Ali Jameson

Welcome to an unedited examination of what life is like from an Adoptee's perspective + the practices that support more self-acceptance + unconditional self-love. Ali shines her light + shares her healing journey of how she chose to + continues to Adopt Herself as she provides listeners with self-healer tools to rediscover, accept, heal, + LOVE THE REAL YOU! Hosted by Adoptee, Adoptee Empowerment Coach, Trauma-Informed Reiki Healer, + Writer Ali Jameson. If you're a part of the adoption triad +desire to share your story on the podcast fill out this form! Support this podcast:

  1. 03/12/2020

    17: Healing From Being a Product of Rape with Michelle McManus

    It was so inspiring to interview fellow adoptee Michelle McManus for Episode 17 of the Adopt Yourself Podcast! She shares her courageous story of how she went from thinking the rape of her birthmother was her fault to accepting it as it is while choosing to turn her pain into inspiration to help others Michelle explains how she navigated her emotions learning she was adopted at 8 years old which led to childhood bullying for being adopted resulting self-bullying. As she became more curious about her origins she hired a private investigator to find her biological families when she was only in high school. She was then challenged with depression after learning she is the product of rape + that her birthmother did not desire to grow a relationship with her, yet through all of these circumstances she’s been able to find closure + love for herself through accepting it all just as it is As many adoptees can relate, even though Michelle comes from a family that made her feel loved she still faced the feelings of not belonging, codependency, + people pleasing We connected through social media earlier this year + bonded about our adoptee healing journeys. She is a passionate, determined, + courageous woman who I know will inspire so many fellow adoptees to find closure by learning to accept their circumstances + choose to find love for themselves just as they are Her piece of advice for adoptees: “It is absolutely ok to have mixed feelings about your adoption. You can be happy, sad, you can feel disconnected from your family but that doesn’t mean that you don’t love them. You have the right to search for your family without feeling like you’re betraying your adoptive family. There is no right or wrong way to feel. There are others around you, you have the right to answers + if you get answers that you don’t want you have to accept it + move on. Closure for me wasn’t finding love from my birthparents it was finding love for myself.” And my favorite quote of hers on this episode: “I thought me finding my birth family was going to be my closure but it wasn’t. My closure was me accepting what it was and finally loving myself and that’s when I found my true closure” ACTIVATION WARNING: On this episode we discuss her birthmother’s rape + our experiences of suicidal thoughts Connect with Michelle on Instagram @babybebrave_24 If you’re an adoptee, birthparent, or adoptive parent + you desire to share your story on the podcast about how adoption has impacted your life or how you’ve chosen to Adopt Yourself then fill out this form or contact Ali at Our Adoptee Healing + Support Group is open to any adoptee anywhere in the world, we meet via zoom every Tuesday at 5:30 pm PST, link to register is here I'll be adding another time slot soon for European residents! Thank you for listening + sharing with anyone you think will resonate! Sending Mother Earth Blessings + All my love, Ali --- Support this podcast:

    57 min
  2. 12/11/2020

    16: Celebrating + Grieving My 32nd Adoption Day

    On this episode I share my thoughts + reflections on processing all that’s been coming up for me with National Adoption Awareness Month, World Adoption Day, + the next day being the 32nd anniversary of my Adoption Day. I talk about the insensitivity of the phrase ‘Gotcha Day’ + encourage all sides of the adoption triad to come together to heal in relationship As I celebrate this life, this beautiful life that I share with so many amazing loved ones, I celebrate my adoption + at the same time I grieve for the family that are not part of my daily life, my biological family that I’ve always longed to have deeper more intimate relationships with To my fellow adoptees: It’s ok to have mixed feelings + polarizing emotions about being adopted, it’s ok to celebrate + grieve your adoption day, it’s ok to not know how you feel about it. Take your time + honor your process, honor yourself, honor your emotions. The more aware of your emotions you become the better you’ll be able to navigate them. Keep letting yourself feel + know that there is support here for you if you desire I’m opening up my availability for more one-on-one adoptee clients + I’m also excited to have more conversations with adoptive parents around how to bring supportive resources to them + their families, as well as birthparents. I love that our adoption triad is coming together stronger than ever before for us to heal in relationships with one another Our weekly Adoptee Healing + Support Group is held every Tuesday at 5:30 pm PST, more info here: If you’ve been impacted by adoption + you’d like to share your story on the podcast I’d love to have you on! Fill out this form: Thank you for being you Thank you for being on this journey with me I LOVE YOU Mother Earth blessings + all my love, Ali 🜂 🔥🜃 🌍🜁 🌬🜄 🌊 LISTEN HERE: WATCH HERE: --- Support this podcast:

    32 min
  3. 03/11/2020

    15: Self-Healer Tips for Adoption Awareness Month + Beyond

    November is National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM) + I’m excited to announce Episode 15 of the Adopt Yourself Podcast is live where I share my Top Self-Healer Tips to support you in navigating anything regarding NAAM! These tips will also assist you in moving through life in general, particularly with whatever unfolds regarding the results of this presidential election in the USA + the shifts all of us are experiencing on this earth plane right now. (Listen to pod at link in bio + YouTube uploading shortly!) Although NAAM is a great opportunity for those impacted by adoption to share our stories it’s important to keep in mind that hearing others stories about adoption can potentially bring up many activations (especially for us adoptees) which is why it’s so important to be prepared, honor yourself first, + get the support you need I started hosting a weekly Adoptee Healing + Support Group over a year ago because I didn’t find a space where adoptees were focused on the healing side of adoption so I created one + I knew I wasn’t alone in needing to connect with more adoptees who knew + understood the challenges I’ve faced/am facing. Only adoptees know what it’s like to be adopted + to live life post-adoption. Together, we’ve co-created + are growing a beautiful adoptee family of siblings committed to our healing journeys. With this container we all have more opportunities to feel seen, heard, loved, understood, + supported by fellow adoptees. Our weekly Adoptee Healing + Support Group is held every Tuesday at 5:30 pm PST, more info here If you’ve been impacted by adoption + you’d like to share your story on the podcast I’d love to have you on! Fill out this form Remember fellow adoptees: You are loved. You are chosen. You are whole. You define you SELF-HEALER TIPS: Honor you for being you, respect + honor ALL aspects of yourself, + honor your journey for being uniquely yours + yours alone Guard your mind at any cost + be mindful of your consumptions Invest in yourself first, prioritize your overall wellbeing by committing to a rising ritual every morning Prepare yourself for potential activations by have a plan of action to support your healing + growth Open up to support while being mindful of who you share your feelings, experiences, + dreams with. Don't take things personally, let go of any assumptions, + hold zero expectations (as best as humanly possible). Remember only adoptees understand what it's like to be adopted Give yourself permission to fully feel whatever comes up Stay in your own hula hoop by respecting + honoring other people's experiences+perceptions for being what they are even if you don't agree with them MY PRAYERS FOR NOVEMBER: May this month shine a brighter light on adoption through the lens of Adoptees’s eyes as we tend to be the ones left out of a lot of adoption-related conversations. May more adoptees find the support they need by connecting with fellow adoptees May more adoptive parents educate themselves on what it’s like to be adopted by talking to more adult adoptees, hearing their stories, + co-creating spaces for their adoptive children to feel seen, heard, loved, supported, + appreciated by fellow adoptees to support their growth + healing May there be more spaces for all sides of our adoption triad to come together through healing as one family May all humans be met with ease + grace as we learn + heal through love, joy, + laughter May all humans everywhere embody a buoyant + healthy mental well-being + cosmic universal love Thank you for being you I LOVE YOU Mother Earth blessings + all my love, Ali 🜂 🔥🜃 🌍🜁 🌬🜄 🌊 --- Support this podcast:

    1h 14m
  4. 20/10/2020

    14: Release To Receive

    This week’s share is themed Release To Receive, where I transparently shine a light on the continuous process I’ve been moving through of releasing control + letting go of who I thought I was or “should be” in order to step into being more of who I incarnated here to be I started this podcast to explain the process of learning to fully embrace all aspects of one’s life. Initially it was going to have a large focus on the impact + trauma of adoption, + as I adopt more of myself, my role in this world shifts, I evolve, this podcast evolves, + my upcoming book Adopt Yourself evolves. (Note: Adoption specific episodes are airing in November in honor of Adoption Awareness month) The intention of this podcast is to bring more self-healing tools + guidance to our world, as a healed world manifests by more individuals healing our inner worlds. Adopting Yourself means taking full responsibility for all aspects of your life, seen + unseen, conscious + unconscious, intentional + unintentional, healed + unhealed, wounded + scared, all parts of you… past you, present you, + future you. We first adopt ourselves by taking full responsibility for the self, we then adopt ourselves in our relationships, + we then adopt ourselves as stewards of our Earth Bringing more conscious awareness of the self-blockages that have inhibited me from receiving what I desire to experience has guided me to shed more layers of who I am not in order to see, trust, + be more of who I truly am Currently I’m being called to focus on + share more stories of the healing power of the earth through spirit’s eyes + as I may not entirely see or innerstand what that looks like yet I choose to surrender to the guidance of spirit as my calling. Our lives are made up of mere moments, the more we’re able to live each moment for being sacred the richer our lives will become. Finding stillness to pray before consuming, taking a moment to stop + smell a flower, being fully present to experience the birds flying by, each of these moments is sacred so how can we embrace + enjoy the in-between moments of life more? Remember… You are supported You are supported by our earth You are supported by your fellow humans You are supported by your ancestors Be open to receive love + support from us Suggested earthing/grounding practices: A daily non-negotiable to walk barefoot on the earth Hugging trees for 5 or more full breaths, mentally envisioning releasing of any heavy emotions or mental chatter with the phrase “I release this _back to creator to receive more love + stability from Mother Earth + source”, then thank the tree for existing + supporting the energetic shift Suggested contemplations/journal prompts: Where can you release more mentally/emotionally/physically? What is something you’ve neglected to face, what can you receive by facing + releasing it? Where can you release so you receive more of you? What can you release to receive more love? Where have you been self-sabotaging without labeling it as that? What are you consuming or engaging with that’s distracting you from reaching your North Star or ‘goal’ What limits are you putting on loving yourself +/or loving others? Much love to each of you, thank you for being part of my journey + thank you for being you! I love you! Resources mentioned on this episode: Ceremonial Cacao  Astrology reading from my friend + Kundalini yoga instructor Kjord Merchant Mermaid Immersion with Jilly, The Water Priestess Reiki Attunement with Sarah --- Support this podcast:

    39 min
  5. 13/10/2020

    13: Acceptance Leads to Unconditional LOVE

    Compassionate acceptance of ourselves + others will bring us more love + unity amid a polarized world… On this week’s episode of the ADOPT YOURSELF podcast I share how acceptance leads to unconditional love. Accepting ourselves allows us to accept others easier, bringing more love into our lives while freeing up our energy of no longer trying to change what we cannot control I share challenges I faced in fully accepting myself, my body, + my choices as well as how I’ve been able to accept others as they choose to show up while learning to embrace what I am powerless over with navigating biological family relationships This episode was in response to what I am witnessing among fellow Americans leading up to this dramatic presidential election… a lack of acceptance, a lack of compassion, a lack of respect, a lack of empathy, + a lack of honoring one another’s right to choose our own individual perspectives Each word + action results in one of two outcomes: We fuel hate or we AMPLIFY LOVE People are ending relationships with loved ones over how they’re choosing to vote which fuels more hate, judgment, polarity, separateness, + repeating the same cycles of blame, finger pointing, + no growth And for what? Because we aren’t willing to accept that someone else has the right to have their own opinion + choose their own perspective just as much as we do? Just because someone votes differently than you does that mean you love them less? If so, what limits are you putting on love? I AMPLIFY LOVE with a daily re-commitment to radical full acceptance for myself as I am, everyone as they are, + everything as it is without trying to change it because me wanting something changed is me thinking I know what is “best” when I don’t know + me seeking control when I am powerless We are all powerless over the outcome, we only have a choice in accepting it for what it is while accepting + honoring our human brothers, sisters, + nonconforming siblings for choosing their own perspectives, even if that choice is different than ours I ask you… How can we find more acceptance for the sacredness of WHAT IS? How can we honor our own experiences and respect other’s for theirs too? What parts of you can you embrace more through compassionate self-acceptance? Where are you putting limits on your love? May we all learn to embody more ACCEPTANCE FOR WHAT IS by choosing to listen + learn from one another 🙏🏽 All my love, Ali . If you desire to share your story about how adoption has impacted your life or how you've chosen to ADOPT YOURSELF, fill out this form Weekly Adoptee Healing + Support Group via zoom on Tuesdays at 5:30 PM PST, register here. --- Support this podcast:

    34 min
  6. 05/10/2020

    12: You Are THE ONE You've Been Looking For

    The affirmation "you are the one you have been looking for" took Ali nearly five years to learn how to embody. On this episode she shares the tools that helped her do so by bringing awareness to her actions then asking herself what was the deeper reason behind her decisions for said actions.  Her biggest transformation began 22 months ago when she began to date herself because she realized she was still looking outwardly to fill the holes she felt inwardly,  She explains how she learned how to embrace her codependent behaviors and grow from them instead of fueling them, to eventually land in a place of sovereignty and joy filled from within. REMEMBER YOU ARE THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR... YOU ARE... your best healer, your own savior, your own guru, your best parent, your best friend, your best lover, your own god, your biggest fan, and your best teacher. YOU ARE the only human being who will make you feel complete or whole. No other person + no information about your biological families will give you this completion, you must fill your “holes” yourself by loving up on YOU! YOU ARE YOU BE YOU 🌻 REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE LOVED If you desire some more tips or if you're an adoptee who is desiring more support reach out to Ali on Instagram @ali.leigh.jameson or by email at Join our Adoptee Healing + Support Group via Zoom every Tuesday at 5:30 pm PST, link to register is here.  If you'd like to share your story on the podcast about how adoption has impacted your life or how you've Adopted Yourself fill out this form! Thank you for subscribing and sharing a review, it is much appreciated! --- Support this podcast:

    38 min


Welcome to an unedited examination of what life is like from an Adoptee's perspective + the practices that support more self-acceptance + unconditional self-love. Ali shines her light + shares her healing journey of how she chose to + continues to Adopt Herself as she provides listeners with self-healer tools to rediscover, accept, heal, + LOVE THE REAL YOU! Hosted by Adoptee, Adoptee Empowerment Coach, Trauma-Informed Reiki Healer, + Writer Ali Jameson. If you're a part of the adoption triad +desire to share your story on the podcast fill out this form! Support this podcast:

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