennifer Silverston defines Tai Chi as a soft style martial art that is slow with fluid, graceful movement that is very circular and is considered an internal practice, coupled with meditation for health and wellness.  Tai Chi literally translates to ‘the supreme ultimate,’ which can apply to the supreme ultimate forms and movements and the world as the ancient people saw it as the supreme ultimate mystery of how life is happening.  The benefits of Tai Chi include: activating relaxation, it is the best exercise for balance, it reduces joint pain, increases mobility, and assists with Parkinson’s, PTSD, and anxiety.     Tweetable Quotes: “I taught at Northern Michigan University for five years, teaching Tai Chi and Qi Gong to undergraduates.” - Jennifer Silverston “In 2015, I moved back home to help take care of my mom who was very sick and started my own little side business called Tai Chi with Jennifer and that is what I have been doing ever since.” - Jennifer Silverston “When we can organize the whole body as one: the body, the breath, and the mind, then we become more powerful. It is like we become integrated.” - Jennifer Silverston “Harvard Medical School actually calls Tai Chi and Qi Gong ‘medication in motion’ because it provides so much benefit to so many different ailments.” - Jennifer Silverston “Meditation and breathing techniques are very hard for us to get into nowadays because the mind is so busy that when we ask somebody to sit down and concentrate on their breathing, they’re like, what do you mean?” - Jennifer Silverston “Eastern (therapy) is more like a whole-body tonic so it is like working with the shoulders, working with the legs, working with the postural alignment and then doing these sort of dynamic physical movements.” - Jennifer Silverston   Resources Mentioned: Get Complete Essentials at Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Jennifer Silverston: Tai Chi with Jennifer: Jennifer Silverston Social Media: YouTube Facebook

    50 min
  8. 12/02/2020

    Omnivore Diets and Procuring Wild Food with Daniel Vitalis from WildFed

    Daniel Vitalis is an entrepreneur, health lecturer with a focus on living a nature-integrated life, founder of SurThrival, a registered Maine guide, and the host of WildFed, a show, podcast, and lifestyle brand that integrates hunting, fishing, foraging, and ecology with nutrition, cooking, community, and outdoor adventure. Daniel talks about hunting, fishing, the often underrepresented world of forging, his work with SurThrival and WildFed, omnivore diets, the importance of knowing the story of your food, and the benefits of procuring wild food.   Episode Highlights:  Host Blake Bowman introduces Daniel Vitalis.  Daniel Vitalis talks about his motivations for his health and nutrition work.   How does the health diet world mirror the political divide?  He summarizes the different educational elements of outdoor segments.  Omnivore diets are anthropologically sound.  Why is procurement of wild meat, planets, herbs, mushrooms, and water important to Daniel Vitalis?     Daniel talks about hunting and serving a black bear.  What is the importance of knowing the origins of the food you eat?   What are the additional benefits of procuring wild food?  Bears have built their muscular bodies largely from forging.   Which light bulbs aren’t being made anymore?    Why is it important to spend more time outside?  What are the nutritional values between wild foods and commercially farmed foods?   Forging is an unregulated behavior in the United States and Canada compared to hunting and fishing.  Humans principal job in the environment is engineering habitat.   Daniel and Blake talk about harvesting leaves.    What are the benefits of having friends that hunt, fish, and forge?   Daniel shares stories about morels.  Does Daniel have any criticisms of the hunting and forging worlds?  Why does Daniel feel that Americans are addicted to ‘survival porn?’  We are interconnected and we need each other.      3 Key Points: Daniel Vitalis believes that in the same way, birds have a left-wing and a right-wing to fly, people should have the same balance of ‘left-wing’ and ‘right-wing’ beliefs.   We as human beings were never just meat-eaters.     The process of procuring wild food is therapeutic because doing it barefoot gives the grounding effect, in the woods you breathe in airmatic chemicals that trees release that modulate your immune system, you are getting Vitamin D from the sun, and inhaling fresh oxygen.   Tweetable Quotes: “How can we through hunting, fishing, and forging, forge a diet that replicates the one of our past, but also starts to heal a lot of imbalances that aren’t just nutritional?” - Daniel Vitalis “It’s just this weird time because people have never been more disconnected from their actual environment. But they’ve never professed to care about the environment more than they do right now.” - Daniel Vitalis “There is no hope of so-called saving the environment if people don’t start with the environment where they live. If it is always distant places, we’re doomed.” - Daniel Vitalis “We are the first people in history to live divorced from knowledge of the origin of our food and its story and I don’t think we even know yet the full implications of that.” - Daniel Vitalis (Indoors) “We are missing phenology, in other words, the movement and the changes of the season and all the things that come with it. So, in our house, it is always one temperature. In our house, it is always one light level.” - Daniel Vitalis “If you don’t have access to clean wild food, then the top of your hierarchy might be the organically-produced local produce from your farmer’s market.” - Daniel Vitalis Resources Mentioned: Guerrilla Zen Fitness YouTube: YouTube Daniel Vitalis: Daniel Vitalis Social Media: Instagram YouTube Facebook WildFed:

    1h 31m


This is the GuerrillaZen Podcast hosted by Blake Bowman. Here you will learn from the world's top researchers, doctors, and experimenters as they share their health secrets with you. It's time to take your health back!

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