50 episodes

Created in 2020 and hosted by Elva Zhang (lawyer, neuroscience passionate, meditator), Peace Lab 2020 explores how to cultivate well-being and purpose through ancient wisdom and contemporary science, as they both underly the crucial relationship between the mind and brain as the KEY for lasting change.

Elva will share her insight of Eastern philosophy and neuroscience, and will also speak to those who are already creating positive changes for themselves and others.


1st Wednesday: Elva's Monologue;

2nd and 3rd Wednesdays: Peace Lab Conversation;

4th Wednesday: Legal Mind Unwired

Peace Lab 2020 Elva Zhang

    • Health & Fitness

Created in 2020 and hosted by Elva Zhang (lawyer, neuroscience passionate, meditator), Peace Lab 2020 explores how to cultivate well-being and purpose through ancient wisdom and contemporary science, as they both underly the crucial relationship between the mind and brain as the KEY for lasting change.

Elva will share her insight of Eastern philosophy and neuroscience, and will also speak to those who are already creating positive changes for themselves and others.


1st Wednesday: Elva's Monologue;

2nd and 3rd Wednesdays: Peace Lab Conversation;

4th Wednesday: Legal Mind Unwired

    Episode 32, Susan Pincus, National Careers Professional of College of Law

    Episode 32, Susan Pincus, National Careers Professional of College of Law

    Happy New Year everyone – welcome to the first episode of 2022 from Peace Lab podcast. 

    In this episode, I caught up with the lovely Susan Pincus, National Careers Professional from the College of Law, a leading career college for lawyers in Australia and New Zealand. 

    In her role, Susan provides specialised advices and guidance for graduate lawyers who wish to enter into the competitive legal market and also facilitates online seminars on diverse and interesting topics pertaining to the legal profession. Although COVID-19 has affected our professional lives in many ways, Susan strongly believes that it is important to find the balance between being kind to oneself in the job search process and keep charging forward with small steps each day. As Susan suggests, connecting and networking is still important, if not more important, when the predominant mode of communication is via Zoom or TEAMS in this COVID reality we are living in. So, do not feel discouraged; instead make an effort to meet new people with a curious mind and without a specific agenda. Sometime such meetings bring unexpected opportunities. 

    Susan and I have never met in person, but her natural ability to connect led to the synchronistic meeting of us on LinkedIn. In truth, Susan’s own professional path is underlined by a series of synchronicities through a deep belief in what Susan calls “planned happenstance”, which is a career theory developed by Professor John Krumboltz of Stanford University, asking one to focus less on having specific plans for the future and more about finding opportunities in unplanned events. I am grateful for Susan to share with me her story and wisdom.  

    I certainly feel that 2022 is a great year for me to explore and practise “planned happenstance” – look forward to meeting opportunities in unplanned events and places! 

    To connect with Susan pls feel free to connect via her Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-pincus/

    • 38 min
    Episode 31 - Zuong Dang, from Vietnam to Melbourne & from Law to Well-Being

    Episode 31 - Zuong Dang, from Vietnam to Melbourne & from Law to Well-Being

    In today’s episode, I had the great pleasure to speak to a dear friend – Zuong Dang. Zuong and I first met at one of the well-being workshops I facilitated a few years ago for the Law Institute of Victoria, and we reconnected last year as Zuong was curious about my master studies in Applied Neuroscience with King’s College London. 

    Each guest on Peace Lab Podcast has a unique story about their mental health, and I am grateful that Zuong shared openly about her personal journey from law to neuroscience and well-being. 

    Similar to many lawyers, Zuong was always determined and hardworking, but in her own words, she didn’t take great care of herself especially in the junior years of her legal career.  Until one day her body was showing her signs of chronic stress and she ended up in a gastroenterologist’s office. It was the first time she listened to her body and it was then and there she recalled what her father would often say to her – your work can replace you, but if I lose you as a daughter I cannot replace you. She walked out of that doctor appointment, crying and feeling overwhelmed with a feeling of inadequacy (why cannot I be like others, just work 14 hours a day?) 

    But luckily Zuong decided to take action to look after herself and to address her own mental health issues in a more tangible way. She moved to Melbourne from Gold Coast, began a mental health care plan, and started learning about meditation and mindfulness practice to compliment traditional means therapy. 

    Fast forward a few years later to 2020, COVID-19 became another catalyst for Zuong’ s next stage of transition. Zuong was working in a major financial service firm and completely engrossed with her work. To others, she was successfully climbing the ‘corporate ladder’; however, deep down she was experiencing bouts of depression for the first time in her life with an inability to enjoy life like before. With the wisdom gained from her past experience, Zuong brought herself back to the doctor’s office – to check in with herself as to what she truly desired in life. During those moments of her reflection, she realized maybe it is time for a career change, maybe it is ok to leave law and to pursue her innermost desire and curiosity – which is mental health and well-being. Once Zuong open herself to this new perceptions and new possibilities, opportunities came to her in a synchronistic way.  

    Today not only is Zuong busy working as a Senior Policy Officer in COVID-19 response, but also is undertaking her master in Applied Neuroscience with King’s College London as well. There are so many great points mentioned during our conversation, and I will leave you one of the many great insights from Zuong, which speaks great truth to me: It is ultimately YOU that holds the power to change the mindset and to take responsibility to do something about whatever situation you are in. 

    I hope you will enjoy this episode! 

    To connect with Zuong: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zuongdang/

    • 55 min
    Episode 30, Lu Ngo, Podcast Host & Lifelong Learning, sharing her international student journey and reflecting upon COVID-19 as her "rite of passage" into adulthood

    Episode 30, Lu Ngo, Podcast Host & Lifelong Learning, sharing her international student journey and reflecting upon COVID-19 as her "rite of passage" into adulthood

    Hello all, 
    Today I had the great pleasure to speak to Lu Ngo, whom I first met through a project involving working with international students.  Lu works as a Project Manager in the education technology space, is a Study Melbourne Ambassador supporting international students in Victoria.  Outside her day job, Lu is also a Podcast Host on the Glocals Podcast. 
    I was curious about Lu's journey from her home country - Vietnam to Melbourne today.  In her own words, coming to study in Australia three and half years ago was her 'big shot in life' and she was so excited to experience a new city and a new country.  As the initial excitement faded away, Lu was confronted with the reality of being an international student without any family support.  Also a natural introvert, Lu didn't participate in any networking initially.  However, it was during a period of self-reflection, she decided to do something different and made great effort to network. Through that process, she was able to meet wonderful new connections and found a new sense of self in Melbourne.  This was just the start of her journey.  

    When Lu finished her studies, it was at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet instead of fear, she adopted an attitude of curiosity, as she was willing to go with the flow and to be surprised by life itself.  Then synchronicity happened - Lu was offered a job to work in industry engagement for international students through the connections and collaboration she created pre-COVID.  To her, this is her dream job, as she was able to connect local Australian businesses with international students, and provide real-life working experiences for the students.  Both Lu and I agree that international students are intrinsically resilient as they are studying in a foreign country without the usual support from families and friends.  I have personally worked with several cohorts of international students through Lu's platform, and each time I have been amazed by the talents, dedication and professionalism of the students. 
    When asked what is Lu's biggest learning gained from the COVID-19 pandemic - "for me, it has been the best two years of my life".  From finding her first job in Melbourne at the start of the pandemic, to renting her own place and paying her own bills, starting her own podcast and continuing thriving in her job, the past two years have been like a 'rite of passage' into independent adulthood for Lu.  So, her personal experience was a great reminder how we can always find blessings in the seeming dark places. 
    I left the podcast feeling uplifted by Lu and by her positive spirit.  I hope you will enjoy this episode too. 
    - To find out about Lu's Glocals Podcast: 
    - To connect with Lu: 

    • 44 min
    Episode 29, Judith Marychurch, Assistant Dean – Teaching & Learning at Melbourne Law School

    Episode 29, Judith Marychurch, Assistant Dean – Teaching & Learning at Melbourne Law School

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    This week I had the great pleasure of speaking to Judith Marychurch, who is the Assistant Dean of Teaching & Learning at Melbourne Law School (MLS) and her role also entails a strong focus on promoting well-being among the law students.

    I met Judith many years later after I graduated from Melbourne Law School.  We bonded over our passion for advocating well-being and mental health in legal education. Judith also trusted me with the opportunity to run a programme of laughter workshops at Melbourne Law School for the 'serious law students' several years ago.

    So I was excited to catch up with Judith and to talk about her experience with the COVID-19 pandemic both professionally and personally.

    According to Judith, the way universities conduct teaching and learning has been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, whereby most face-to-face teaching has been replaced with online learning.  Indeed, COVID-19 has been seen as the catalyst for digital transformation in many industries legal education included.  The COVID-19 also highlighted the needs for the educators to consider the diverse backgrounds and the responsibilities (such as carers' responsibility) of the students, as the online learning platform may be more challenging if the student is living in a share-housing,  or is a parent that need to home school children.  However, all the academic staff and students are quite resilient and have quickly found their creative ways to adapt to this new normal.

    As a mother of three children (two teenagers and one 7-year-old), Judith certainly had a busy 18 months juggling her academic role whilst home-schooling her children.  Judith noted (like most working parents) that whilst home-schooling could be challenging sometimes, overall it has been a rewarding experience.  Oh yes, her 7 year-old has come to her for cuddles a few times during her Zoom meetings, but everyone was very understanding and considered it was a sweet gesture more than anything else.

    During the pandemic, Judith started knitting for her children's schools and it became a surprising way for her to relax, and to be mindful.  We both agree that mindfulness comes in different shapes and forms, and meditation is not the single path to achieve a mindful and relaxed mind.  It must be explored by the individual and each person may have their unique way to a calming mind and a peaceful heart.

    Lastly, I was curious to find out Judith's biggest learning gained from the COVID-19 pandemic experience.  Her answer is simple yet profound - "human connection", especially drawing from her personal experience after losing her father in January 2021.  Judith was grateful that her family was able to get together, to grieve and to heal together as there was no strict COVID restriction at the time.  But it would be challenging for many other families that could not do so throughout the pandemic.  Reflecting upon my own personal experience, I must agree that I have a much deeper appreciation for the preciousness and power of human connection than before.

    I hope you enjoy this insightful conversation and please stay safe and connected!

    To find out more about Judith:


    • 43 min
    Episode 28, Merv Neal, CEO of Laughter Australia - Reflection on 2021 & A New Phase of the COVID-19

    Episode 28, Merv Neal, CEO of Laughter Australia - Reflection on 2021 & A New Phase of the COVID-19

    Hello everyone, we are back for Peace Lab Podcast again!  

    In today’s Peace Lab Conversation, I spoke to Merv Neal from Laughter Yoga Australia.  Some of you may remember Merv from last year's episode (Episode 2) and Merv is one of the most successful and skilled Laughter Yoga facilitators and teachers I know.   Merv shared openly with me about his observations over the past year, especially the "blessing in disguise" of COVID-19.  Although 2020-2021 has been extremely challenging, Merv found that many people have also grained great personal lessons and wisdom from this period of time.  Merv also has seen a great shift in the mindset of the corporate clients that he has been working with (both in Australia and internationally) - to focus more on the well-being of their staff, and how we can work together to not only survive in the "new normal", but truly thrive in such seeming difficult times.  As he said, it requires us to see things different and to find positivity even in the dark places. 

    From my experiences, this ability to see light in the darkness, and to see the good among the bad is a true hallmark of one's resilience and wisdom.  I personally feel that COVID-19 unintentionally provided a once-in-a-life time training experience for us to cultivate such capability in life.  

    In addition, Merv mentioned that COVID-19 has highlighted the need for a new style of leadership - a more heart-centred leadership.  I couldn't agree more.  In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has entered into a new phase, as we are challenged by the Delta variant and by the many opinions on vaccinations.   In response, we can see a diverse style of leaderships, some of which are based in fear and divisions, instead of a loving, caring and inspiring place.  I will definitely be one in support of a 'heart-centred leadership' in the near future!  

    To conclude, we finished with a gentle 'loving kindness meditation' to set the loving intention for ourselves and also for the world!  "May you find peace even in the mids of chaos;  May you find joy even in the seeming darkness;  May you feel safe, no matter whatever is happening in the world". 

    To find out more about Merv and Laughter Yoga Australia and Laughter Joy Conference/Festival in October: 

    - https://laughterwellbeing.org/;

    - https://laughterwellbeing.org/conference-agenda/. 

    • 51 min
    Episode 27, Legal Mind Unwired - Vanessa Sharmbrook, President of the Victorian Women Lawyers (2021) and Photographer - More than Just A Lawyer

    Episode 27, Legal Mind Unwired - Vanessa Sharmbrook, President of the Victorian Women Lawyers (2021) and Photographer - More than Just A Lawyer

    In this Legal Mind Unwired episode, I spoke to the amazing Vanessa Shambrook, who is currently working as a lawyer at Women’s Legal Service Victoria with women experiencing disadvantage to assist them in relation to issues arising from relationship breakdown.  In 2021, Vanessa was elected to be the 2021 President of Victorian Women’s Lawyers (“VWL”), a not-for-profit organisation which seeks to achieve equality for female identifying lawyers.
    Vanessa and I met through VWL and bonded over our collective passionate for advocating well-being in the legal profession. In 2018, Vanessa founded the ‘Wellbeing Series: The Road to Resilience in Law’, to encourage initiatives focused on self-care for lawyers, including helping lawyers find their passion and purpose. Since then, she continue to speak about the importance of wellbeing for lawyers
    However, Vanessa is more than just a lawyer.
    When Vanessa is not busy fighting justice for her clients, she is running a successful photography business as an aerial & ocean and lifestyle & brand photographer. Photography allows the world to see the full expression of Vanessa’s talent beyond law.  In return, photography feels almost healing and soothing to Vanessa, especially after long hours at her lawyer job which can sometimes be quite challenging.
    To me, Vanessa epitomises the saying that ‘Be the Exception to the Rule’. 
    As you will learn from this episode, Vanessa has carved out a path that is authentic and truthful to her value and talent through her persistence, resilience and insight.  In following her heart, she is able to share the light with the world.
    “Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go and do that!”  No wonder this is Vanessa's favorite quote. 
    What’s your take-away message for us? I asked.
    “Don’t settle for your life and live in your truth.  Go after things that make you feel joy and fulfil your purpose.” Vanessa joyfully answered me. 
    I finished this recording feeling a bit emotional, because even though Vanessa was a domestic Australian student, we both shared similar struggles at law schools and during our junior years of legal practice. Yet, I am profoundly moved by her gentleness and wisdom, and I look forward to celebrating more success for Vanessa in the future.
    To learn more about Vanessa Shambrook:


    To learn more about Vanessa Shambrook Photography:


    • 1 hr 2 min

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